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Feeling a little Scroogish

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Anyone ever not want to give their kids presents on Christmas because of how they behave the day before? I know, I know, it sounds downright mean. But seriously, can't they just be nice to each other one day out of the year? Oh yes, and let me not forget breaking a rule which I have stated over and over and over again--no swinging large sticks, etc at each other ( this includes no dueling with said objects.)


Okay, I'm sure I'm going to get over this by Christmas morning, but I'm having a hard time putting out presents tonight and doing all the nice Christmasy things. After the sticks, they bickered about things like, "don't move that ornament!" "Did you touch the presents I put under the tree?" "That's not how you do it!" "Well, it's not like you're any good at it!"


Really, my Christmas spirit has flown out the window. Do you think Santa can bring me some? I feel inclined to start fresh tomorrow morning. Just focus on the spirit of the day---being kind to one another, generous, enjoy each other's company, having fun. And then, celebrate with gift giving on Monday. I really am not wanting to give gifts to people who have not been kind and generous themselves today.:001_smile:


Rant over. Thanks for listening. Please don't slam me. I'm doing a good enough job of that myself.

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Awww. They're excited. I understand your frustration though.


I prescribe a glass or two or three of wine. It will help.


Really? Maybe I just need a little perspective then. I can understand about the sticks, but being excited makes you unkind? Maybe my expectations are too high.


I don't drink wine, but chilling on these boards helps.:tongue_smilie:

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I had that same thought this year. I am steaming from their behavior today! My kids have been pretty good all year except this past week! We usually let them open 1 present today if they have been good. Even that didn't stop the crazy!


I am going to take a deep breath and hope it is the fact they are too excited to sleep last night so they are extra tired and cranky.


I am going to find myself a nice glass of wine and try to get in the spirit to finish wrapping presents and filling stockings.


I know they will be too busy playing with new stuff to fight tomorrow and I can breath a sigh of relief!

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Really? Maybe I just need a little perspective then. I can understand about the sticks, but being excited makes you unkind? Maybe my expectations are too high.


I don't drink wine, but chilling on these boards helps.:tongue_smilie:


No, but being wound up with the excitement and having normal structure suspended does, at least in my house. This, too, shall pass. Right?


I've noticed it seems to affect adults in public places the same way. :glare:

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So I guess I should still give them presents tomorrow morning? :D


Aww, alright. But if they aren't sweet to each other tomorrow, out they go. The gifts can stay, though.


I think they should know they're getting Christmas after all because of the hive.


I knew time, the WTM boards, and a little chocolate would all mellow me out.

Hmmmm.....I think I need just a bit more chocolate. I swear, Santa might even stop by too.

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Really? Maybe I just need a little perspective then. I can understand about the sticks, but being excited makes you unkind? Maybe my expectations are too high.



Well, I think when children get excited they can get careless and thoughtless.


I even reminded one child tonight "I know you're excited, but that doesn't mean you get to forget your manners."


It is disappointing, but they learn...after being reminded year after year after year...:tongue_smilie:

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Well, I think when children get excited they can get careless and thoughtless.


I even reminded one child tonight "I know you're excited, but that doesn't mean you get to forget your manners."


It is disappointing, but they learn...after being reminded year after year after year...:tongue_smilie:


I see you have some older kids. About how many years does this take? Lol. Mine are 9 and 11 and I guess I thought by 11..........

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I'm SO GLAD I'm not the only grouch fed up with my kids today!!! I told my hubby that starting in the new year, sugar is OUT as a main ingredient of the foods we have. They are so wound up from all the sugar & excitement going on this week that they are behaving like hooligans today - I know I've threatened twice to not do presents at all if they didn't leave me alone, and my 7yo spent the half hour before dinner writing lines in his room about how "I will try not to speak rudely" because I got so fed up! Sigh.


I really WANT to like Christmastime, and have wonderful memories of the pleasures of the season of giving & love, but I've had a hard time of it the last couple years. Honestly, nowadays the season just gives me irritation instead of enjoyment.


This year, again, I've had aggravation at the kids for various things at a time when I should be having joy (same as last year). I was really trying hard to be more calm & controlled this year, but somehow it just spews out. :(


Next year I have GOT to figure out a way to make this time of year pleasant again - like it was when I was growing up, and when the kids were young. Even making cookies gets me irritated - I want the kids to help, but then they get so aggravating that I end up sending them out in a fit to leave me be!

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I'm SO GLAD I'm not the only grouch fed up with my kids today!!! I told my hubby that starting in the new year, sugar is OUT as a main ingredient of the foods we have. They are so wound up from all the sugar & excitement going on this week that they are behaving like hooligans today - I know I've threatened twice to not do presents at all if they didn't leave me alone, and my 7yo spent the half hour before dinner writing lines in his room about how "I will try not to speak rudely" because I got so fed up! Sigh.


I really WANT to like Christmastime, and have wonderful memories of the pleasures of the season of giving & love, but I've had a hard time of it the last couple years. Honestly, nowadays the season just gives me irritation instead of enjoyment.


This year, again, I've had aggravation at the kids for various things at a time when I should be having joy (same as last year). I was really trying hard to be more calm & controlled this year, but somehow it just spews out. :(


Next year I have GOT to figure out a way to make this time of year pleasant again - like it was when I was growing up, and when the kids were young. Even making cookies gets me irritated - I want the kids to help, but then they get so aggravating that I end up sending them out in a fit to leave me be!

:grouphug: I think we're going to need to talk more. Let's figure some things out. Or perhaps some wise women here can advise us.


Just put presents out. I think I hear a kitty working at the wrapping paper on one. :lol: Oh, joy. I'm just going to bed.

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Was Christmas time as stressful for my mom as it is for me? I wonder...


I'm a total Scrooge this time of year. In addition to my lack of sleep and hormonal issues this week, my kids' behavior and attitudes were especially rotten today. I spent the bulk of my trip to Walmart this a.m. fighting back tears as I shopped for the last few stocking stuffers and a handful of last minute grocery items. I'm ready for this week to be over.

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Maybe I just need a little perspective then. I can understand about the sticks, but being excited makes you unkind? Maybe my expectations are too high.




I think being out of routine gives the kids a quick temper. And if your house is a holiday sugar-fest right now like ours has been, everyone's a little out of sorts. Heck, even I was cross with a sugar hangover yesterday.


I separated everyone for over an hour today after one warning about bickering. The quiet was lovely and restored my holiday spirit. :) Lots of quiet time between the holiday busy-ness has helped create more peaceful holidays for us.



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My boys were so wired tonight. To much sugar....too much hype. JUST TOO MUCH!!!! They would not even go to bed until almost 11. I did not even wrap most of their presents or put them under the tree. They are still on my closet. Maybe they will come out one at a time tomorrow.


I am just too old and too tired...and they were just too obnoxious:glare:

Funny, I am not annoyed or upset with the kids. I think it is kinda cute how excited they are, I am just shot....and they will just have to deal......


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The trick is to keep Christmas Eve BUSY. I mean JAMMED with activity so they don't have time to wish they could get gifts NOW. We go nuts from the moment we wake up and keep them busy busy busy. We also give them ONE gift to open early. For us, this year, it was activity books {2 each} and a madlib {one each}. We also built and decorated our gingerbread house, gingerbread cookies, we made choco covered pretzels to give away, we made some to keep. We made Christmas dinner and popped it in the freezer. We made a HUGE deal over the annual Christmas Eve dinner {nothing fancy I promise}, made one last dash to the store. Watched a Christmas Eve movie {2 for the kids because I needed an hour to breathe}.


We opened that early gift and spent AGES oogling over them {lego based}, we did madlib after madlib {on scrap paper so the books could be used over and over}, we picked up a grandparent & popped in to see her neighbor & cute adorable dog. We stopped off at grandparent's friends home and offered to get them their groceries so they wouldn't have to do it, friend gave children a gift for their kindness. :lol:


We ate dinner & had children clean up "all the way nothing left behind or else it will be VERY hard to open gifts in the morning..." Then we drove all over two towns looking at lights. Sometimes we parked and got out and oogled the major displays, and other times we giggled as we drove slowly by.


Our day started at around 7 am and ended for my kids around 1030. There were a few, "I wish I could open..." but we reminded the that they'd waited too long to not give it one more day. We also read our annual Bible reading & Christmas book & I read them some chapters from our current read aloud when things got a wee bit dull. Over all, keeping them THIS busy this year kept all of the excess stuff at bay. I liked it and plan to make Christmas Eve as full as I normally make NYE for them. ;)

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Wow, kolamum, I love the idea of a jam-packed Christmas Eve, but I'm exhausted just thinking about it! You must have a lot of energy!


I did have dh take the kids away so I could clean the house. He's the one with the energy around here. He took them to a church that had man-made snow, only to find it wasn't open yet! So they went to the beach instead. I practically ran through the house cleaning like crazy. Then took a nap when they got home!

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We open our gifts on Christmas Eve. Last year, we sent dd to her room and didn't let her open her gifts. She still got Santa the next morning, but when we tried opening presents again, she couldn't control herself. Again, we had to send her to her room. She finally was able to open gifts Dec. 26th. All it took was one reminder this year and she shaped up.

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So I guess I should still give them presents tomorrow morning? :D


Aww, alright. But if they aren't sweet to each other tomorrow, out they go. The gifts can stay, though.

I think they should know they're getting Christmas after all because of the hive.


I knew time, the WTM boards, and a little chocolate would all mellow me out.

Hmmmm.....I think I need just a bit more chocolate. I swear, Santa might even stop by too.


Bolding mine. LOL I SO get this part. Yep, I do.


Merry Christmas! I hope your young'uns got to open gifts and stay in the house this morning!

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Merry Christmas all! And thanks for sympathizing, suggesting, and all around supporting. We did end up doing the usual Christmas. Presents are now opened, roast chicken and biscuits are in the oven, and dh and dc are out for a hike! Woo hoo! I only wish it would be longer but with 20 degree temperatures, I'm counting on just an hour.


One note: Strangely, Santa wasn't too generous this year. What with all the hullabaloo, no one remembered to leave him cookies. Maybe they'll remember next year to settle on Christmas Eve and not forget the important things, like cookies.:tongue_smilie:

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