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S/O .. so what DOES your kid know?

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My fifth grader is freakishly AMAZING with an Etch-a-Sketch. She writes me notes in cursive. It's unreal.


My fourth grader knows the name of every person he's ever met. Doesn't matter if he met them once two years earlier, he knows. I wish I could do that!


One of my dogs knows sit, stay, come. The other is unschooled and will learn them when she's ready.



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My oldest knows everything about horses. She eats, lives, breathes horses.

She eats horses? That's an unusual menu item in North America. :tongue_smilie:


I can't think of anything right now that my boys know. My brain is so fried from trying to prepare for Christmas with a 4-month-old around that I'm lucky I can remember my children's names.

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My dd had memorized Phantom of the Opera when she was 3, almost 4yo, too! (and Sound of Music)


Now she knows how to haggle over prices and find the lowest price on anything she wants to buy. She also knows over 300 Irish fiddle tunes and all the bartenders and waitresses by name in the Irish pubs in Philly. LOL


Your dd is just WEIRD, Donna! LOL!

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Can husbands play too?


My dh can identify just about any make, model, and year of car ever made. (Okay, he's probably stronger on European makes, but he hasn't yet found a car he couldn't identify within a second or two. Year included!)


Ds is like this with planes and dinosaurs/prehstoric animals.


The rest of us are normal. We can't identify squat. And we don't know our presidents, either. :D

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DD (10) can recite her alphabet backwards just as quickly as she does forwards. It's silly, but I have always been so overly impressed by that.


I keep meaning to practice that. We live near a college campus, so there are many weekends when we have to deal with random DUI checkpoints. One of their favorite checks is to ask you to recite the alphabet backwards.


I have had to do a few extra tricks to convince them that I really am a boring Mom sometimes, because they ask me the alphabet one and I just bust out laughing... I can't help it. I can isolate chromosomes and take hi res photos of individual genes, conduct high throughput gene amplification, explain differential equations, transcribe phonemic linguistic output... But say the alphabet backwards??? Are you kidding me? Just put the cuffs on right now, officer, because it'll never happen. I just can't seem to get my head around it. I know it begins with Z, but after that, I'm lost!

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I can isolate chromosomes and take hi res photos of individual genes, conduct high throughput gene amplification, explain differential equations, transcribe phonemic linguistic output... But say the alphabet backwards??? Are you kidding me? Just put the cuffs on right now, officer, because it'll never happen.


Are you a geneticist, Jen?

You listed some things that sound fascinating to me...

I went through a stage when I wanted to be a geneticist... maybe I'll go back to college and get a degree in something like that someday. Truly fascinating.

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Let's see.


DD10 knows about 40 kinds of trees. Girl ginkgos stink; Pacific yew gives us taxol; American holly is an evergreen just like Southern magnolia and some kinds of oak; bur oak acorns are huge...


DS13 knows about 100 kinds of birds (songs, appearance, range, habit).


DD15 knows the sugar grams per serving for nearly every kind of cereal we've ever purchased. She probably has the most Bible verses memorized of all of us, including the entire book of James and 1 John. She might be rusty on those though.


DD17 knows alot about ukuleles which is good because she is making one. And she knows the packing ratios of M&Ms (peanut and plain), Jelly Bellies, and BB's. Important stuff in life...


I am afraid they all will be unemployed when they are out of the house.

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Are you a geneticist, Jen?

You listed some things that sound fascinating to me...

I went through a stage when I wanted to be a geneticist... maybe I'll go back to college and get a degree in something like that someday. Truly fascinating.


Before staying home with my kids, I was a genetics researcher at a children's hospital. I have a background in genetics, linguistics, and computer science, and did some undergrad research in physical therapy, helping out in an infant lab.

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