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Dr. Hive, what could this be?

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dd woke up with sore lips. They're starting to swell a little, and now there's a red rash around them. When she ate dinner she said that her lips hurt.


Similarly, the roof of my mouth and my tongue hurt, and when we ate dinner, it was especially painful.


Dd really hasn't had anything to have a reaction to. We did buy some Lender's cranberry bagels and we normally don't eat these, but she did have them last year. I don't think it could be an allergic reaction, and I also don't think it's a coincidence that my mouth/tongue hurts.


Neither of us feels sick.:confused:

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Did you both eat someting hot; either spicy or temperature-wise?


no, neither of us did. Dd went to bed fine and woke up with it today, but I didn't realize my mouth/tongue hurt until she mentioned something. It's still stinging.:confused:


I know you can develop allergies anytime, but I'm pretty certain dd didn't have a reaction to her bagel.

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I have a kid with mystery allergies. Every once in a while he eats something that causes a hives or a rash on his face. The kicker is we can never figure it out, last time we reviewed his diet and everything he had eaten was something he had had in the past with no reaction.


Benyadryl works wonders.

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I was given tylenol with codine with my second child's c-section. I took it in the hospital and had no reaction, took it at home and I started to itch and developed a rash. I was told if I took it again I would be in BIG trouble. So it could be anything...even something she ate or touched recently without a problem. Did you get it figured out?

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This is so weird! My lips were KILLING ME yesterday! Either there is some weird thing going around New England, or it's just the dryness is all I can think of. I must have put on (plain!) chapstick 25 times yesterday, just slathered it on every time my lips hurt, and today they are better.


I have all kinds of skin reactions, and I know when my skin is dry it's always worse. :grouphug: Let us know if you figure it out!

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Anything else new--like toothpaste?


What about juice? Or, new dish washing liquid. It could be a reaction to anything that touched your and her mouths. Lipstick? Chapstick? Companies are constantly changing their ingredients.


I was given tylenol with codine with my second child's c-section. I took it in the hospital and had no reaction, took it at home and I started to itch and developed a rash. I was told if I took it again I would be in BIG trouble. So it could be anything...even something she ate or touched recently without a problem. Did you get it figured out?


no to all of the above, and I do not have it figured out yet. I can't even think of something she touched as she was in her sister's room all day playing with Polly Pockets. :confused: She had a small glass of white grape juice, again something we rarely buy, but......:confused:


I can't believe I haven't thought to give her benadryl. I'm sure that will help. Thanks!

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Are either of you allergic to latex? All my son has to do is touch something that contains latex and touch his mouth and he gets a reaction like that.


I know that those rubbery dog toys frequently contain latex. So do balloons. Maybe also plastic or rubbery toys.


Benedryl works for mild reactions.

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no to all of the above, and I do not have it figured out yet. I can't even think of something she touched as she was in her sister's room all day playing with Polly Pockets. :confused: She had a small glass of white grape juice, again something we rarely buy, but......:confused:


I can't believe I haven't thought to give her benadryl. I'm sure that will help. Thanks!


I have a friend who is allergic to grapes. Just a thought....

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Are either of you allergic to latex? All my son has to do is touch something that contains latex and touch his mouth and he gets a reaction like that.


I know that those rubbery dog toys frequently contain latex. So do balloons. Maybe also plastic or rubbery toys.


Benedryl works for mild reactions.


I have a friend who is allergic to grapes. Just a thought....


she has never had issues with grapes before....


RC............... this is something to think about. I have a TON of new dog toys for the puppy! He plays with them All The Time, and we have been playing with them with him! But, we've been doing this for three weeks now. No new toys last week, those will be opened on Christmas. So.......... hhhmmmmm:confused:

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Are either of you allergic to latex? All my son has to do is touch something that contains latex and touch his mouth and he gets a reaction like that.


I know that those rubbery dog toys frequently contain latex. So do balloons. Maybe also plastic or rubbery toys.


Benedryl works for mild reactions.


I was going to ask about Latex as I am pretty positive Polly Pockets contain Latex.

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RC............... this is something to think about. I have a TON of new dog toys for the puppy!


Well, latex is just a maybe. DS2's reaction cropped up out of the blue, though, after years of exposure to latex (but not that often).


After Aidan bit the nose off his rubbery dachshund toy, I read on the package that it contains latex. It didn't dawn on me until then that some dog toys contain latex. Some rubbery or plastic dog toys also contain high levels of lead, btw -- the lead levels are not regulated. Just found this out a few days ago on the dog forums. Kongs, FWIW, are okay.

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I was going to ask about Latex as I am pretty positive Polly Pockets contain Latex.


Well, latex is just a maybe. DS2's reaction cropped up out of the blue, though, after years of exposure to latex (but not that often).


After Aidan bit the nose off his rubbery dachshund toy, I read on the package that it contains latex. It didn't dawn on me until then that some dog toys contain latex. Some rubbery or plastic dog toys also contain high levels of lead, btw -- the lead levels are not regulated. Just found this out a few days ago on the dog forums. Kongs, FWIW, are okay.


SHe's had the Polly Pockets for years but hasn't played with them in a long, long time. This is something to consider, as is what you're saying, RC.


I did not know that about dog toys and lead. I'm really upset to hear this. I just bought $75 of new dog toys for Christmas. I do have a Kong but I got other treat balls since only my Rat Terrier is enjoying her Kong, and she's had it for over 10 years! I will have to look closely at my toys. What has lead? Painted toys? I dont' think I got any painted toys.


Good to know!


I think I'm going to have to have dd allergy tested, even though needles are very hard on her. I told her they don't hurt, they're like as thin as a hair. I'm wondering now if the other rashes she's had on her face may be allergies and not poison ivy. At least not all the time.


Siiiiiiiiigh. Just one more test to put this poor kid through. :crying:

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What about the soles of her feet and the palms of her hands?? (I'm thinking hand, foot and mouth...google it.)


All 3 of my kids had it at the same time...NASTY.


that's what I thought of when my mouth was hurting but we're not sick. No hand or foot issues with her.


Benadryl has done NOTHING for the swelling but she says it feels better.

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I saw that you tried the Benedryl. What did you all eat for dinner last night? Has she had a lot of acidic foods lately, such as tomatoes, lemon(ade), etc.?


Is she on any antibiotics, such as Ceclor? My daughter reacted bad to that once (some antibiotics aren't called ceclor but still have those ingredients in them)?


I hope she feels better soon.

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Was there a lot of salt in the food? My mom swells up like a balloon when she eats too much, and that could explain the sore mouth.


the funny thing is that she NEEDS salt to elevate her blood pressure. I know it's not this, but I sure wish I knew what it was.


She continued to get worse and worse, the lip swelled again huge, so dh finally took his steroid creme and rubbed a tiny bit beneath her lip where the rash was turning purple! It's finally going away.


I sure do wish I knew what the source of that was.

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I saw that you tried the Benedryl. What did you all eat for dinner last night? Has she had a lot of acidic foods lately, such as tomatoes, lemon(ade), etc.?


Is she on any antibiotics, such as Ceclor? My daughter reacted bad to that once (some antibiotics aren't called ceclor but still have those ingredients in them)?


I hope she feels better soon.


I don't remember what we ate that night. Christmas day she was a MESS. I'm glad it's improving with the creme.


Thanks everyone!!!

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