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Would it be weird for me to buy my husband Usher cologne?

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If you like the smell, but it! I am not familiar with it so cannot comment on the scent/image associated with it. I did search some reviews and it is popular among teens (I think MANY colognes are!) but there are also plenty of reviews from adults (wives bought it for a husband, ppl comment on it being nice for corporate environment, etc).


I have purchased several colognes for DH at Target and W-Mart in that price range and below. The last one was Kenneth Cole's Black, which a customer next to me recommended as I was browsing. DH used it all up so I guess he liked it well enough.

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For some reason, it seems teenage-ish to me.


Dh would like new cologne. I would like to spend around $30 on it. Can I purchase something decent for that amount?




dh and I buy new cologne/perfume for each other every Christmas. He likes change. I usually go to the the counter of a department store and ask them to name several new colognes that are popular. Then, I pick a smell I like the best. I like to get the test strips and wait a bit, because the smell does change. I don't worry about whether it's Beckham (which I've gotten), a new Polo, Calvin Klein (I think that's what I did this year) etc.... I just go for a smell I like. Having the counter recommend a new popular one---that's to narrow the choices down from 50 billion (my nose goes numb!) and to try to make sure I get something different from past years.


I don't know anything specific about the Usher cologne. But, most colognes have various types (I think it has to do with alcohol content and how long the smell lasts and such) and bottle sizes that cost more or less. So that you should be able to get a bottle of something you liked for that amount.


Our Wal Mart carries a lot of popular brands, but I don't know if you can smell them. Seems like they are locked up in a case. So, you might scope out a department store first.

Edited by snickelfritz
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Thanks everyone! Dh and I are just doing stocking stuffers this year and we have a $ limit. I started out searching at a department store and the least expensive brand was $50+. I ended up at a RiteAid and could only smell a few (Usher being one of them). I did like it and I think I'll go back tomorrow and get it!


As long as you like the scent, it doesn't matter what it says on the bottle. It's not like you have to wear the bottle around your neck. Who's going to know what that scent is anyway?


Hmmm...you gave me another idea, Audrey. I think I will get dh a chain so he can wear the bottle around his neck. Maybe he can start a cool trend! (just kidding...obviously!)

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