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A bathroom question

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Okay, I don't know how to phrase this delicately. What would cause a bowel movement to be large? I'm talking about clogging the toilet on a regular basis. It's definitely only one child because the toilet doesn't clog for anyone else. We've been trying fiber tablets to hopefully increase frequency and texture. They are still the same size but are now softer. Maybe we should stop the fiber tablets and try Miralax? This child hasn't been on Miralax in 5 years. The problem isn't new, it's been going on for a long time. Why is the volume so large though? What could cause that? Oh, regular frequency is eveyr 2 or 3 days. This child has never been a daily goer, not even as a toddler.

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My nephew had? has? this problem.


I was told that some people just have bigger um, ... inside parts. So the product is bigger. If the only problem is flushing then just keep a stick beside the toilet to break it up into smaller pieces.


If the person is having pain, hard time going... then seek medical help.

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I have no advice to give you. My grandson is like this. We are all amazed as to how it even fit inside of him. I use "we" because multiple people have had to deal with the ... aftermath.


He was having a lot of issues with gas too. My daughter put him on Silk milk instead of regular for cereal and such. Doing that has helped a lot.

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Yep, milk, soy, and wheat intolerance could be a cause. Try cutting out each one (dairy would be my first one) and you may find it slacks off. It may take 3-6 months for the body to heal though. You can do anything for 90 days, right?


That was the problem here (we have all 3 along with peanuts).

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If they are really large and hard and don't...uh...flush easily, then your child might be really constipated, especially if the child only has a bm every 2-3 days. One of the questions my son's GI asked when we were seeking a dx, was whether he clogged the toilet with his BMs (seriously!). Are they painful for your child to pass?


Maybe try more water (for the child, not the toilet :tongue_smilie: )? Or, an elimination diet since chronic constipation like that can be a symptom of an allergy. Instead of Miralax, you could try psyllium as a dietary supplement. Maybe eliminating white flour will solve the problem? Just rambling here...hope you figure it out.

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My DD7 is the same way. I have no idea how it fits inside her.....or makes it out. And she stops up our toilet often. She has no other bowel or stomach issues so I just figured it is normal for her.

Ny dd, 7, is the same.

When she was a baby we had to put her on Mirilax because she had going it was so big. Now she is on Fiber gummies. She does clog the toilet up often though. Glad to know she isn't the only one.

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You're trying to solve the wrong problem. I've got a 30-year-old harvest gold toilet that uses about a thousand gallons per flush. You can HAVE it. Sometimes you've just gotta go old school. No one ever clogged an outhouse.


Oh my gosh! LOL!


But you have a point. I do know, by changing some out, some of the toilets they make now are horrible! If you look at the size of the bottom "tunnel" then find out how small it gets...from what you see to the area you can't see, you'd wonder why everyone didn't stop up the toilet. Not only that, I'd take that thousand gallon flush toilet. At least I'd flush once, instead of "saving water" by flushing 2-3 times. Really.

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