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Calling ice skaters: what brand to buy boy?

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Someone recommended that I buy my eight-year-old son Jackson ice skates. But I can't seem to find them anywhere.


Any recommendations?? My son just started so he doesn't need "the best of the best," but he does need something better than the awful rentals we get at the rink.


Any ideas?



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If your skating rink has a pro shop I would start there. At that age they are going to outgrow them really fast. Jackson are figure skates, bauer are hockey skates.


It's hard to switch back and forth so before you buy I would decide between hockey/figure skates.


:iagree: If you're looking for hockey skates, Bauer makes a Flexlite skate that is very comfortable and affordable. Some hockey skates can be extremely stiff. Can't help you with the figure skates. :D

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I have three boys and 1 girl who figure skate competitively and are doing the official USFS tests (beyond basic skills). One of the boys is a hockey player and another one is a goalie.If your skater is doing a basic skills program, the skills are best done with figure skates and once you get to a certain level, you will need figure skates anyway. If your skater is doing the hockey badge program, then you can get hockey skates.


It is better to learn with figure skates. It is difficult to go from hockey skates to figure skates. My kids never had hockey skates until they joined a team. My two boys use both types several hours a week and have no problem going back and forth. In fact, many girl figure skaters around here switched over to hockey and have no problems skating in hockey skates.


I would go to a shop and ask to get fitted for figure skates, even if you get used skates. Jackson skates are a good beginner skates but around here, it is hard to get them in black. My kids have wide feet so the used skates never worked.


The brand is not as important as the fit of the boot. The ankle part should be moderately stiff but not too soft. The tongue should not slide down. Wear thin socks.


If you need more info, please PM me.

Edited by LMA
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Thanks, Perry. He's a size 7.5, but an 8 with thick socks would work well. Do you happen to have any? (hmm, but now I'm seeing that he should have thin socks. A teacher told me to get an 8 and wear thick socks until he grows into them.)


Everyone: our rink doesn't sell skates. . . sadly.


No, he doesn't do hockey. He's just started taking ice skating lessons and has eight under his belt and wants more. This from a kid who is more than happy to turn his nose up at something. So I suspect ice skating might be a keeper.


The Dick's idea is also awesome -- we have one right next door!



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Thanks, Perry. He's a size 7.5, but an 8 with thick socks would work well. Do you happen to have any? (hmm, but now I'm seeing that he should have thin socks. A teacher told me to get an 8 and wear thick socks until he grows into them.)

Oh, rats, ds' are 3s and 4.5s.


I don't think Dick's sells them. Our Dick's doesn't anyway, and their website doesn't have any. My ds' coach is a certified dealer, so we got them through her.


If you go to the Jackson website, you can search for a dealer near you. It is hard to find boys' skates.

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Oh, rats, ds' are 3s and 4.5s.


I don't think Dick's sells them. Our Dick's doesn't anyway, and their website doesn't have any. My ds' coach is a certified dealer, so we got them through her.


If you go to the Jackson website, you can search for a dealer near you. It is hard to find boys' skates.


All the Dick's stores near me sell ice skates. That's why I asked where she lived. I doubt DIck's in all locations sell skates but I know for a fact the DIck's in my city does.

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All the Dick's stores near me sell ice skates. That's why I asked where she lived. I doubt DIck's in all locations sell skates but I know for a fact the DIck's in my city does.

Oh, sorry, I meant they don't carry Jackson skates. They do sell other brands.

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:iagree: If you're looking for hockey skates, Bauer makes a Flexlite skate that is very comfortable and affordable. Some hockey skates can be extremely stiff. Can't help you with the figure skates. :D

Another vote for hockey skates here. My son likes the Reebok Pumps. Hockey skates are easier to skate on, I'm told. But of course if you are interested in figure skating, you will want those. I'd check Craigslist for inexpensive used skates. Kids grow so quickly that they are outgrown before they are overused.

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