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whooping cough.........

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dd12 held a baby last week that was just hospitalized and diagnosed with whooping cough. I do keep my dd up to date on vaccinations so I'm trying not to be too concerned. I am at least a little worried........... I read the vaccine can wear off leaving teens and adults susceptible. :glare:


I will be calling the pediatrician tomorrow but............ dd is 12. Does anyone in the know think she could be at risk for getting this?

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dd12 held a baby last week that was just hospitalized and diagnosed with whooping cough. I do keep my dd up to date on vaccinations so I'm trying not to be too concerned. I am at least a little worried........... I read the vaccine can wear off leaving teens and adults susceptible. :glare:


I will be calling the pediatrician tomorrow but............ dd is 12. Does anyone in the know think she could be at risk for getting this?

Yes, she is. She will probably be given antibiotics as prevention.

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My ds had it last year when he was 7. He was fully vaccinated.


We had a lot of fun with the local unvaxed crowd who somehow expected not to vaccinate yet also not to be at risk, and we were called all sorts of ... shall I say "uncharitable" names when we found out we had unknowingly exposed other kids.


Ds was misdiagnosed for at least 6 weeks.



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If they're not going to vaccinate, one would think they'd be aware their children could get something. Why is that your fault?! That's rude to call you names and blame you.


My ds had it last year when he was 7. He was fully vaccinated.


We had a lot of fun with the local unvaxed crowd who somehow expected not to vaccinate yet also not to be at risk, and we were called all sorts of ... shall I say "uncharitable" names when we found out we had unknowingly exposed other kids.


Ds was misdiagnosed for at least 6 weeks.



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If they're not going to vaccinate, one would think they'd be aware their children could get something. Why is that your fault?! That's rude to call you names and blame you.

Agree, that's rude, uncalled-for and illogical. One common argument I've often read from anti-vaccination folks is that herd immunity doesn't work. You can't have it both ways.


Specifically regarding whooping cough, it really is a pretty scary situation, though. There are apparently scads of people walking around with low-grade whooping cough infections that are rarely diagnosed, due to failures to keep up with boosters. There's a good chance the infant in this case was infected by such a person. In addition, IIRC there's now a super-resistant strain of WC that's been created in the bodies of these human incubators-- they have some remnants of old vaccinations, just not enough to give protection. In addition, and I know in advance I'm going to sound like the sort of crackpot I'd normally sneer at, reading WC vaccination studies convinced me that there has been intentional misdirection about the disease.

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We had a lot of fun with the local unvaxed crowd who somehow expected not to vaccinate yet also not to be at risk, and we were called all sorts of ... shall I say "uncharitable" names when we found out we had unknowingly exposed other kids.


So wrong on their parts! A huge part of both vaccinating and not vaccinating is knowing the risks and benefits.

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Hey:) It's not a big deal.... I'd rather my older children get it; you make a sick appt and get the antibiotics and then.... It's over... at least that's how it was for us. If you ignore it... or don't know what it is and just think it's a cold.... that's when it turns into weeks and weeks.... (think months) and is bad. Well... that's how it was for us, at least :) (I had it... as well as my two kids, and my step-daughter had it first... and worse... because we didn't know what it was)

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"The treatment of pertussis is generally ineffective at changing clinical outcomes thus prevention is of primary importance. Antibiotics do however decrease the duration of infectiousness and thus prevent spread... Effective treatments of the cough associated with this condition have not yet been developed."

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Hey:) It's not a big deal.... I'd rather my older children get it; you make a sick appt and get the antibiotics and then.... It's over... at least that's how it was for us. If you ignore it... or don't know what it is and just think it's a cold.... that's when it turns into weeks and weeks.... (think months) and is bad. Well... that's how it was for us, at least :) (I had it... as well as my two kids, and my step-daughter had it first... and worse... because we didn't know what it was)


Antibiotics do not always stop the symptoms, just the contageousness of it (after 5 days if I remember correctly). You may still have to endure 2-3 months of misery. If you catch it in the first week (during the "cold") they might help more; however, I personally wouldn't count on that.

Edited by HiddenJewel
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Agree, that's rude, uncalled-for and illogical. One common argument I've often read from anti-vaccination folks is that herd immunity doesn't work. You can't have it both ways.




And realistically, whether or not this was an illness that could have possibly been prevented with a vaccination, it wasn't as though other children were intentionally exposed by an uncaring mother. She didn't know her son had it, so it was pretty nervy for people to blame her. It would have been different if her other kids were already home sick with the same thing, but otherwise, how would she have known her child was potentially contagious?


I don't think it's a pro-vax/anti-vax situation, as much as it is a bunch of unreasonable moms.

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I don't think it's a pro-vax/anti-vax situation, as much as it is a bunch of unreasonable moms.


I don't know. It was pretty much of a "You should never bring your sick children around our children, ever, because our kids are unvaccinated and you have to protect them."


My son was diagnosed by his pulmonologist with an asthma flare-up ... for six weeks ... treated with steroids twice and wasn't getting better. A five-minute visit with our pediatrician got to the bottom of the matter. It was a horrible experience for us all. We endured several months of coughing so hard he threw up, gasping for breath, etc.


Then I had those who told me that if vaccinations really worked, he wouldn't have gotten it in the first place. To which I replied, "None of the rest of us got it even though family members have a 90% risk of catching it if they are unvaccinated."



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I'm awaiting call backs from my doctor and dd's.


I'm concerned for dd. We have a ton of medical testing coming up, and I'm going to be placing a heart monitor on her today or tomorrow. WC would really be bad for her right now.


I hoep and pray for a positive outcome as far as testing goes, but I also hope and pray that WC stay away from her. Especially her!!! And dh as he gets asthma induced by sickness. :sad:

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I don't know. It was pretty much of a "You should never bring your sick children around our children, ever, because our kids are unvaccinated and you have to protect them."


My son was diagnosed by his pulmonologist with an asthma flare-up ... for six weeks ... treated with steroids twice and wasn't getting better.


I would agree with them that you shouldn't bring your sick child around other kids if you think they are contagious -- but your ds had been diagnosed as having an asthma flare-up, which isn't contagious, so in my mind, that doesn't count, because you didn't think you were exposing other kids to something they could catch.


I think it's just common courtesy to keep a sick child away from other kids (when they are actually sick, not just suffering with allergies or whatever) -- most of the illnesses they will contract aren't going to be things that would normally vaccinated against, anyway.

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I'm awaiting call backs from my doctor and dd's.


I'm concerned for dd. We have a ton of medical testing coming up, and I'm going to be placing a heart monitor on her today or tomorrow. WC would really be bad for her right now.


I hoep and pray for a positive outcome as far as testing goes, but I also hope and pray that WC stay away from her. Especially her!!! And dh as he gets asthma induced by sickness. :sad:


I think you should insist on some antibiotics for her, just as a precaution.

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I would agree with them that you shouldn't bring your sick child around other kids if you think they are contagious


In most of our crowd, the attitude is, "If we all stayed home every time we had the sniffles, there would be no homeschool groups activities from October - March." Most of the people in the group are of the opinion that fever and vomiting mean stay home; sniffles are no big deal. The non-vaxers basically told me, "You never know whether your child's sniffles are just a cold or some horrible dread disease, so it's your job to protect my kids." I disagree. If you choose not to vax your kids and are afraid that any sign of illness in others could make your children horrendously sick, it's your job to protect your children by keeping them home.



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