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question on going to the doctor

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Do you take your whole family (I mean all of the kids) to one child's doctor's appointment, or do you find or have someone who can watch all of the other kids?? I hate having all of the distractions that come with bringing my other 1 kids when 1 child needs to be examined....I can't seem to focus very well on the task at hand and I forget questions I want to ask (that pop up while the doctor is talking) because I get distacted...so i was just curious what others do in this situation.

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Yep. Oldest dd sees several specialists--about once a year for each, so we get to do this 3 or 4 times a year. The specialists are out of town of course and trips take most of a day. So my two younger go also and we have done this since they were babies. It's hardest when they're babies/toddlers. It's not so bad at ages 11 and 8--they just read usually.

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this is about me taking my dd to the orthopedic doctor and having my 2 boys tag along...they can not sit still and quiet no matter what I say, do, threaten them with...they ask questions, make comments, try to pull the focus off of the sick/injured one and on to themselves...it is so frustrating!!! We have wasted enough time and money dealing with my daughter's knee, that I just want to be able to focus on her and what the doctor is saying. So I am hoping to find someone to watch the boys...I was just curious what happens in other people's home. thanks.

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Most of the time, everyone tags along.


In fact, I drove myself, with the kids in tow, to the doctor for vertigo the other morning. I had been feeling ok-ish, but then I felt so tired while waiting in the room that I tried to lay down on the table. A huge vertigo attack hit, I screamed while grabbing the edge of the table because I almost fell off. Then the kids got to watch as I heaved over and over in the little sick. They had the pleasant experience of watching them give me a shot in the rear. Then DD had to call DH and ask him to come pick us up and drive us home, stranding his car in the parking lot until he could find someone to drive him back. My doctor is 30-40 minutes from home.


It is what it is, ya know.

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when it is my kids we only have well checkup usually so everybody has an appt or tags along if just one kid is sick but Dr office is set up for kidlets with toys ect. Dentist the same way.


On the other hand the orthopedist might not be set up for kidlets and it is more serious than say a yearly checkup. I would probably get my mom to watch my kids. Do you have a friend or a homeschool teen you could have babysit?

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we live in a small community, no other homeschoolers, no relatives close by...but I might be able to dig someone up...we will see. Usually my husband can watch the "extra" kids...but this time he has a meeting and the doctor is only in the town 45 minutes away on tuesdays (otherwise he is further away) and I felt like we have put this off long enough, I didn't want to wait any longer. I will figure something out.

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Anybody from church? We live at least 30 minutes or more from most appts. I also have the task of helping get my MIL to appts. Thankfully sometimes my mom will meet us at a park in town and watch my boys or something. Overall my boys do pretty well but when I want to talk to the dr and hear what they have to say about MIL I get a sitter, usually my mom or a niece. How old are the boys? Do they have busy bag activities or do you have time to make them up? Pipe cleaners, small magnet boards, and ipod would do the trick for any of my boys, or legos. I also have learned to keep snacks in my purse, it is harder for them to talk if they are chewing fruit leather. And I don't mind letting them have several if I have business I need to do. Otherwise they get one. :D


Good luck.

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If they are all sick, I bring them. Our doctor will pile us all in one room and take care of the group together.


If they are not all sick, I only take the sick one. I don't want to expose the well ones to more germs than necessary.


Keep in mind it is easier for me to do as I have several older children. If I did not have older children, I would need to bring others with me.

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Before DH started working from home, I always took all of them with me. Now, I split them by gender...I'd rather not have to make four separate trips for well-child visits, but two is OK!


Of course, if DH is out of town, all bets are off. And I never intentionally schedule appointments when he's traveling, so if I do have to go to the doctor when he's gone, it's almost always because someone is sick. Talk about fun!

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Yes I do take them all -I don't have a choice.


I have trained them to line up against the wall and sit down and not move from the wall. :lol: It helps that my kids are young and are still in awe of the "doctor's office". They adore all things medical so they entertain themselves easily just by looking at all the "fun doctor things" and occasionally asking a polite question about "what is this for" which the doctor is usually happy to answer if they are behaving quietly :D


The thing I detest most about taking them all is sitting in the waiting room. Without fail every time I take them all to the doctor one of the healthy ones gets sick with something within 2-3 days :glare: I would really like to leave them at home for this reason solely if I could.

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