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Is it tacky to send a check in the mail as a Christmas gift?

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There are two people I want to send money to. One is my dh's very elderly grandfather. He doesn't want any *things*. The other is a friend/family who simply needs cash. I don't want to send a gift card in the mail (because if it's stolen, it's just like cash). Grandpa certainly wouldn't know how to do anything electronic; but I guess I could Paypal my friend the money.



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No, I don't think it's tacky. In the case of the grandfather, I'd just include a note, "We're enclosing a check to give you a little extra spending money for something special that you might enjoy." He's of an older generation, and I'd just include the note for reasons I can't articulate well tonight. :001_smile:

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There are two people I want to send money to. One is my dh's very elderly grandfather. He doesn't want any *things*. The other is a friend/family who simply needs cash. I don't want to send a gift card in the mail (because if it's stolen, it's just like cash). Grandpa certainly wouldn't know how to do anything electronic; but I guess I could Paypal my friend the money.




My grandmother and aunt have sent us checks in the mail with Christmas cards for years. They just tell us to pick out what we want/need with the money, since they don't see the kids often enough to really know what they want/need. Just tell him to use the money for something special he wants or needs, or that you wanted to let him choose or something like that.

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