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Vertigo sucks

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I've been dealing with dizziness and the resulting nausea for four days now. I also had a bad headache from my neck being out. I went to the chiropractor yesterday so the headache is now gone. It's not my neck causing the vertigo obviously.


I'm off to have my ears checked, though I really don't think that's the problem. I haven't been sick for a while. I do have mild allergies with mild congestion so there is a possibility. One of my ears feels off, but there's no pain.


I've had this happen over two recurring time periods. The first one was several times during my pregnancy with DS4. A cause was never determined but it was bad. I'd wake up severely dizzy and stay that way for two days. Then it would just be gone again. Then 3-6 weeks later, I'd have another two day episode. I was 100% incapacitated during those two day episodes. Then towards the end of my pregnancy it just stopped and never returned.


Then in our last house I found that I would get dizzy every 3 weeks or so. I finally figured out that it occurred when the mold on the windows got to a certain point of growth. Clean the mold, the dizziness went away.


So, now we're here. There is a very good possibility there is hidden mold here. The windows are fine. But we discovered water damaged in the floor behind the front door after we signed the lease, of course. Rain was somehow leaking in under the wood laminate. It's pretty bad. We didn't know if it was old damage or a recurring problem until it rained. It's recurring. My neighbor, who is a contractor, pointed out the probable point of entry and we caulk according to his suggestions. Still, there's a chance there's mold growing under the floor. We can't tell without ripping up the floor. But it's not our house so of course we can't do that. There is definite wood rot though.


If my ears aren't the problem, I plan to call the property manager and explain that I know mold causes me to be dizzy and that I'm suffering from vertigo. I'm going to pressure him to get someone out here to pull of the flooring and look.


I could use prayers that we find the cause quickly and get it resolved very quickly. There's nothing worse than vertigo.

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If you rule out congestion/fluid/allergies causing it (can you consult an ENT?), my next stop would be an outpatient physical therapist specializing in vestibular issues.


Sometimes there are specific maneuvers they can do for it if it ends up being something like benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).



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Ugh. I know what you are talking about. I've been having this for the past week. It happened last year around this time. I'm taking decongestants to see if that helps...otherwise I may have to get my ears checked too. It's driving me nuts and putting a serious cramp in my holiday sewing. I'm supposed to be sending a robe off to my niece and I just can't get myself to stand over the sewing table and trace patterns, etc.


It gets worse in the evening. I hope it's nothing major.

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I had a bout of vertigo last winter. Not fun at all. Mine was due to an inner ear virus. I had no other cold symptoms, though, so when I woke up that morning with the rooms spinning and the sudden nausea I actually thought I was coming down with the stomach flu. So I went back to bed, and after a few hours, I felt fine (and a bit foolish). So I got out of bed and the room started spinning again. Really weird.


I saw the doctor and he said it was just an inner ear thing. It took a long time to completely go away, though.


Hang in there.

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I had it off an on for years and then for a few months straight, all day everyday. I couldnt leave the house. It was horrible!!


They finally found a deep inner ear infection that took 2 months of crappy steroids and me gaining 40 lbs to cure. UGH. I feel for ya and hope you can figure it out. I literally had to go to the doc over and over for a year before we figured it out (I saw an ENT a few times)

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There's no sign of any infection or fluid in my ears.


Because I've had this happen before and because I have tinnitus, the doctor thinks I might have meniere's disease. He's assuming I do. I don't have insurance or thousands of dollars for testing so he's not referring for that.


They gave me a shot of phenergan in the office. I had tried to lay down and that had be at the sink in the room heaving and puke bile. That helped. He sent me home with hubby (stranding his car there) with prescriptions for meclizine and valium.


I have a friend coming over for part of the day to help with the house and kids...mostly get lunch and entertain the kids. Depending on how tomorrow goes, I may contact our church to get help with meals and the kids for Friday also.

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  • 4 months later...
I've been dealing with dizziness and the resulting nausea for four days now. I also had a bad headache from my neck being out. I went to the chiropractor yesterday so the headache is now gone. It's not my neck causing the vertigo obviously.


I'm off to have my ears checked, though I really don't think that's the problem. I haven't been sick for a while. I do have mild allergies with mild congestion so there is a possibility. One of my ears feels off, but there's no pain.


I've had this happen over two recurring time periods. The first one was several times during my pregnancy with DS4. A cause was never determined but it was bad. I'd wake up severely dizzy and stay that way for two days. Then it would just be gone again. Then 3-6 weeks later, I'd have another two day episode. I was 100% incapacitated during those two day episodes. Then towards the end of my pregnancy it just stopped and never returned.


Then in our last house I found that I would get dizzy every 3 weeks or so. I finally figured out that it occurred when the mold on the windows got to a certain point of growth. Clean the mold, the dizziness went away.


So, now we're here. There is a very good possibility there is hidden mold here. The windows are fine. But we discovered water damaged in the floor behind the front door after we signed the lease, of course. Rain was somehow leaking in under the wood laminate. It's pretty bad. We didn't know if it was old damage or a recurring problem until it rained. It's recurring. My neighbor, who is a contractor, pointed out the probable point of entry and we caulk according to his suggestions. Still, there's a chance there's mold growing under the floor. We can't tell without ripping up the floor. But it's not our house so of course we can't do that. There is definite wood rot though.


If my ears aren't the problem, I plan to call the property manager and explain that I know mold causes me to be dizzy and that I'm suffering from vertigo. I'm going to pressure him to get someone out here to pull of the flooring and look.


I could use prayers that we find the cause quickly and get it resolved very quickly. There's nothing worse than vertigo.


I will pray. I had it this time from Jan-March. I have it once or twice a year. I usually take meclizine and wait for it to go away, but it lasted longer this time. I went to a neurotologist who recommended vestibular rehabilitation. Basically, whatever head movement brings on the vertigo - wait till the vomiting and spinning subside and do the same head movement or tilt exactly to bring on the vertigo 5X!!!! I thought it was crazy, but the 3rd try I didn't have vertigo. I kept doing this 5x pattern for a week and it was completely better. Next time I get vertigo I'll skip the meclizine and just try this.


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I am so sorry you are dealing with this, it is awful. Both my twin and my daughter have constant vertigo. My sister had a ruptured eardrum that caused it and our teen has Lyme disease.

It has resulted in some nasty falls, please be careful while you have it.

Hope you get it resolved soon. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I've been dealing with dizziness and the resulting nausea for four days now. I also had a bad headache from my neck being out. I went to the chiropractor yesterday so the headache is now gone. It's not my neck causing the vertigo obviously.


I'm off to have my ears checked, though I really don't think that's the problem. I haven't been sick for a while. I do have mild allergies with mild congestion so there is a possibility. One of my ears feels off, but there's no pain.


I've had this happen over two recurring time periods. The first one was several times during my pregnancy with DS4. A cause was never determined but it was bad. I'd wake up severely dizzy and stay that way for two days. Then it would just be gone again. Then 3-6 weeks later, I'd have another two day episode. I was 100% incapacitated during those two day episodes. Then towards the end of my pregnancy it just stopped and never returned.


Then in our last house I found that I would get dizzy every 3 weeks or so. I finally figured out that it occurred when the mold on the windows got to a certain point of growth. Clean the mold, the dizziness went away.


So, now we're here. There is a very good possibility there is hidden mold here. The windows are fine. But we discovered water damaged in the floor behind the front door after we signed the lease, of course. Rain was somehow leaking in under the wood laminate. It's pretty bad. We didn't know if it was old damage or a recurring problem until it rained. It's recurring. My neighbor, who is a contractor, pointed out the probable point of entry and we caulk according to his suggestions. Still, there's a chance there's mold growing under the floor. We can't tell without ripping up the floor. But it's not our house so of course we can't do that. There is definite wood rot though.


If my ears aren't the problem, I plan to call the property manager and explain that I know mold causes me to be dizzy and that I'm suffering from vertigo. I'm going to pressure him to get someone out here to pull of the flooring and look.


I could use prayers that we find the cause quickly and get it resolved very quickly. There's nothing worse than vertigo.

I'm sorry. It's awful.


If it happens to be Benign Positional Vertigo, there are head exercised you can do that will help a great deal. The first time I did them, I was probably 90% better.

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For the past 5 years, I have suffered from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. I never know when it will happen, but I know what it takes to fix my problem. The first year, doctors loaded me up with meds that left me in a walking coma that never touched the symptoms.


Thankfully I was sent to a PT that was able to diagnose the correct vertigo and was able to give me immediate relief. My PT taps around my ear and neck area (plus some other stuff) and then puts me in a neck collar for 24 hours to help settle the crystal. Easy fix for me - hopefully it could help someone else with BPPV.


Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is a disorder of the vestibular system where the calcium crystals in the inner ear of an individual break off and are free to float in the semicircular canal of the inner ear (Please refer to illustration). These calcium crystals can be dislodged by an injury to the head, aging, infection or by other disorders of the inner ear. However, in many of the cases the cause of BPPV is unknown.


For those with BPPV a change in the position of the head often results in the movement of these dislodged calcium crystals in the inner ear. When these crystals are moved they can brush up against hairs in the inner ear which detects movement and provides your brain with information on your body’s position. Because of the crystals brushing up on the hairs, the brain processes false information and compares this input with other systems. This contradictory information throws off the brain and elicits dizziness, vertigo, loss of balance, lightheadedness and nausea in the individual. Quite often a healthcare professional will see nystagmus, a rapid involuntary oscillation of the eye(s), when the position of the individual’s head is changed.


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