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Who is familiar with the current rules for China adoptions?

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I was talking to a gal today who just adopted a special needs child from China within the last few months.


She implied that you can now adopt more than one at a time and that you can get it all done within a year (12 month) period of time.


Anyone here adopted a child from China, particularly special needs, who can verify?


We have a SN Chinese child, but we adopted in 2006 and it sounds like things have changed quite a bit since then.



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No firsthand knowledge but a lady at my homeschool gym class was just telling me this week about her planned adoption. They applied in June or July and just got the acceptance this week. They now are sending in the paperwork for him to get permitted to enter the US. When that paperwork is back, they will go get him. They are expecting to get him in February. This is the 4th child from there (2nd special needs) so I don't know if that makes a difference but they have only done one child at a time. But there timeframe is definitely less than a year.

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Yes, you can currently adopt two special needs children from China at once, and you COULD do it in under a year.


We have adopted twice using CCAI, in '98 and '05, both 'special needs'. I highly recommend them, very ethical and they keep their fees reasonable. Call and speak to their Waiting Child department for more specific information.






Here is some information about adopting two... AND single women can adopt again :)

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China Adoption Online


is a wonderful site that goes into great detail the current rules, trends, timelines etc.


Rumor Queen is also a great message board for information and support during the process.


We started in Nov 2010.. Special Needs. We switched agencies in June 2011 and we were matched in August 2011. I hope to travel to pick up our little girl in February 2012.


There is some concern that the program is "Slowing down" however this is open for some debate.. I think it all depends on the agency you use and also your list of special needs that you are willing to consider.




feel free to PM me if you have questions :)

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So much has changed in Chinese adoptions I can hardly keep up. We adopted our daughter (SN) in 2007, at that time it wasn't possible to adopt two at the same time unless they were twins. Now you can adopt two, and I believe if you are already paperwork ready it can be less than a year.

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I will have to do some homework! I don't know what the difference is between special needs and special focus.






It sounds like special focus includes both older children and special needs that may keep a child from being selected by an organization within a time period? I only looked briefly so I may not be using all of the proper terms.

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If I am interpreting the regulations correctly, yes..you can adopt two non related Chinese children from the Special Needs program IF one is designated Special Focus. IIRC, this is the only way to do 2 concurrent adoptions of nonrelated children in China..

Special Focus are usually older children or children with more significant special needs..however this isn't always the case..some children are designated SF with minor needs..


Like many things..it doesn't always make sense..



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