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Strep throat again...ugh!

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I think my 8 year old has strep throat again. I'm taking her in to the pediatrician's office at 3:15. If she has it, this will either 6 or 7 times (can't remember exactly) in 2 years. I know that's not considered chronic, but this poor child. She feels like crap. This is my child who was recently diagnosed with season allergies and asthma, so she's been through a lot the past few months.


Just wanted to whine. Carry on.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they want to send her to an ENT to talk about getting her tonsils taken out. My daughter had it often like that and that is exactly what they did. She was five when they took hers out and it was the best thing we ever did. She has never had strep throat or another throat infection again. She is nine now and has only been on antibiotics a couple of times since for sinus infections. I hope your baby girl feels better soon!

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We went through this last year. I finally had enough of the constant antibiotic use and had both girls tonsils and adnoids removed over Christmas break. So far we have had no strep outbreaks this year which is so awesome!


If you do decide to get the tonsils removed be forewarned it's harder on the older ones. DD 10 was miserable for 3 weeks. DD 6 was good after a week.



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I wouldn't be surprised if they want to send her to an ENT to talk about getting her tonsils taken out. My daughter had it often like that and that is exactly what they did. She was five when they took hers out and it was the best thing we ever did. She has never had strep throat or another throat infection again. She is nine now and has only been on antibiotics a couple of times since for sinus infections. I hope your baby girl feels better soon!


Yep. Exact same thing happened with my middle child. Best thing we ever did. He has not had one single strep infection in 4 years since having the surgery.

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