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Dh went Christmas shopping yesterday...

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...and came home with 3 (12) packs of toilet paper :confused: and a set of new sheets for us. Oh, the sheets were on sale for $2.95. He just had to get them. How sweet (I thought). I opened them, washed them, and made the bed. They felt like burlap. Really. Hard, scratchy burlap. I wanted to run screaming when he suggested...well, you know...Can you say friction burns? :eek: I think I may have to *lose* the new sheets under a huge pile of laundry. Merry Christmas! :biggrinjester:


Editing to add a space, so that nobody thinks we have enough room in this house for 312 rolls of TP! :)

Edited by Blueridge
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I thought 312 too and my jaw dropped! LOLOL!


Is this one of those instances where we revert to the mentality of 'It's the thought that counts?' Make the bed up with the new sheets right before you have to go out of town for the night and maybe once he lays on them HE'LL be the one to lose them....out in the garage in the rag bin or something ;)

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Oh, that says 3 packs of 12. In the preview it looks like 312 packs. :D




:iagree: I'm still just starting my cup of coffee, but that was pretty funny.


Sorry about the sheets!

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I read '312" as well!!!


My mom used to be so paranoid about a nuclear war it wasn't even funny- we seriously had a pantry that was dedicated to it. Oddly enough - it was filled ot the brim with toilet paper and canned green beans.

She was odd......

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I'd stain the sheets--tea, coffee, nailpolish, whatever you might reasonably get on your sheets and then, in order to get the stain out of course, soak them in bleach. For several days. Ooops...:D


I'm lucky--Dh is really picky about having soft sheets and even softer TP. (There's the silver lining right? It's the sheets that are like burlap, not the TP.)

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.....I think I may have to *lose* the new sheets under a huge pile of laundry. Merry Christmas! :biggrinjester:




Yeah, just make sure there is no wet laundry....I would wonder how well the dye is set in them. You may end up with a pile of tie-dye. :party:

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