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Exercise thread 11/27-12/3

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Great. How do you weigh to a 0.8th of a pound?


I have a digital scale that weighs to the tenth of a pound. It has preset buttons too, where you can enter starting weight and keep track of progress. DH bought it last year when he was doing a Biggest Loser competition at work (he can gain and lose 20 pounds in no time if there is a prize involved :glare:).

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Got a lot of unplanned exercise today. Walked to the park and back with the kids (~1.5 miles), then had to immediately turn back around and walk to my DH's work (another 1.5 miles) to get the car if I wanted to get to Zumba (he was having to stay late unexpectedly, and we only have one car). The first walk was with my 2 year old in a stroller, the second walk was with both the 2 year old and the 5 year old sitting in a wagon, since I knew that long of a walk after our walk to the park (and walking as fast as I wanted to go so I wouldn't be late :p ) would be too much for the 5 year old. We made it though! And I. am. pooped!

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I haven't been on this thread for a while but I have still been exercising!

Today I did a 60 min flow yoga class followed by a 60 min yin yoga class. I highly recommend yin yoga if you have access to a class.

The only kind of Yoga I'm familiar with is the DVD version. :lol: What is flow and yin yoga?

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We seem to have the same taste in exercise. :001_smile: I also like Ellen Barrett.

I love Austen telling me, "You're worth it. Give yourself a pat on the back." Always gives me a smile.

Yes, I'm noticing that I like similar stuff to you also. :D

Quick Question: Is Tracey Anderson very tough, very cardio-ish? Is there a dread factor? ;)

Yes, some Ellen Barretts are on my wish list. I just got one of her Crunch Pilates, but I haven't used it yet. I like the clips that I've seen of her.

I always smile when Denise Austin says that. Also, when she says, "No more jiggly thighs", etc. She makes me giggle. :D


I highly recommend yin yoga if you have access to a class.


I LOVE Yin Yoga and used to take a weekly class. My favorite instructor left, but I do have an excellent Yin Yoga DVD and a few others on my wish list. Yin Yoga is almost like acupuncture, very therapeutic. Really, really good.


What is flow and yin yoga?

Not really sure about flow, but yin yoga, in a nutshell, is basically holding each stretch for at least 3-5 minutes. Feels soooo good.

This is my absolute favorite Yin Yoga DVD. I have both his DVDs. You get 3 separate almost 1-hour workouts on each DVD, so you do get your $$'s worth. He's a great instructor. My favorite. His DVDs were recommended to me by my former yoga instructor.


Today, I did Bar Method: Accelerated Workout - really love this.


Good reminder for me:



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I like Tracy. With that said she doesn't give a lot of instruction. You basically have to keep an eye on her and watch her movements. You get used to it, but I wish she would edit to include better instructions.


She does interesting and some difficult balance moves. I don't dread her workouts. I just get bored if I do them every day. :) She splits the mat work and cardio. I do not like her cardio. It's just dance cardio and I'm not into that much. So I usually do her mat work and then a different cardio.


I only have her Metamorphosis series and the Postnatal DVD. The Postnatal one is more demanding which I think is funny. You'd think the workout for after having a baby would be lighter. Nope. I like that one a lot and the instruction is much better than any of the Metamorphosis ones.


She is known as the Repetition Queen. 40 reps pure move is her average.

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I like Tracy. With that said she doesn't give a lot of instruction. You basically have to keep an eye on her and watch her movements. You get used to it, but I wish she would edit to include better instructions.

She does interesting and some difficult balance moves. I don't dread her workouts. I just get bored if I do them every day. :) She splits the mat work and cardio. I do not like her cardio. It's just dance cardio and I'm not into that much. So I usually do her mat work and then a different cardio.

She is known as the Repetition Queen. 40 reps pure move is her average.

Thank you for the very helpful review. No, I'm not into dance stuff either. Coordination is not my area. :tongue_smilie:


Stott Pilates: Basic - very good workout for those (like me) who are starting out in Pilates.

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Thursday was Zumba - some of you know that I've been dealing with chest pain. My doctor said some exercise was ok. I've been experimenting with just how much I can do without triggering more chest pains. Dh, an RN, told me that I could do 30 min. of Zumba last night but no more. I agreed and went. I did my 30 min. and then sat out but stayed because I wanted to do the cool down/stretching at the end with the class. It was so hard to watch everyone having fun! So I decided to sneak back in. I took one step onto the gym floor and whack! someone hit me on the arm! It was my husband who had snuck in behind me to make sure I complied with the exercise restriction. He loves me.:001_wub: And yes, 30 min. was just the right amount because I was just starting to get tight in my chest at the end of those 30 minutes. Next time I think I'll go in late so that I can do my 30 min. and then go right into the cool down/stretching.

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This is my first time to post on one of these threads. :)


Tuesday I ran 3 miles. My knee felt uncomfortable.

Wednesday did an exercise ball routine

Thursday I ran 2.5 miles. My knee felt fine.

This morning I did the exercise ball routine.


(I've got to do this in groups - there's no way I can manage to be on here every day and not "fall in!")


Mama Anna

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I am going to make myself finish Level 2 of 30DS tonight. I have been on my feet cleaning my house all day, and DS2 has been a miniature monster! Broken glass, thrown toys, lamps used as batting practice. I think I need to burn off a little more than calories!


ETA: Finished Level 2! Only took me three weeks.

Edited by BarbecueMom
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This is my week in bellydance. It's fairly typical except for the Tuesday workshop; that was tough.


M: taught 1 hour class

T: taught 1 hour class / attended 3 hour workshop

Th: taught 3 1-hour classes


My students are working on a cane choreography, so my arms are sore from using the canes all week. My arms can get neglected, so I suppose its a good thing.


Today I was a sore, tired slug most of the day. I should haul myself in to a yoga class, but I just want to sit on the couch and whine. We did walk to and around the mall a bit.

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Nothing on Saturday, except lots and lots of walking in the heat and humidity. I don't count that as a workout.


Today: Crunch Yoga Body Sculpt. I liked it. Simple and nice. :) Good and basic yoga workout for those who are cautious of the "weird" stuff ;). This one's about as mainstream as you can get.

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