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Is there a childhood friend you lost touch with over the years

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and found them over the internet? With facebook I've been contacted by a couple of hs friends and just recently a sister of my best friend from my younger years who moved when I was 11. How do you start an e-mail to someone you havenot heard from in 30 years? Just curious if others have been able to get in touch with long lost friends.

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I am the dork that emails all old friends.

I have gotten in contact with about 20 people from various periods in my life. I usually start the email with "Hi you might not remember me, but we knew each other in high school, my name was...."

I feel stupid, but they have all remembered me and it has been fun to catch up

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I found my BFF from jr high and high school both online. I emailed them as just said 'hey its me, Tap, from ---school. I would love to catch up sometime, here's my email addy.'


They were both elated to be found! We moved from email to phone over time and now I have resumed a great friendship with my high school BFF.

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I lost contact with my best friend from elementary school for nearly 20 years. About three years ago, I found her name listed on a HS reunion site. I called, and restarted the friendship. Since then, I've flown to her neck of the woods (WI) or she's come to mine (FL) at least once a year.


How do you start? You catch up -- kids, marriage, homeschool, whatever. See how it goes after you tell your story "since we last met." ;-)



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I found an old friend on My Space and actually registered an account in order to email him! Some friends and I were trying to plan a theater/music reunion and he was on my list of people to "find". I've also found other friends online just "by chance". It's fun and yes, I'm usually the "dork", too, who emails people and says, "remember me?". :)

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Recently one of the "popular girls" from my high school found me. We had no relationship at the time, but we went to the same church and had a lot of mutual friends, so we caught each other up on everyone we knew about. That was fun.


The nicest one so far: when I was 15-16, I was an exchange student. One boy I knew there was a bit younger than I was, and was a complete computer geek in a land where there weren't many! We were sort of buddies, and he came and visited me in college and then once again right before I gave birth to my first--I mean, I was in false labor the whole time, which must have been a bit awkward for him. Anyway he found me and now we're facebook buddies. He's entirely bald now, which is rather disconcerting because in my head, he's 15 and has plenty of hair.

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I found a bunch of my old friends and classmates online...we just started with "long time, no see, how are you, miss you, how is (spouse, if you know and know they are still together), etc" type of thing. It's been fun. And nice to see how everyone has grown and changed.


In my case, I joined myspace because I found my siblings through there...now THOSE first messages were interesting! We are all reunited and have great relationships.

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It is hard because I don't know some girl's married names. I have a My Space and now (because of this thread) Facebook. Do you include your maiden name? I did find two of my friends that are not married. I have no idea what some of my other friends' names are now, though.:seeya:

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