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Random Acts of Stranger Kindness

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We have had so many threads about all of the putz's out there, I thought we might have a thread about the positive stranger comments/actions.



Today the boys and I went to Tag-jay for new goggles for swim team. I parked next to a shiny red corvette and as I shut off the engine to my gas guzzling Tahoe, I said, "Be careful with the doors, boys. Don't hit that really expensive car!"


The words were no sooner out of my mouth when I heard thud. My middle boy hit the car. :glare: I walked around the back of my truck to survey the damage with my heart in my throat. Yep, a big dent.


We marched into Target and I asked the security people to page the owner of the license plate number. A few minutes later, a young man of about 25 came walking up to us. We took him outside, told him what happened and showed him the damage. I, of course, offered to have the dent fixed and he refused.


"A long time ago," he began, "I did the exact same thing and the owner of the car was merciful to me and my parents. I am passing that onto y'all. It's only a car."


With that he shook my hand, patted my boy (who was extremely repentant) on the head, hopped into his car and drove off.



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What a great story. I made the mistake of taking my entire gang grocery shopping yesterday. I know better than that! Anyway, one good thing that happened was that this young tweener girl walked by texting, not even looking where she was going, and knocked off a bunch of suntan lotion from a display. She stopped and looked at it and then went back to texting. My ds went and put the display back together. About ten bottles. The store clerk came up and said he'd witnessed what had happened and thanked my ds for making his job a little easier. :001_smile:

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That is so awesome and unexpected. I would have thought the owner of a Corvette - particularly a young man - would be pretty hung up about his car. I am extremely impressed :001_smile:


About two years ago I made a misjudgement while pulling into a parking place and scraped the side of another vehicle. We were outside a mall, and I knew there was little chance of locating the owner. So I left my name and phone number on a card so they could contact me about the repairs. The owner of the car was very impressed that I didn't just drive off, and the whole issue was handled very amicably. Their car was fixed, it was only fair. That's what insurance is for ;)

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"A long time ago," he began, "I did the exact same thing and the owner of the car was merciful to me and my parents. I am passing that onto y'all. It's only a car."


With that he shook my hand, patted my boy (who was extremely repentant) on the head, hopped into his car and drove off.




That is truly awesome! It made me tear up!

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Yesterday...after a park outing with the children, we went to WalMart. Have I mentioned before how much I loathe that store? Anyway, so we were in there for a few things. Nothing pressing, but I was just combining trips so stopped on the way home from the park. Well, for some goofy reason I do not have a card for our bank. But I did have checks. Well....long ago we had a check issue with WM, which has since been resolved, but only recently. Uh, yeah, they denied my check.


So, the 6 kids and I walk out, empty handed.


Meanwhile the 6 and 4 yr olds are being their typical selves...heightened because they are now tired from the day outside. The 4 yr old, in all her oblivion, treks off out into the parking lot...hello? Parking lot! No. You don't do that. You know better than that. So I not so gently reign her in. (not horrible mind you, I just hastily grabbed her hand and held it quite firmly on the way to the truck) And commence to reminding her why we do NOT run out into the parking lot. 6 yr old, continues to be himself and is wandering out into the middle of the aisle, as a car approaches.


I get them all to the truck and loaded up.


I turn to get in and there was a guy parked opposite me..politely gets my attention "Ma'am...go back in there and get that stuff" as he held out his hand with a $20 (I told you it was only a few things)

I politely declined. He again offered.


By then I was practically sobbing.


Just a post baby hormonal thing I guess. On top of this issue of trying to get a handle on my 6 yr old again..it seems the more steps I take to rectify things the worse it gets. And the 4 yr old is all too quickly following in his footsteps. So, it was 'one of those days' and I had just reached my limit. Was ready to just sit and cry..just for the heck of it..to release..as it was. Then this stranger offers me money to get ice cream, skewers and dishwasher detergent :p



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This was a few years ago, but it has made a long lasting impression on me and my children.

My dh was down at Ft. Hood preparing to go to Egypt. We all went down to visit him and went out to eat dinner. Now, this is a huge military installation....I think the only reason the city of Killeen exists is because of military families. So we weren't an unusual sight with DH in his uniform. We were at a nicer steak restaurant and ordered dinner and ate. Had a very nice meal. When we were done, dh asked for our check and the waitress said it had been taken care of. Another couple had paid our check and left before we even knew about it. I'm tearing up just thinking about how much that meant to all of us. Then, on the way out of town, I was filling up with gas before we dropped off dh. Someone in the store paid for our gas without telling us.

It always amazes me when people do kind things and don't want any sort of acknowledgement at all!

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Suburban broke down in Tennessee, in a very remote, rural area. My dad, who knows something about cars, was convinced that the transmission was shot by the way the vehicle was running.


They pulled into a small, broken-down gas station/repair shop. They asked a mechanic to check it out. After toying with a few things, the mechanic made some minor adjustments and the engine was running fine again. My folks asked him how much he wanted to be paid for the job, and he said, "Would $5.00 be too much?" They were so relieved and gave him $20.00 instead.


My dad later said, "Why have I been such a cynic all my life? There are still some really good people in this world!"


Have a great day, everyone! :D

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This is just a little thing, but it sure changed my perspective on the little things.


I was at the grocery store with all 4 kids. It was crazy and I was more than a little grumpy. Of course, it was about 2:00 in the afternoon, so there were a LOT of really really old people there. Usually I try to remember my own grandparents and be patient, but as I said, I was a little grumpy that day. I was waiting for this woman to get out of my way so I could get some fruit cups. She was trying to get something off the top shelf and couldn't reach it. I offered to help her and got the item for her. She turned around and said "You were an answer to a prayer."

I have never felt so small and humble in my lifetime. I guess that wasn't really an act of kindness in intention, but it sure did make a change in my heart that day.

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My dd, 7, is always doing random acts of kindness to strangers. The strangers are elderly people, usually alone, and looking overwhelmed. She gives them a bright smile and a cheerful hello. Then she will chat with them for a few minutes. She always leaves them with a smile on their faces. I always have to plan extra time when we go out shopping! This is something she has done for years now. It still amazes me.

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Yesterday...after a park outing with the children, we went to WalMart. Have I mentioned before how much I loathe that store? Anyway, so we were in there for a few things. Nothing pressing, but I was just combining trips so stopped on the way home from the park. Well, for some goofy reason I do not have a card for our bank. But I did have checks. Well....long ago we had a check issue with WM, which has since been resolved, but only recently. Uh, yeah, they denied my check.


So, the 6 kids and I walk out, empty handed.


Meanwhile the 6 and 4 yr olds are being their typical selves...heightened because they are now tired from the day outside. The 4 yr old, in all her oblivion, treks off out into the parking lot...hello? Parking lot! No. You don't do that. You know better than that. So I not so gently reign her in. (not horrible mind you, I just hastily grabbed her hand and held it quite firmly on the way to the truck) And commence to reminding her why we do NOT run out into the parking lot. 6 yr old, continues to be himself and is wandering out into the middle of the aisle, as a car approaches.


I get them all to the truck and loaded up.


I turn to get in and there was a guy parked opposite me..politely gets my attention "Ma'am...go back in there and get that stuff" as he held out his hand with a $20 (I told you it was only a few things)

I politely declined. He again offered.


By then I was practically sobbing.


Just a post baby hormonal thing I guess. On top of this issue of trying to get a handle on my 6 yr old again..it seems the more steps I take to rectify things the worse it gets. And the 4 yr old is all too quickly following in his footsteps. So, it was 'one of those days' and I had just reached my limit. Was ready to just sit and cry..just for the heck of it..to release..as it was. Then this stranger offers me money to get ice cream, skewers and dishwasher detergent :p




Wow! I have tears in my eyes! What a wonderful story.:001_smile:

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This was a few years ago, but it has made a long lasting impression on me and my children.

My dh was down at Ft. Hood preparing to go to Egypt. We all went down to visit him and went out to eat dinner. Now, this is a huge military installation....I think the only reason the city of Killeen exists is because of military families. So we weren't an unusual sight with DH in his uniform. We were at a nicer steak restaurant and ordered dinner and ate. Had a very nice meal. When we were done, dh asked for our check and the waitress said it had been taken care of. Another couple had paid our check and left before we even knew about it. I'm tearing up just thinking about how much that meant to all of us. Then, on the way out of town, I was filling up with gas before we dropped off dh. Someone in the store paid for our gas without telling us.

It always amazes me when people do kind things and don't want any sort of acknowledgement at all!


OK, I am still crying, that is wonderful. :001_smile:

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My dd, 7, is always doing random acts of kindness to strangers. The strangers are elderly people, usually alone, and looking overwhelmed. She gives them a bright smile and a cheerful hello. Then she will chat with them for a few minutes. She always leaves them with a smile on their faces. I always have to plan extra time when we go out shopping! This is something she has done for years now. It still amazes me.


What a tender-hearted child you have. It makes me happy to think of the people whose lives she will touch. :001_smile:

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my dad was in a Chicago area hospital with a very serious heart condition. I was living in TX at the time. When my mom called to say it was time to come home, I immediately understood the gravity of the situation.


I was on a plane within two hours, but in my haste, I left my purse on conveyor belt at the Dallas/ Ft. Worth airport when I dashed through security.


My plane was one of the last to arrive at O'Hare that night. The airport was nearly deserted; my dad was an hour away in a suburban hospital; my mom was at his bedside, and I had no purse, no identification, and no money. I didn't even have change to make a phone call.


I explained my plight to a lovely woman at the American Airlines counter, and a man standing behind me handed me a $20 dollar bill.


As if that wasn't enough, the airline employee behind the counter had my purse delivered to me at my father's bedside early the next morning. At no charge. With a note attached that said "I will be praying for you and for your father."


I still have her note.


Two decades later, I am still moved to tears by their kindness.


BTW, the man who gave me the money was named Bruno Heiss. He worked for a firm called AIX in CA, and I have searched for him ever since so that I could thank him. If you find him, please email me :)

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What a great thread, Elaine. I will go to bed with a smile on my face.


My acts of kindness tend to involve cars and traffic.


Once when I was a high schooler in FL, I backed out of a parking space at a 7-11 right off the edge of the lot into the sandy strip bordering the next building. There was no room for me to back all the way down and drive on the sand and I couldn't get enough traction to get my rear wheels back up on the pavement. I spun and spun trying to climb back up, but only succeeded in digging myself in deeper. I was beginning to cry in embarrassment over my stupidity when a pickup truck full of migrant workers pulled into the parking lot. 6-8 men of various ages piled off the truck and while shouting back and forth in Spanish proceeded to surround my Celica. Uno, dos, tres, and I was lifted out of the sand and back onto the pavement. I managed to sputter my thanks out the window before they hopped back on the truck, waved goodbye and sped off.


Just a couple of months ago, I ran over something in the road and blew out my tire. I wasn't pulled over on the side for more than 2 minutes when a guy in a work truck pulled over to put on the spare for me.


If it feels safe, I always try to pull over and help motorists that are stranded even if it's just to ask whether they need to use a cell phone. This one poor lady had pulled over on the side of the road one night to check under her car because she heard a funny noise. She managed to lock herself out while the car was running...with her purse and cell in the front seat. And it was raining. In Phoenix. I think I probably answered her prayer that night, LOL



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I have been discouraged because I was recently diagnosed with acid reflux and stomach bacteria. I said hi to a nice Publix employee, an older woman restocking the cereal aisle while I was passing through. I stopped and backed up to sniff the hazelnut coffee, then made the comment that I wouldn't be able to have coffee for awhile. Of course she asked why and I told her.


I was nearing the checkout a half-hour later when she found me. She had looked all over for me just to tell me this: "I just know you're going to feel better soon and I wanted to tell you." For some reason, that meant so much to me! I think people underestimate the power of a simple encouraging word as a random act of kindness.

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I got the van towed to a dealership who said it would cost $800 to fix teh alternator. The van wasn't even worth $800 so we opted not to have them fix it. I was in a horrible place emotionally as it was, it had been a difficult day, our other van was in the shop so my husband couldn't come get me, my cell phone was dead so I was trying to use a phone they had in their waiting area. It was just stressful and I wasn't sure how to get home.


A woman in the waiting area offered me her cell phone to call and talk to my dh and when I started to cry (darn it all anyway!) and told her it was just a rough day and briefly explained what was up with my vehicle. Turns out she lived probably 15-20 miles from me and was just getting ready to head home and she offered me a ride! She even stopped at the Dairy Queen on the way home and treated me to a cone. :) What a blessing she was!

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