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Please pray for dd at college.

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My 21 yo dd at college called this morning on her way to the ER with a kidney stone attack. She has had this before and knew immediately what it was. So while it is excruciatingly painful, she wasn't terrified. They did a CT scan and did not see the stone, but are convinced it is there. They admitted her and she is on heavy duty pain medication. If she does not pass it by tomorrow the urologist is going to do a procedure to put a stent in to allow the stone to pass from her kidney to bladder. We are a 12 hour drive away and she is ADAMANT that we not come. She asked for prayer from our church and friends, but if any of you are so inclined I know she (and I!) would appreciate your prayers too!


Please pray that she pass the stone soon and does not need the procedure, that she continue to have pain relief from the medication and she have peace. For skill for the doctor if the procedure is necessary. Also, that my dh and I know if one of us should fly out tonight. It is difficult to know what to do since she could pass the stone before we even get to the airport. Her name is Katie.


Thank you so much,


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As of this morning the stone had still not passed. Katie is scheduled for surgery at 10:30 am. The doctor will try to remove the stone if he can reach it, and if not put a stent in to prevent the stone from blocking urine flow. Please pray the doctor can remove the stone. Analyzing it can help determine why she gets the stones. Also please pray for peace and comfort for Katie.


Thank you!


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