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If you don't speak French, maybe Nallenart, or the Learnables would be good for an 8 yr old.

The Learnables is pretty boring but it's independent (on the computer) and we've used it as a supplement.


I bought the Nallenart downloadable version...after reading some posts about slow delivery of her product by mail. I think you can see samples on the website.


You might also want to check out Skoldo. http://www.galorepark.com/page-home_schoolers/catage_range-2/1/0/0/0/0/14/filter-criteria.html

I bought a few of the books from the Book Depository but I haven't really used them much yet. They are colorful, have audio cds, and have a teacher book (in english :)) with additional worksheets, brief lesson plans, and answers.

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If you don't speak French, maybe Nallenart, or the Learnables would be good for an 8 yr old.

The Learnables is pretty boring but it's independent (on the computer) and we've used it as a supplement.


I bought the Nallenart downloadable version...after reading some posts about slow delivery of her product by mail. I think you can see samples on the website.


A few months ago, the shipping from Nallenart was also pretty high to the US, and the only downloadable items were entire packages (mp3s, flashcards, student workbook, and answer key), so it was about $35. She has now changed it so that you can download just certain parts of the curriculum. I studied French for five years myself, so while I bought the full package for the first book, I think I'm going to get just the student workbook for the second book. I can pronounce French fine, and I rarely look at the answer key anyway, so I appreciate the option of downloading just components so that I can save money. If you don't speak French, I'd get the rest of the stuff. Also, we have not used the flash cards; there is plenty of repetition in the workbook for DD to learn the vocabulary. (I did copy the verbs onto index cards, for French and for our Latin book, so she can refer to those quickly.)

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I'm not sure what your price range is or even if these are available in your area. But Language Stars classes are really good for a beginner. The classes are small 4-6 kids and they encourage the kids to help each other and communicate together in the chosen language. All the teachers are native speakers so you get the right accent. If you are interested you can pm me about these. My son goes to here.

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We LOVE the Nallenart French materials. We're using L'Art de Lire, which is just the right blend of written and oral French for my 9yo (and my non-readers are picking up some of it too.)


We love L'art de Lire here as well.


I know I'm not the OP, but French is something I really need to get started with for dd 8yo and I'd love to hear more about L'art de Lire as it seems to be so well-liked. I considered L'art de Dire for this year so I could combine my 8yo and 6yo. Any comments?

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One caution....I purchased L'Art de Lire online last year and we love the program, but access to the online materials and support somehow vanished and I cannot get the owner to respond to any form of communication. I am not sure if there are other places to purchase from, but if there are I would definitely make use of them. We do love the program, but I am unlikely to go forward with it just because of the terrible customer support.



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I love Nallenart but just be aware, their shipping is atrocious (I had to put a claim through pp just to get it shipped and even then she waited until the last possible day) and their customer service is just as bad. She refuses to answer any emails and their phone number goes to voice mail and they never return calls.


While I like the program I will absolutely not buy from the company again. If I find someone else selling this program I will buy it from them, otherwise I will be looking into another program.

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I just purchased L'Art de Dire from Tree of Life out of New Brunswick Canada. They were really helpful and shipped for $12 (I had about $100 worth of stuff) in about a week. They sell the whole line from that company.


Here is the link:



just go to the French section.

Edited by agarnett
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