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I need Christmas present shopping ideas: Presidential theme!

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Here's the invitation: "In honor of the presidential election year, and while we can still laugh about it, this year's theme will be presidents. To get our creative juices flowing, I offer these suggestions: Teddy bears, Lincoln logs, Dolly Madison baked goods, souvenirs from Washington, Cleveland, Jacksonville, or Tyler....but be prepared to "defend" your gift. $10-$15 range."


OK, I loved those ideas, but now I can't use them. Can you help me think of some other gift ideas? This is for my husband's office party. It's a pick-a-random-gift-and-"steal"-gifts-back-and-forth party. It's a clever and funny group. (My husband works at a think thank. Naturally, everyone there is clever!)

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For such an occasion, only a Declaration of Independence ice bucket will do.




Hmmm....too bad I got rid of my Richard Nixon presidential plate. I would happily have sent it to you.

Edited by Pippen
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Blusher for Kennedy. (You know-- he used a make up guy for the debates and Nixon didn't?)


First Aid kit for Ford (because he kept falling down...supposedly)


Microwave popcorn and moive theater GC for Reagan. A stuffed monkey? (Bedtime for Bonzo). Gourmet jelly beans?


Nice basket assortment of peanuts and/or p'nut butter & crackers for Carter.


Some kind of recording gadget for Nixon. (What do you call those cassette thingies you put in a car tape player for your iPod?)


iTunes CG for Obama (he gave Queen E II an iPod..:confused:)


it's 2 am. Maybe I'll do better after sleep and some coffee.

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the only cute thing I can come up with is actually vice presidential, referencing Quayle, but a Mr. Potato Head. Because of the whole potatoes/potatos thing.


Or sticking with Quayle, a DVD of the Murphy Brown show, since he fussed so much over her single motherhood (planned) on the show.


Chia Pets for either of the Bushes.


Any 9-11 memorial puzzles, postcards, etc. but that's getting serious and not so funny.


A set of green army men. Could stick with the generic "because the President is Commander in Chief" or could politicize it if you wanted.


Math Dice from ThinkFun, for Perry (candidate) since he seemingly couldn't count last week at the debate.


anything symbolic from any state that was the birthplace of a president.


Sounds like a fun group! I would enjoy those swap-gift parties so much more if there was a creative theme!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since the party is this weekend, I'll tell you what I got:


An insert-your-own-photo snow globe. On one side, I put a picture of President Obama in a Christmas hat. On the other side, I put a picture of Nancy and Ronald Reagan in a Christmas pose. I figure that's good for either party.


A lovely silver Christmas ornament that says, "Hope." I'm going to include with it a handful of *change*.


A candy dish full of Jelly Bellies. (Ronald Reagan loved Jelly beans.)


I had two other ideas. One was simply a *bush* in a planter. It slays me that I don't need another gift, because something about this idea just cracks me up.


The other is a bottle of Mount Vernon Whiskey. We may still get one of these. And we may eat the Jelly Bellies ourselves.


I also had an idea of working together a decorative cross, a toy gun, and some Cling Free (plastic wrap) and developing a "clinging to their guns and their God" sort of thing. But the idea didn't really take shape.


ETA: Pippen, I *loved* the ice bucket idea! I'm sorry I waited too long to order it. How on earth did you happen to know about that?

Edited by Cindyg
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ETA: Pippen, I *loved* the ice bucket idea! I'm sorry I waited too long to order it. How on earth did you happen to know about that?


I like quirky history stuff. I saw it at a thrift shop and couldn't just leave it behind. I wasn't fortunate enough to get the matching set of glasses though.



I never get invited to clever parties like this. Maybe I'll have to hold my own...


You'll have to update us again to tell us what everyone else came up with. BTW, the bush cracks me up, too.

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