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The Teachers Lodge 11-9-2011

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Good morning! It's Wednesday!


Today is "Mystery Tea" day at my local tea shop.

If you want to guess what it is, feel free. When you're actually in the shop, you get to taste it and then guess. If you're right you get a free cup of tea!


What's for breakfast/lunch? breakfast for me: waffles; kids: no idea.

Lunch? like I know that!


Any housecleanign today? I noticed this morning that our dining room floor is sticky. Eww. We'll be mopping THAT today!


What else are you up to today? Here: schooling, then AWANA and youth group tonight.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Good morning!


I guess English Breakfast tea. Am I right?


Breakfast - 2 eggs, toast, water


Lunch - will be eaten out so I have no idea.


Housecleaning - not today. Today is our "out all day" day. We have speech therapy at the p.s., doggie chiropractic and accupuncture for Libby and a number of errands. Being out all day tends to be pretty hard on me.


Tonight will be swimming. If I'm particularly done in, I'll sit and soak in the spa.

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Lunch today was mac and cheese and ramen for the girls and I had green beans and potato salad. I am not winning any parenting awards today.


My back hurts. I have hit the week in my cycle where I am pretty much useless with back pain and cramps. Nothing helps except sleeping through it and that is just not possible.


School will commence after lunch (orthodontist appointment this AM) and this evening the girls and dh have rehearsal. They are all in Scrooge the Musical at a local community theatre and Sweet-Pea is playing Tiny Tim. It is her biggest part ever and she is beside herself. I never planned for my children to follow in my acting footsteps but it seems genetics has more say than I do.

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Breakfast- was pancakes only because I had a craving for them :tongue_smilie:


Lunch- was Leftover chili


Housecleaning- Should probably be doing that now :glare:


Tonight is teen youth group, dd8 & 6 have a piano lesson, dss11 & ds12 have a drawing class and dd14 has an orthodontist appointment.

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Breakfast was pancakes and pears

Lunch - Should get cooking... chicken and veggie quesadillas


Housekeeping - Laundry, laundry and more laundry. We had a round of food poisoning the other day so I'm still catching up on cleaning all the sheets, towels and rags used to clean up the mess. Plus all the bathrooms need a good scrub down. 1 adult and 3 small kids with food poisoning does a number on a house :(


School - Kept to a bare minimum since DS is still in a fog from lack of sleep

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Lunch - DH just fetched Taco Bueno. I'm happy.


Housecleaning - Just scrubbed my kitchen floor (there were brown spots all over one area???) and DS has promised to vacuum the rest of the house later for extra allowance.


Going on today - Not much, unless you count going grocery shopping at some point. We're pretty much out of food, which is why I sent DH out for lunch.

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Breakfast was loaded oatmeal


Lunch was cheesy rice (a bowl of leftover rice with cheese melted on top)


Housecleaning - Oh, yes! A friend is coming over this evening, it's a great motivator.


I'm very pleased to say we have nothing else going on today. Just school and housework. So far, it's been a productive day.


Housekeeping - Laundry, laundry and more laundry. We had a round of food poisoning the other day so I'm still catching up on cleaning all the sheets, towels and rags used to clean up the mess. Plus all the bathrooms need a good scrub down. 1 adult and 3 small kids with food poisoning does a number on a house :(
I am so, so sorry! That must have been awful.
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We had a round of food poisoning the other day so I'm still catching up on cleaning all the sheets, towels and rags used to clean up the mess. Plus all the bathrooms need a good scrub down. 1 adult and 3 small kids with food poisoning does a number on a house :(


Awful. Can I vote to give Jen the free cup of tea?? poor thing!!!



What's for breakfast/lunch? breakfast was a depressing bagel, which only vaguely resembled the burger I was actually in the mood for. Lunch for me--leftover homemade Chinese corn chowder which was apparently too wonderful for my family to appreciate.


Any housecleaning today? No. Why? :D


What else are you up to today? Scheduling complicated itineraries for work, writing furiously in an attempt to catch up to my NaNo word count (I'm at 3,500 but should be at 15,000), doing very light school, and attempting to placate poor Mr. Crankypants, for whom teething and a cold have made a very unhappy marriage.

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Good morning! It's Wednesday!


I'll pass on the tea, thank you!


What's for breakfast/lunch? breakfast for the kids: waffle sandwiches (waffles with peanut butter and nutella). Me: a handful of pretzels on the way out the door. Lunch for the kids: leftover grilled chicken and jasmine rice with sliced bell peppers. Me: jasmine rice; crackers with cream cheese and pumpkin butter.

Dinner is probably going to be grilled cheese sandwiches, soup, and salad.

Any housecleaning today? Just regular daily chores--sweeping, vacuuming, laundry, dishes, wiping down bathrooms, etc. I am hoping to get some "deep cleaning" in this weekend. Two of my four kids will be gone, as will my husband. I'll just have the youngest two girls. I need to start getting some deep cleaning done in preparation for Thanksgiving. My in-laws will be here on Monday the 21st. We haven't seen them in 2 years. In other words, start praying for me now! :grouphug:


What else are you up to today? My oldest had her literature co-op in town this morning, so it was my "dedicated time" to run errands. I went to Trader Joe's, BJ's Warehouse, and the grocery store....all in an hour and a half! Now we're finishing up school work and chores. The oldest has dance this evening (5-8pm) and the younger three have church choir from 4:30-6. I will be :auto::auto::auto:.

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Just a brief update before we leave for the library: I went and visited a small charter high school that I'm considering for me daughter. I was even given a tour! I really looked what I saw and heard! *sigh* Now to decide if I really want her to go there full time, part time, or just homeschool through high school. Such tough decisions!


Now off to the library for a free history class for her and catching up on a Read Aloud with my son! Later, y'all!

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I was in a hot chocolate mood, so I'll skip the tea.


Breakfast was toast and cereal; I work on Wed. mornings. Tomorrow is pancakes. We are trying to adjust to having a 4 and a 5 yo in the house. BOY DO YOU NEED TO FEED THEM OFTEN!!! I've forgotten all of the snacking that went on when the kids were younger!


Lunch: spaghetti leftovers (did you know you can burn pasta while boiling it? I managed to do that last night! LOL)


Housecleaning today: keep DR table clear of books so we can eat! Keep toys picked up. Have I mentioned the two new little ones in the house yet???


Tonight: dinner at church (yeah, no cooking) and Awana.


What are we coping with today? Our beloved pediatrician retired a couple of months ago and killed himself this week. It's a smaller town and he was very loved by all. He supported homeschooling, too! Sigh....now to find new peds for the kids.


And, with all of the babies being born, yes, I would love a new baby in the house, but it is SO much easier to add them at birth than to add them when they are older. This was a LOT harder than I expected. God has been good, though, to help us all settle in. Today was better than Monday was!!!

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OH, and one more comment on the 4 and 5 yo:


Guess what their pricey private school uses for language arts: ABEKA! Same stuff I used. Their parents pay $10,000 a year for what I did for the cost of a workbook. (just a little victory dance here!!):001_smile:

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