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For those who pray (or good vibes, or whatever), say a prayer for the husband of a math teacher (who is also a great friend) at school. I got a call last night that they were airlifting him from our local hospital to a larger one as he was having a heart attack. I don't know if he survived or not at this point.


While I love her classes (College Alg), this isn't the reason I want to be in for her.


It's also a little mentally shaky knowing we're essentially the same age. Take care of yourselves (health-wise) and seize the day with your loved ones. One never knows...

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:grouphug: Praying. It's scary when people our age start having those health issues.


That's the truth. I'm finding I rather liked believing the myth of invulnerability.


Her hubby did well through the night and came out of surgery "the best possible for his situation." However, this morning he's had an irregular heartbeat and the doctors are concerned about unstable plaque. They plan to keep him in the ICU for a few days.


Those are the two updates I've had this morning. I'm still keeping them both in prayer.


And I'm keeping the mental reminder to give more hugs, be more forgiving, and to not sweat the small stuff.

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Hope he was seen in time and recovers well.


My father-in-law had a heart attack yesterday. He had 3 stents put in and was released today.


I'm hopeful that he can make enough lifestyle changes that he can live a long while still.


Hope your co-worker's husband can have a similar outcome.

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Hope he was seen in time and recovers well.


My father-in-law had a heart attack yesterday. He had 3 stents put in and was released today.


I'm hopeful that he can make enough lifestyle changes that he can live a long while still.


Hope your co-worker's husband can have a similar outcome.


Sorry to hear about your FIL, but glad to hear all is going well with him. It gives me hope.


Unfortunately, it's not going as well with my friend's hubby. He has a large blood clot in his left ventricle and the heartbeat irregularities are getting worse (more frequent). He's also had a couple of other issues overnight. They are rather concerned. Hopefully the meds will dissolve the clot and things can start improving.

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He went through three episodes of flat lining yesterday, two of which were quite close together in time. At the end, they were keeping his heart beating artificially. But, so far, it's worked. He pulled through that and is back to where they are giving him decent chances.


They took him back in to check the stent and to see if there was another blockage they had missed, but there weren't any. They can't explain why his heart failed other than to say that it sometimes happens after a major heart attack. His heart is still trying to find its rhythm and they said, "sometimes it just seems to give up trying."


His heartbeat is still irregular, but in general, his stats are now picking up. We're all hopeful whereas at yesterday's update we were all fearing the worst based upon what was happening.


He's definitely not out of the woods, so prayers/vibes are still appreciated. They tell his wife that the clot in his heart will take up to a month to dissolve.


This guy is our age... he has a son still in our high school and one who recently graduated. What still "hits" me is that it could have been me going through all of this instead of a really good friend. If there's a good thing, I'm really learning not to sweat lots of small stuff - and that almost all of it is small stuff. (So has his wife.) Time is limited.


I'm also thankful for all of those who went through all the schooling to become doctors and nurses. Middle son has more of my "blessing" than ever if he continues to decide that this is his calling.

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I'm still awaiting today's update, but things have really taken a turn for the better as of yesterday. He was able to sleep for 8 hours without setting off the heart alarm. ;) His heartbeat is still irregular (I'm not sure what to make of that) and they say it could take up to a month for the clot in his heart to dissolve (remains a threat until its gone), but he's conscious now and mentally back to himself. The prayers have been very appreciated.

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Just a final update (hopefully). Her hubby came home from the hospital yesterday. He now has a defibrillator permanently put on his heart and otherwise looks great. We visited for a bit yesterday to catch up on a lot.


One thing we remarked about is that we're really glad we live in these times. Not all that long ago, he wouldn't have made it.


We're also really thankful for biomedical engineers (that defibrillator is incredible technology!), doctors, nurses, helicopter pilots, and everyone else involved. Note also... health insurance (or a health share plan) really should be a "need" not a want. He was ex-military, so his insurance is good. To all those who think they don't need it (yet), remember, he was only 47 and didn't really fit the profile of a heart attack waiting to happen (active, didn't smoke, etc). All of his arteries were 100% clear - except the big one - and that one was 100% blocked. Then he still has the clot in his left ventricle that they are working to dissolve.


Many "odd" things worked together at the right time to save his life as he could have lost it at many steps "except" something was in the right spot at the right time from nitroglycerin to the brand new "hot loading" helicopter. All prayers were appreciated.


My friend plans to return to school this coming Wednesday. I'm finding I'm going to miss her classes a wee bit, but I'm sure they'll be glad to see her return. ;)

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