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Ah, asynchrony, I know you well.


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My 7 year old (who just started doing 2- and 3-digit multiplication this past month) did a multiplication facts drill for the table of 5's, which I thought would be very easy. During the drill, he suddenly said, "I can't remember how to make a 5!"


Um... child... there is a 5 in every single problem on the page... all 100 problems. :lol:


Thankfully, most number reversals are gone now. He catches most of his letter reversals. That's all normal up to about age 8, I believe? He used to reverse his 3's and 2's fairly often, but he grew out of it. I need to post some letter/number charts somewhere where he can reference them.

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The Sponge just did 18 x 2 in her head on her second day of learning about multiplication, and then wrote her 2s backwards. Again. :lol:





When my big girl does that, she gets all angry because "I wrote an S instead of a 2". (asynchrony + perfectionism = ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!)

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When my big girl does that, she gets all angry because "I wrote an S instead of a 2". (asynchrony + perfectionism = ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!)


Oh my, YES! Abby does this. She may erase it like twelve times to finally write it correctly. Never mind that she's erased a hole in the paper. (And even if I tell her it's fine and she doesn't have to rewrite because she gave the correct answer, she still erases. :001_huh:)

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Oh my, YES! Abby does this. She may erase it like twelve times to finally write it correctly. Never mind that she's erased a hole in the paper. (And even if I tell her it's fine and she doesn't have to rewrite because she gave the correct answer, she still erases. :001_huh:)


Yup. In math, in writing, everything.

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When my big girl does that, she gets all angry because "I wrote an S instead of a 2". (asynchrony + perfectionism = ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!)


:iagree: DS had a hard time this summer. Writing had physically gotten easier for him (something about turning 7, I think), and he started reversing numbers/letters MORE. It was because he wasn't thinking so hard about the physical act of writing. He's doing better now, but every time he'd do a reversal, he'd say "I keep doing that!!!" and would be ready to beat his head against the wall. I told him it's normal and he'll grow out of it - that most kids his age do this. He handles it better now. I think just explaining it to him helped a lot.

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. He handles it better now. I think just explaining it to him helped a lot.


Oh yes! I am working on pencil and paper throwing with my big girl. She has chucked her pencil across the room in frustration over writing and trying to get it correct. When I see her starting to get frustrated, I try to sooth things over by telling her that it's ok and normal...doesn't always work though.

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I have a sticker chart for "making mistakes without bursting into tears". There's something incongruous about a child who writes an L when she means a 7, then bursts into tears because "I'm not trying to do math in Roman numerals today!!!".


Aww that's really adorable, poor thing.

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Yup. In math, in writing, everything.



Yes! Ds wrote some numbers in crayon because he likes to use all kinds of colours and when he made a mistake and tried to erase...well, he found out you can't erase crayon. He burst out crying because the whole page was now "ruined".

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I have a sticker chart for "making mistakes without bursting into tears". There's something incongruous about a child who writes an L when she means a 7, then bursts into tears because "I'm not trying to do math in Roman numerals today!!!".



:):lol: Love it!!!!


I actually asked my DS6's teacher about number reversals and gifted children at his conference last week. She has taught for 22 years, mainly with gifted children. She said that even with gifted children the same rule applies. Number reversals are normal until about Christmas of third grade.

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When my big girl does that, she gets all angry because "I wrote an S instead of a 2". (asynchrony + perfectionism = ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!)


Same thing here! When I gently ask her to turn her numbers around there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth, even though the answer is correct. Miquon Math suggests not correcting flipped numbers during math time, but rather work on it during handwriting time (just got the orange book for my younger daughter). Does anyone do this? My perfectionist can spiral out of sanity quickly with this.

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Same thing here! When I gently ask her to turn her numbers around there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth, even though the answer is correct. Miquon Math suggests not correcting flipped numbers during math time, but rather work on it during handwriting time (just got the orange book for my younger daughter). Does anyone do this? My perfectionist can spiral out of sanity quickly with this.



I do that, in fact, I'm still writing a lot of stuff for Monkey, because his pudgy little fingers are just NOT on the same schedule as his mathy brain. I've heard that boys are slower to write, and I'm ready to believe it. We're still slogging through writing all of the lowercase letters. I'm thinking of taking a break from that and working on numbers for a bit because I think he would benefit from doing his own writing in his math. Yesterday, he looked over my shoulder as I was reading Miquan's Annotations book, and saw a number line, remembered that we had watched a Khan Academy addition clip a couple of months ago, and asked for it again. We ended up doing addition with the computer, the white board, and the c-rods for about 2 hours!! Only problem is, we're usually more fluid with our answers than KA is, so he wants to do stuff like 9 + 1 = 1 + 9, and of course it's "wrong" on the computer unless you answer 10... all that equals one frustrated little boy!

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I know that one too well. Mine is a VSL to an extreme. I actually keep 2 "threads" of math going for him. One is for actually learning math, and the other is for learning to communicate what he knows..in math.


He can + or - anything, but verbalizing the answer is a stumbling block. He will write 4,576 and then stutter trying to pull up the words "thousand" and "hundred" from his brain. He will pop out with the answers to word problems, but then have to *really* think about what he did to get that answer. (Did I multiply or divide? Both? Which did I do first?)


What should be easy is hard. What should be hard is easy. Where can I find a curric for that????:willy_nilly:

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I know that one too well. Mine is a VSL to an extreme. I actually keep 2 "threads" of math going for him. One is for actually learning math, and the other is for learning to communicate what he knows..in math.


He can + or - anything, but verbalizing the answer is a stumbling block. He will write 4,576 and then stutter trying to pull up the words "thousand" and "hundred" from his brain. He will pop out with the answers to word problems, but then have to *really* think about what he did to get that answer. (Did I multiply or divide? Both? Which did I do first?)


What should be easy is hard. What should be hard is easy. Where can I find a curric for that????:willy_nilly:


:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: I just have a ton of math programs and switch whenever I am frustrated. Miquon, Singapore, MEP, made-up worksheets and manipulative games, various random workbooks, math fact apps, etc, etc, etc.

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