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So, who will be doing TOG's Year 1 redesign with me this fall?

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When do you plan to start and what parts (Map aids. Writing Aids, etc.) and levels will you be using?


My plan is to begin either August 4th or the 11th. I'll be using a mixture of UG and D with my 6th grader. I also plan to use Writing Aids, Map Aids, Evaluations, and possibly even a lapbook or two. ;) I will use something different for vocabulary and timeline work, and we will not be doing the activities scheduled.


I can't wait to get started!


So, who else will be TOG Year 1, WTMinded this fall? :D

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We will start July 25th. I already have every day planned out for the first unit. We'll be doing literature, history, and art history through TOG, and we'll be working at half-speed (10 school days per topic) because I want to cover Year 2 extremely thoroughly.


I'm tweaking it some -- during the first unit we'll read every chapter of "Story of the Middle Ages" as well as extra supplemental books and DVDs. I'll be testing my student on "Story of the Middle Ages" every week -- that will be our spine for the first unit.

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Oh, we just finished Year 1 - we LOVED it! I just have one LG student (and a preschooler), we didn't come close to doing everything available, but we learned SO much and had really, so much fun. I hope you enjoy it every bit as much as we did.


Ramp up slowly, don't tackle it all the first week, and make it fit your family!


Have fun!


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We are!!!!


I can't wait. I think I will be buying the page protectors because we're kind of messy around here.


I will be doing D with my daughter, but she's already reading the fun novels so I'll probably let her read the UG ones and maybe a few of the Rhetoric if they're ok on content.


My ds will be doing the upper/lower grammar books. He will probably be reading to the two little boys the lower grammar books.


I'm thinking of using The Child's Geography, vol. 2 for 1/2 the year and dropping geography after that. I really want a separate geography book because it keeps getting left behind for us.



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We'll be doing Yr. 1 this fall!


We'll be starting Aug. 11 with a week of geography review -- making world maps, reviewing continents, oceans, etc. We'll also set up our base maps for our transparency maps. Then, Aug 18 will be our official beginning of Week 1. Can't wait!


I'll have 1 in D level (12yodd), and 1 doing D literature but R everything else (14yods). This is our 4th year with TOG, but our first with Redesigned, so I'm really excited. We'll also be doing Writing Aids for the first time.


I'll probably start printing maps & SAP's tomorrow!

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When do you plan to start and what parts (Map aids. Writing Aids, etc.) and levels will you be using?


We will be doing Yr.1 Re-design. I will do it with 1 Dialectic, 1 UG and 1 LG. I will use Map Aids, some portions of Writing Aids as I did last year with IEW. We plan on starting the 1st week of Aug. so we can get 2 units in before the 3 weeks we take off in Dec.:)

We have done Year 1 classic so I am really looking forward to trying the re-design as well as trying out the "notebooks" idea posted my KarenCiavo. I can't wait!

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We will be doing Year 1 Redesign here! I've started planning Unit 1 and the manual is laid out perfectly for my personality!

We will be doing only LG, so we definitely won't be doing everything, but I have MapAids, Writing Aids and the lapbook CDs, so we'll dabble in a little of each and see how it goes. Can't wait!!

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This is our first year - we used Story of the World until now. I'll have a 5th and 7th grader. We haven't finished this years' work just yet - 2 weeks to go (woo-hoo) and then I'm going to start the planning process. I guess my first big decision is....page protectors or not!:lol:



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I am doing Yr1 Redesigned with a D and a UG. I am so excited! So far Units 1 & 2 are in page protectors. :D


We will probably start the first week of August. I like the idea of a week of review and then getting started with work.


Good Luck,


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Thanks to the information I've learned on this board, I've settled on TOG Y1 next year, and I'm very excited. I'll have 2 D and 1 LG. I plan to use everything they offer. I haven't ordered it yet because my life is in total upheaval as we are in the middle of a cross-country move, but as soon as I'm not living in chaos I'm going to order and start planning. I'd love to begin in August but I'm not sure if I'll be ready. Can't wait, though!

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Thanks to the information I've learned on this board, I've settled on TOG Y1 next year, and I'm very excited. I'll have 2 D and 1 LG. I plan to use everything they offer. I haven't ordered it yet because my life is in total upheaval as we are in the middle of a cross-country move, but as soon as I'm not living in chaos I'm going to order and start planning. I'd love to begin in August but I'm not sure if I'll be ready. Can't wait, though!


I just noticed in your siggy that your oldest children are 9. Are you planning on using all Dialectic with them? I ask because my son who is 11, and an excellent reader, will be doing the UG level literature. Not because he cannot read the D level books, but because I don't think he can read them in the time allotted in the schedule. I go back and forth with this; I am not 100% sure. As of now, I plan to start the year with UG, and move him up to D literature when I feel he is ready. He'll be doing D level in everything else.

Decisions, decisions. :D

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I just noticed in your siggy that your oldest children are 9. Are you planning on using all Dialectic with them? I ask because my son who is 11, and an excellent reader, will be doing the UG level literature. Not because he cannot read the D level books, but because I don't think he can read them in the time allotted in the schedule. I go back and forth with this; I am not 100% sure. As of now, I plan to start the year with UG, and move him up to D literature when I feel he is ready. He'll be doing D level in everything else.

Decisions, decisions. :D


You know, I almost edited my post to explain my situation; I thought I might raise some eyebrows if anyone paid attention. ;-)


The boys will be 10 in November. They are very advanced in pretty much everything except for writing. I will choose 5th grade for the writing level; maybe 4th but they can probably do the 5th. They read advanced stuff (and quickly) all the time. I've checked out samples of the UG and D, and it was immediately clear to me that they would much prefer the D selections. Not only would they breeze through the UG, they would probably feel like I was condescending to them or something.


They will also be doing 9th grade physics and are already halfway through Algebra 1 right now, so they will finish that plus start whatever comes next, too.


Honest, though, I'm not trying to push them, and I do follow their lead. They get bored and fuss at me if I don't give them material that makes them think.


FWIW, though, I also plan to buy a bunch of the UG stuff, too, since it just looks so good. My daughter will be reading about at a 3rd grade level next year, so she might enjoy some of it, and I think it will be fun light reading for the boys, too.


And from what I understand, if I'm somehow miscalculating, it will be a breeze to switch from one level work to another. I love that!

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Imy son who is 11, and an excellent reader, will be doing the UG level literature. Not because he cannot read the D level books, but because I don't think he can read them in the time allotted


FWIW (and I know you didn't ask me!), we're finishing up Yr1Redesigned and ds 11 (Sept BD) has been doing just what you said - reading the UG books. Occ. I'll have him read a D book, but many of those were read-alouds. I had him do a mix of the other work - that is, some UG, some D - depending on what I was trying to accomplish. I think it worked well, and he'll be more ready for D this next year, as we tackle Yr 2.


I really do like that ability to change horses mid-stream!


Enjoy your year!

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This will be our first year with TOG and we'll be doing Redesign Year 1. For most of it the kids will be 6 and 7. They are both advanced readers and we'll be solid LG, though it should be a little easy for them. I think it'll be a great way for me to start with the kids solid as I muddle through TOG, LOL! I am super excited and we'll probably start in early July. We'll be traveling for a couple of weeks in Aug so it should be interesting to see how TOG travels (we're going to care for family - not a "real" vacation.

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FWIW (and I know you didn't ask me!), we're finishing up Yr1Redesigned and ds 11 (Sept BD) has been doing just what you said - reading the UG books. Occ. I'll have him read a D book, but many of those were read-alouds. I had him do a mix of the other work - that is, some UG, some D - depending on what I was trying to accomplish. I think it worked well, and he'll be more ready for D this next year, as we tackle Yr 2.


I really do like that ability to change horses mid-stream!


Enjoy your year!


My 11yodd started out the year doing D in both history and UG and I found that it was too much reading for her. And, I never thought I would hear myself say that about this child!! She loves to read and is very advanced in her reading. I think part of it was the transition to her reading her own history rather than me reading it to them. She still reads the D literature selections and does just fine with them, but it is challenging to get through everything and still have any time for just fun free reading type things.

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We will be doing TOG year 1 next year. This will be our 4th year with TOG and first with Redesigned. We will be doing IEW Ancient History writing and throwing in some Write Aids which I own. We have the evaluation, map aids, and Pop Quizes, which I hope my husband will use to be a part of school. I have 1 dd in 6th grade and we will do mostly D. This will be her first year doing all of her history reading independently. We will be doing Timeline with the computer program and all the maps for the first time this year. I am really bumping up her school. She wants to skip a grade and needs to prove to me she can do 7th grade work before I will agree to skip a year. I have unit 1 planned out and hope to work on unit 2 while on vacation by myself next week. We are part of a co-op and will do discussion and hands on activity every other week. We will start the first week of August with first co-op on Aug. 21.

Janis in DE

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We will be starting Redesign Yr 1 this fall (or maybe mid-August!). Mine will be LG and UG, though I am planning to use some D materials for my ds, who will be 10 in July (I am planning to read books like Gilgamesh, The Bronze Bow, The Eagle of the Ninth, etc. aloud to him -- I am Determined that he will Enjoy history from now on, whether he likes it or not!:tongue_smilie:).

We keep going with most of our subjects through the summer, but I am looking forward to our planned two week break, when I will get a chance to put together TOG student books for the kids!

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We'll be starting YR1 Redesign this year, too. I'm currently trying to decide when to start and whether to schedule breaks between units. To get Units 1 & 2 done before Christmas, we'd have to start in July. Since I'm doing light schooling all summer (this last year being my first year of homeschooling and still trying to catch dd10 up in math), we may just go ahead and start in July.


I'm digging the idea I've read on this board about breaks in May and October because of the really nice weather and schooling through the summer when it's super hot with pool visits late in the afternoon. I just love the freedom of being able do choose what we do when!


My dd10 is a reluctant reader, so we'll be doing LG for the 5 year old and UG for the 8 and 10 year olds.


Looking forward to it!

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Same here - we've done SOTW until now (all 4 books) and are starting TOG Y1 Redesign next year. I'm planning on mostly UG work with my then 10yo, but will pull in some D ideas. We have several new things going on next year (TOG, Spanish for Children, and especially a new 1-day/week TOG-based homeschool program that will require more serious work than our previous one), so I don't want to overload us as we adjust to so many new things.


I'm right in the midst of serious planning for TOG. I've always put a LOT of time into pulling different history resources together for us. I am happy already that the framework is there, but I can still customize & organize as I want! :001_smile:

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