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Pity Party . . .

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Overwhelmed and sinking. That is how I feel today. Everything is just so hard. No breaks anywhere. More piling on. I feel so defeated. Every situation is so utterly major and so totally out-of-control, over-the-top. If I took one of those tests that targets the major areas of life that cause stress, I’d be way over the limit. Sometimes I wonder just where God is. Other times I know He’s here, working behind the scenes. It would be nice to see some of that behind-the-scenes stuff, nice to see some results. Today I just wonder where God is, and if anything will ever get better.

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Thanks everyone.


My apologies for not getting back sooner - I've been on here both yesterday and earlier today, but I didn't dare look at this thread ... for some reason afraid (irrationally so) that there'd either be no response or else a sermon - and I couldn't bear either ... Sorry ...


You all are so kind - and I appreciate the hugs and the prayers you offered so very much.


Yesterday the oddest thing happened (your prayers and kind thoughts at work, no doubt :001_smile:). About midway through the day I suddenly became aware that a portion of a song was going through my mind and, try as I did, I simply could not fetch up the rest of the words, nor could I get the thing to stop - it was like a broken record - round and round and round - but - the message was positive and it got me productively through the day. It was this:


"And when the battle's over, we shall wear a crown, yes, we shall wear a crown..."


Over and over and over.


Now today - that's another story. Today began - BEGAN - with more bad news. Honestly, I've had enough . . .

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I was reading someones blog this week and they had a picture of a book they had been reading...Easier Than You Think ...because life doesn't have to be so hard: The Small Changes That Add Up to a World of Difference....


I have to say...Go see if they have any of those CD's at the library by you...I checked out one of his books and the set of CDs and I put them in the car. I am feeling so much better...It is nothing heavy...just kind of helps you though your day! It is working for me. Dont get me wrong...Ive only listened to 1 1/2 cds...and today I was a bit crazy but I had a much easier time! :grouphug:

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I was reading someones blog this week and they had a picture of a book they had been reading...Easier Than You Think ...because life doesn't have to be so hard: The Small Changes That Add Up to a World of Difference....


I have to say...Go see if they have any of those CD's at the library by you...I checked out one of his books and the set of CDs and I put them in the car. I am feeling so much better...It is nothing heavy...just kind of helps you though your day! It is working for me. Dont get me wrong...Ive only listened to 1 1/2 cds...and today I was a bit crazy but I had a much easier time! :grouphug:


Thank you for this suggestion - I went immediately to the library website to see if they have it - they don't (small library); however, they have a few other titles by this author and one in particular caught my eye, so I will check it out next time I'm in town. :001_smile:

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Hang in there. I've had those days. I believe that we are meant to go through hard times because we have lessons to learn. It has helped me handle the tougher times. I try to find a lesson in it all. Surprisingly, I have found one in every single rough patch, even if it was the leson that I never want to go through that again!

It gets better. It always gets better.

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