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Facebook question?

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I HATE that everyone on my friend list can potentially see comments I make on other people's FB, even if they are not friends....does that make sense?


Meaning, I can see what my FB friends post on other people's walls, even when I do not know those other people. I assume my friends can do the same for my posts.....that is correct, right?


Will it be like that even on "Closed" or "Secret" groups? You know, those private FB groups that you have to be invited to?


I have all of my settings set to as private as they can be, I think, meaning you have to be my friend to see anything...but that doesn't change the "see everything I say, everywhere I say it" issue.


Anyway to prevent my posts from being seen by EVERYONE on my FB list?

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Ok, this is what I've figured out (I think). The only things you see in your scrolling feed on the right are from people's pages who are not locked down and from people who are your friends. That doesn't sound like it makes sense...


Maybe this is better?

If a friend of mine posts on another friend of mine's page, I will see that. If a friend of mine posts on her friend's page, who I am NOT friends with, but has her page open, I will see that. So, if your page is locked down and one of your friends posts on your page, the only people who will see that in their scrolling feed would be YOUR friends.


Does that make sense?

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I'm not at a computer where I can access facebook...but there is a way to do this.


I think, though, that you have to ask your friends to do it for you.


If you look in your news feed, and hover over a friend's name, a menu comes up and you can make selections of what should be visible to whom.


However, I think that this just limits who can view that friend's posts on your wall...although I'm not positive.


At any rate, I hope it points you generally in the right direction.


I think that even if it controls what posts of yours are visible on that friend's wall, you have to go through each friend and do it; I don't think they offer a "bulk opt out" option.


With every "upgrade", they're making it harder and harder to maintain your privacy. I'm starting to hate FB...

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you can check if a friend of a friend's fb is open or private by clicking over to that person's page, and see if you can see their wall and other stuff.


I am pretty sure that is how it now works, you are seeing stuff from friends of friends who have their pages public.

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Since I don't know what privacy settings others have on their pages, I don't comment or post anything to anyone's wall that I wouldn't yell across the grocery store to them :D. That's the way I've always been, even before the weird ticker dealio.


I don't care if Fred sees me tell George "Happy birthday!" in the ticker.

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