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Just found out I'm expecting #4

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Complete shock!! My youngest is only 11 months so I wasn't expecting this at all!!! So when this little one arrives I'll have a almost 6 year old, almost 4 year old and a little one close to 2!!!!:blink: Tell me it's still possible to homeschool under these circumstances....I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect!!!! Anyone else been in this situation???? Any advice???


Right now I'm only teaching my oldest and it's VERY light. We do phonics everyday and math/writing occasionally (I should be doing more but I've gotten off track).


I was really morning sick with my other 3 so I'm worried about dd k year. Not so much the learning (she's ahead in reading/math ... behind in printing)but I really wanted to spend this year getting her use to a rountine IYKWIM...with morning sickness (hasn't come yet maybe I'll be fortunate this time) I know their will be no routine/structure!!!


Okay got this all out. Any wisdom appreciated:) Thanks for listening!

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Congrats! Been there - done that! You can do it! Just take it one day at a time. When #4 was born I had a 5 yr old, an almost 3 year old and a 17 month old.


The first few months are actually the easiest since the little one sleeps a lot and you can put them in one place and they stay there. It wasn't until #4 hit 7-8 months and really got mobile that life got crazy! Do we school as much as I would like? No. Do the kids occasionally watch to much tv when I'm having a bad day/week? Yep. But it's not going to hurt them in the long run. We still get in enough schooling.


I was extremely sick with all my pregnancies - We did what we could when we could. We snuggled on the couch and read lots of books. I took huge advantage of my library's hold system and would request tons of books and then have my husband pick up my stack waiting for me. (I couldn't go into the library because a weird smell in there made me sick :) )

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Congrats! My fourth was born half-way through my oldest dd's kindergarten year. She was 2 months shy of 5.5yo, ds was 2 months shy of 4yo, and dd was 2 weeks shy of 2 yo. It actually worked very well. I lucked out as far as morning sickness, because it was over by the time the school year started. We got done what we could in the fall. I was tired and very sore, but we still did OPGTR, AAS 1, HWT K, and RightStart A. We took a long break starting in December and ending when ds was 1 week old (middle of January). Then we just added one thing back at a time. Within a few weeks we were able to add some new subjects, since dd was ready and I was ready and able as well. DS was a very easy baby and that helped so much. I just did school while the middle two kids were napping (which changed into quiet time). Baby ds was sometimes awake and sometimes asleep, but he was so easy going that it didn't really matter.

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Thanks everyone for the encouragement...I really needed to hear the you can do it! I'm in a area where hs'ing isn't really popular and I already have a bunch of well intentioned friends trying to encourage me to public school (when they hear a 4th is on the way... I'll probably hear it even more). I come here for the support and encouragement to home school, not to mention everyone's amazing wealth of knowledge.... thanks again everyone for the cheerleading:)

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You can do it, I had 4 pregnanies very close together.


I had a 6 year old, 4 year old, 2 year old and a newborn when I was homeschooling my first grader.


I just did what I could when I could and tried to keep everyone happy as I could.


I also had awful morning (actually all day) sickness with all my pregnancies and most times it lasted up until the 5th or 6th month.


I even tandemed nursed my toddler and newborns at the same time.


It can be done, it isn't easy, but can be done and done pretty well.


You'll do fine !


Now that they are older they are all very close and love to play and do school together.


They are all each others best friends.


I homeschool them in pairs and it works out great for all of us and makes our day go much easier and quicker.


It will all be fine !

Edited by Momma2Many66
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You can do it! It will be hard, but it can be done.


There are 6.33 years between my oldest & youngest, so when my youngest was born, I had a 6, 5, 3, & 22 month old.


Just focus on the basics...reading and math and some writing. Anything else is gravy. Use audio books. Most of all, enjoy the time they are little!

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I did it too! When my #4 was born, I had a barely 6yo, barely 4yo, 18mo and newborn. I remember being so glad that #4 chose not to share a birthday with #1 or #2. I was in denial about the rest of life.


While #4 was the most difficult adjustment b/c #3 was so young, homeschooling wasn't an issue. The rest of life was!!!


You will love having them so close together in a couple of years. :D

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I did it here too! It was chaotic and there were some very frustrating days but we made it through. I had a newborn, 2 year old, and 4 year old when DS1 was in 1st grade last year. We did end up carrying some of our first grade subjects over to this year but we'll be back completely on track by the end of his 2nd grade year.

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