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Hi from ENOCH. I met so many WTMers today

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It is strange, but so right as well.

I had such a great time meeting you all. I really do feel like I've known you for a long time. I can't wait til tomorrow. Maybe we can take a picture when we all meet at noon.

I don't think I've ever met so many Well Trained Moms in one day before. Awesome!!!! blissysmile.gif


Okay, I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow will be another looooong day!!!

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Can we all move to the same town so we can spend our afternoons hanging rather than working!!!!!


...wait... we do that already... don't we.....:D:D:D



You were all EVEN warmer and friendlier in person. (How's that possible???) What fun! Looking forward to sustaining the hang again today!





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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did any of you see my dh's booth there? It is called Professor in a Box, it is an accounting course on dvds that dh wrote and lectures on the dvds. If any of you did see his booth it was my adult nephew and his wife that were helping run the booth, also my sister in law was there just to see what a homeschool convention was like. I could not attend as one of our cats has to have 4 meds twice a day and dh was going to be gone for 2 nights.

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Well I certainly am sad that so many of you couldn't make it there.

I am also sad that apparently I missed Elmeryl by only a few minutes, so I didn't get to meet her.


Professor in a Box? You know, I did see that. How cool. Maybe next time you and dh can come!


I am thoroughly exhausted now, but not as much as Karen and Janice must be. I'll tell you what, that TOG booth was constantly hopping!

I'm glad that we were able to chat a little yesterday because today was just a total zoo. Every time I popped by they were patiently answering the same questions from different people all day long. They really worked their sweet patooties off!


I think I need to order some Chinese food now. I feel like I worked for it. ;)

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I had for breakfast today:


Taylor Ham, Egg, Cheese on a Roll..... so so GOOD! My husband had the same but his was on a bagel :D


I'd send you one if I could!


Oh. yum! It's my new Christmas treat, so I'm trying to hold out 'til December. :001_smile:

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I've been homeschooling for eight years, and I've never been so excited to go to a convention (in fact, I've never BEEN to a convention).

I *do* love meeting The Women of TWTM (let's NOT do a calendar, okay?).

I can't wait to see them again next month.

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Oh. yum! It's my new Christmas treat, so I'm trying to hold out 'til December. :001_smile:


The grocery store where I worked sold it in huge logs. Once a guy was heading back to HI, but stopped in for a stick o' pork roll so that he wouldn't feel too homesick for Jersey.


Did you know you can order it online?

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did any of you see my dh's booth there? It is called Professor in a Box, it is an accounting course on dvds that dh wrote and lectures on the dvds.


Finally home, sweet home. :tongue_smilie: They were right across from us! I did not even have time to eat (not hyperbole, I really didn't) so I wasn't able to stop and check it out, but I did notice it and wonder what it was about.


I don't know how people do this every weekend, oh my, I loved it, but my voice is gone. On the plus side, you probably lose weight :001_smile: (if losing weight is ever the silver lining I'm happy.)


Lisa, I'm sorry you couldn't make it, I did miss you.


Nigh night,


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Hi Karen!


Just popping in to say Hi! since I met you in person at ENOCH too. :D


I'm Angela's friend IRL. The one who drove her to ENOCH today and home last night and tonight. The who drove her to Starbucks and then back home before going to ENOCH today. You guys call her *anj* .


It was very nice meeting you in person. I usually hang out on the Sonlight forums so this board is much easier for me to navigate than the old WTM boards. I have been popping over here recently since *anj* invited me to join and I hope to get to know you better.

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Hi Karen!

Just popping in to say Hi! since I met you in person at ENOCH too. I'm Angela's friend IRL. The one who drove her to ENOCH today and home last night and tonight. The who drove her to Starbucks and then back home before going to ENOCH today. You guys call her *anj* .

Wow, she's a very demanding friend! I hope she appreciates you. :001_smile:


It was very nice meeting you in person. I usually hang out on the Sonlight forums so this board is much easier for me to navigate than the old boards. I have been popping over here recently since *anj* invited me to join.
Hey you delurked! I feel so special ;) Great meeting you, are you sure I can't interest you in a little TOG? :D
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I'm perfectly happy using Sonlight, and have been using it since 2003. I did combine FIAR with Sonlight for a couple of years as I was waiting for my middle child to "catch up" to my oldest.


I do have a friend who is just switching from Sonlight to TOG so I'm sure she'll keep me updated. She was one of the first "Sonlighters" I met IRL.:)

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I'm perfectly happy using Sonlight, and have been using it since 2003. I did combine FIAR with Sonlight for a couple of years as I was waiting for my middle child to "catch up" to my oldest.


I do have a friend who is just switching from Sonlight to TOG so I'm sure she'll keep me updated. She was one of the first "Sonlighters" I met IRL.:)


Give innnnnn

Give innnnnnn

To the pressure of the well trained togs!!!!!!!

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This thread is worthless without pictures. :)


I know. I tried, but my phone said there wasn't enough memory left for the picture. I had a very cute one of Janice and Karen, and then poof!: error message.

M&M's dh took one of M(onique), Testimony, and myself. Maybe she'll be able to post it here.


But nope, the group pic never happened. We hoped to do it today but we never ended up in the same spot all together and Monique never even made it back today because she had a migraine.


I've gotta tell ya, Karen and Janice were lookin' pretty fetchin' in those tapestry aprons!!! ;)

Nah, j/k. They are very tastefully done. And even Marcia wears one. :001_smile:

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I know. I tried, but my phone said there wasn't enough memory left for the picture. I had a very cute one of Janice and Karen, and then poof!: error message.

M&M's dh took one of M(onique), Testimony, and myself. Maybe she'll be able to post it here.


But nope, the group pic never happened. We hoped to do it today but we never ended up in the same spot all together and Monique never even made it back today because she had a migraine.


I've gotta tell ya, Karen and Janice were lookin' pretty fetchin' in those tapestry aprons!!! ;)

Nah, j/k. They are very tastefully done. And even Marcia wears one. :001_smile:


We are leaving this morning for vacation, so I will try to post it when we get back.


What a wonderful group of ladies! So sorry that I missed you all yesterday!


Anj...thanks for all of you help!! It is nice to have cyberfriends that are willing to help.


Got to go load the kiddos.


Anyone going to HEAV? I"ll be there sometime next week.

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It really was so great to meet all of you; I am REALLY tired today though! Whew! Karen was right - two short potty breaks was all I took. I munched on snacks AS I was talking... and listening and talking... and listening and... well - you get the jist. :D:D


My littlest guy played in the orchestra at church this morning. We had to be there at 8 am - for two services. And we were out last night till midnight - pool-side with college buds. (Our two families are close.) GREAT fun! Two whole days of jam-packed hang-time with great people! ...but I feel like I need a two-week nap!


Working the TOG booth was a blast.

Meeting all of you was SO cool!

Isn't life just grand, grand, GRAND!!!





Enjoy your little people

Enjoy your journey

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