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Sequencing for BFSU Vol. 2 Grades 3-5?


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I was just coming here to ask about the order of lessons for volume one. I'm a litle confused...do I do all the thread A lessons first? Or follow four threads simultaneously, doing lesson one of all four, then lesson two, and so on?:confused:


You can go in pretty much any order, as long as one lesson doesn't require a certain lesson first. There is a "prerequisites" list in each lesson if one exists. You can go I'd say halfway through one thread before you begin seeing prerequisites for other threads, like magnets in A and North/South/East/West in D. There are sample schedules in the Yahoo group if that would help you. I like to pick what sounds good :lol: so this works well for me. Let's do friction. Any prerequisites? Sweet. Let's do it.

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You can go in pretty much any order, as long as one lesson doesn't require a certain lesson first. There is a "prerequisites" list in each lesson if one exists. You can go I'd say halfway through one thread before you begin seeing prerequisites for other threads, like magnets in A and North/South/East/West in D. There are sample schedules in the Yahoo group if that would help you. I like to pick what sounds good :lol: so this works well for me. Let's do friction. Any prerequisites? Sweet. Let's do it.


That's right. Exactly what we did here. Used BFSU K-2, going on 3-5 next year. One of the Yahoo! Groups schedules is mine, BTW. I chopped the schedule into three years - K, 1s, and 2nd. Loved being able to pick what is interesting or relevant at the moment, and the level of knowledge building in each subsequent tier.


No, don't do all A first. You could do 2-3 As, then hop over to Life Science and do 2 chapters on that, then 2 chapters of Chemistry, 2-3 of Earth, noting the interrelatedness among them.

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That's right. Exactly what we did here. Used BFSU K-2, going on 3-5 next year. One of the Yahoo! Groups schedules is mine, BTW. I chopped the schedule into three years - K, 1s, and 2nd. Loved being able to pick what is interesting or relevant at the moment, and the level of knowledge building in each subsequent tier.


No, don't do all A first. You could do 2-3 As, then hop over to Life Science and do 2 chapters on that, then 2 chapters of Chemistry, 2-3 of Earth, noting the interrelatedness among them.


That's pretty much what we're doing. Our spine is still Core Knowledge, but he adds a lot our discussions.

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If you see my siggie, you can see my conversion of the Baltimore Curriculum Project's lesson plans for 4th grade science. They use the HUGE Core Knowledge pdf (the free teacher resource which is linked on my other computer; will add it later) There are two main reasons I like this curriculum for science: 1) I know they're covering important topics and 2) We DO it. It is easily implemented, and great as a spine.


BFSU 2 will provide some great supplemental material, however.

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I was just coming here to ask about the order of lessons for volume one. I'm a litle confused...do I do all the thread A lessons first? Or follow four threads simultaneously, doing lesson one of all four, then lesson two, and so on?:confused:


If you look in the files section of the yahoo group there are several sample schedules. You don't have to follow any of them, but it will give you a better idea of how you might do it. I also found writing the name of each lesson on a notecard and shuffling them around to be helpful, though I've changed my original schedule many times already!

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We're still early on in BFSU 1, but after I received BFSU 2 I made up a sample schedule. This was after just skimming the lessons a little and trying to meet the prerequisites. I had wanted to group a few lessons from one thread together before moving on to the next. Most of the blocks were 6 weeks long, other than December and summer lessons. So I had a life science block starting in September, a nature of matter block starting halfway through October, December was Advent studies with science sometimes linking in (one year it was candy making along with the crystallization lessons from level 1, one year was light, etc.), then there was a physical science block starting in January, an earth and space science block starting halfway through February, and another life science block starting in April. During the summer I had scheduled plant lessons, plus other summerish/outdoor lessons or just little bits that didn't really fit in during the school year.

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  • 3 years later...

I don't use the flow chart when scheduling because it is hard to follow. I look at the pre-requisites. I have a schedule that I can share when I get back to my computer. I found 2 to be much easier to schedule. There seemed to be less pre-requisites between threads, so I essentially scheduled a few lessons from A, then a few from B, and then a few from C and then D and repeated for the next year. Level 1 had so many pre-requisites across threads making it much harder to schedule - there was a lot more jumping around between threads.

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I've tentatively decided to do threads A, B, and D in 3rd grade (allowing 2 weeks for most lessons) and spend 4th on C. It should look something like this:

D12 and D9: cabbage Earth and seasons (review)
A11 particle motion
A12 particle motion & temperature
A13 particles, heat, and pressure
A14 elements and compounds
A15 intro to density
A16 floating ships
A17 heat, volume, density
A18 convection
D10 water cycle
D13 climate
D11 tectonics
B13 cells
B14 cell division
B15 more cells
B19 microscopic org.
B16 fungi/ bacteria
B17 fungi/ bacteria II
B18 fungi/ bacteria III


and then

C8 flight

C9 balance

C10 movement, energy, momentum

C11 mechanics, levers

C12 more simple machines

C13 electricity

C13A more electricity

C14 still more electricity

C15 light and vision.


Holler if you see any problems re: prerequisites.


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I found volume 2 had a lot fewer cross-thread prerequisites. I'm not at home, but for the most part we are working the book straight through.


I did wish I had bumped the lesson on density further back chronologically. Perhaps we should have held off on the A thread altogether. We did it in 3rd grade, but because my dc hadn't spent much time on division at that point we went really slowly, spread it out over a month, and I kept my examples simple and straightforward. Even so, we will finish the book in 4th or the beginning of 5th.

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We only started BFSU2 recently. We started with B21 and then moved back to the sections on cells and are now moving through the B thread as listed. Through book 1 I just picked a thread and then made sure the pre requisites were covered first. At the beginning of the book this took a fair amount of time, but after a good deal of the threads had been covered it got much easier. Book 2 appears to be even easier to follow fairly linearly.

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