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Anyone doing/done/want to do Couch-to-5km?


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I've just started the Couch-to-5km running programme, and I was wondering whether anyone else is doing it, or has done it, and would like to offer encouraging words. Perhaps I can convince someone else to get up off the couch and put on running shoes? I did 8 minutes of runs today, interspersed with 90 minute walks. I made it, barely, but can't imagine doing it again in two days, let alone doing more next week. :001_huh:


I'm using an app for the iPhone to "coach" me.



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I started mine a few months back and made it to week 3 and then had MAJOR knee issues. I should have known it was coming- I screwed my knees up when I used to mountain climb and now (at the ripe age of 30) they creek and crack like an old women's.


My dh (after seeing me not able to bend or put any weight on them) purchased a bike for me. So I took a few month off to let my knees recoup and I am currently on week 2 day 3 of Couch to 5k but I use my bike. Yeah, it's probably cheating with bike but I found that I really did well sticking through it when I had an app (on my droid phone) keeping me in check. Having someone say when to walk and run and a place to check off each day done really keeps me motivated.


I've been meaning to look to see if they have one specifically for the bike but I find the couch to 5k a good fit. I just pedal as fast as i can when its time to run and "cruise comfortably" for walks.


I've also switched up my eating habits slightly- and have lost 11 pounds already!!! :) :lol:

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I've been doing it too. It has been the only thing in years that got me out running. Sometimes moving up a week is hard. I have stayed on one week for longer or gone to the gym and mastered a week on the treadmill before doing it ouside.


My son started running too and did a 5k early in September. I am still working toward one. But I have improved my fitness a lot since starting.

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I did it and loved it!


I had never enjoyed running before in my life, and was so surprised and happy with what I achieved through C25K. I went on to One Hour Runner and was enjoying running for an hour or more 3 times per week, but unfortunately I now have back problems and can't tolerate the impact, so have had to switch to using the elliptical for the moment.

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I am about to start....had to get some running clothes.....then had to get some running shoes....figured my regular foot attire of flip-flops wasn't going to cut it......had my App all picked out.....now no one on the house can find my son's iPod touch (we all use it now that he has an iPad) :(. If it doesn't show up this weekend, I'm going to put the App on my DH's iPhone and just use that.


Good luck!

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I did it last year. I had *never* run a mile without stopping in my *life*. I was an active kid / teen, but running for more than short bursts at a time was never my thing, and as an adult, I'd become less and less active.


I started (sort of accidentally) with week 3, and I thought I was going to DIE. :)


My brother gave me some helpful advice. He said, "Whatever you do, just maintain a running form." So there were a *lot* of times when I was shuffling along in a "running form" at a speed that would let little old ladies in walkers pass me. :) I would huff and puff and think, "I just can't do this!" But I'd make it through.


There were times when I had to repeat a week to complete all of the runs. That's OKAY.


And then, magically, less than two months after I started, I ran for 36 minutes without stopping and finished my first 3.1 miles. :) It was amazing. I couldn't *believe* I had done it.


It was HARD. It doesn't really feel "easier" ever. But I can go farther and faster.


I started C25K in July of last year. In October I ran my first race, a 10K. My brother ran on one side of me and Niffercoo (another WTMer) ran on my other side and they just chattered at me and encouraged me to keep me going. :) My goal was to finish in 75 minutes, and I finished in 69. (Again, felt like I was going to die. My brother and Niffercoo weren't even winded of course, lol.)


In February I ran (and walked) the Princess Half Marathon at Disney. In June I participated in a sprint-length triathlon. :D


All because I struggled through C25K.


So yes, DO IT. It's fabulous. It's not easy, but it's awesome.


(I haven't run as much over the summer, but now that we're settled into a school routine and the temps are cooling off, I mean to get back to running 3-4 days every week again.)

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I just hit 30 minutes this week. I'm incredibly slow, but I'm doing it! Each time I hit a new level, I thought, "I can't do this." Within no time, however, my body adapted and I'd be saying the same thing about the new level. :) I'm now working on getting faster.


BTW, when I started, running that first minute killed me! I couldn't breathe at all. Now I can talk all the way through the 30 minute run. And my legs look fantastic!

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This thread is encouraging. :) I've been afraid to even try running because I don't want to injure my knees. I started P90 in January and when it got too easy, I started Chalean Extreme. I've lost weight, feel as strong as a horse ;) but my legs still look, well, like lumpy tree trunks. So maybe they will improve if I run??

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I started it over the summer and was getting lots of joint and (weird) muscle pain. My legs wouldn't be sore, but my back would. So, I paused. Walked 2 miles regularly and moved to a house with stairs, which really did strengthen things. Now, I've started back up with the Cto5k with much better results. I end up tweaking it, so I can use some landmarks as stop and start points. This week was walk 5, run 6 minutes, walk 2 minutes, run 6, walk 10. So, don't know exactly what week this puts me on.

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Thanks to everyone who responded! I feel somewhat reassured that I won't actually die doing this - I mean, if you've all survived, I will too, right? I kind of don't want to tell anyone in real life that I'm doing this, even my dh. It's something I'm doing just for me. Couch-to-5 was on my list of things to do this year, before my 40th birthday. I’m 4 weeks away, and I’m not going to make it, but a start is better than nothing.


I actually don't feel too bad today. My hips are bit stiff, but I'm generally better off than when I start to walk again after a long hiatus. I got a stitch when I ran yesterday, and so extended one walk, then rewound the app to redo the run I gave up on. I have struggled with a strange stitch-like pain under my ribs on-and-off for a few years now, and that seems to be a bit worse today. I've had an ultrasound and various tests to no avail, but if it gets worse with running I'll maybe check in with the doctor again.



I'm glad to hear others are losing weight - I aim to lose 8kg (a bit more than 16 pounds, which sounds far more intimidating) and am halfway there, but it is getting harder. I am hoping regular exercise will help.


Oh, and Kristen - I think cycling C25 is an interesting twist. It would, however, take the whole exercise thing to unacceptable heights for me - moving and balancing? :001_smile:


Happy running / cycling / walking / staggering!



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I've just started the Couch-to-5km running programme, and I was wondering whether anyone else is doing it, or has done it, and would like to offer encouraging words. Perhaps I can convince someone else to get up off the couch and put on running shoes? I did 8 minutes of runs today, interspersed with 90 minute walks. I made it, barely, but can't imagine doing it again in two days, let alone doing more next week. :001_huh:


I'm using an app for the iPhone to "coach" me.





I've been working on this for a few weeks, but it is hard for me to get the time in regularly. The first two days did nearly kill me. But, already the running portions are easier to handle. I am having a hard time sticking to it though. Might go look for that app. :)


Was 90 minutes a typo?

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Was 90 minutes a typo?


It was! 90 sec walks. The app is great, and it recommends when the next run should be. It would be useful if it set off an alarm on the day, though. A loud and persistent alarm would be good. My second run is tomorrow, and I going to have to be stern with myself, or I won't get out the door!

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I started mine a few months back and made it to week 3 and then had MAJOR knee issues. I should have known it was coming- I screwed my knees up when I used to mountain climb and now (at the ripe age of 30) they creek and crack like an old women's.


My dh (after seeing me not able to bend or put any weight on them) purchased a bike for me. So I took a few month off to let my knees recoup and I am currently on week 2 day 3 of Couch to 5k but I use my bike. Yeah, it's probably cheating with bike but I found that I really did well sticking through it when I had an app (on my droid phone) keeping me in check. Having someone say when to walk and run and a place to check off each day done really keeps me motivated.


I've been meaning to look to see if they have one specifically for the bike but I find the couch to 5k a good fit. I just pedal as fast as i can when its time to run and "cruise comfortably" for walks.


I've also switched up my eating habits slightly- and have lost 11 pounds already!!! :) :lol:

I am intrigued. I've tried C25K 3 times now. Each time my knees give out or I get pg. :lol: Biking really helps me, though. I have the app for my iTouch. I might have to use it this way. I am thinking of trying C25K and sticking to week one for several months to ease my knees in more. I have chondromalacia patellae.

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I am intrigued. I've tried C25K 3 times now. Each time my knees give out or I get pg. :lol: Biking really helps me, though. I have the app for my iTouch. I might have to use it this way. I am thinking of trying C25K and sticking to week one for several months to ease my knees in more. I have chondromalacia patellae.


One of the happiest days of my life was when an orthopedist told me I should NEVER run, not even for a bus. :D I was 16yo. Something about how it would put too much stress on my joints because my calf bones have a little too much twist in them.


I'd say your knees are telling you something (and pgc is a bit rash to avoid a running program, isn't it? :lol: <jk>). I'd go ahead and use the bike instead. Do you have a bike computer? I find them very motivational. I love cycling gently rolling hills -- goal is to get into anaerobic by the crest of each hill, but not so much that you can't free spin on the way down and be ready to hit the next hill. That challenge (along with bettering my pace) did wonders.


Unfortunately, I have to settle with using the elliptical trainer -- after 3 pgcies my bosom is now in the way of cycling. :glare:

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Oh, wanted to say. I use an app called "Interval Run" over my own music, or the pre-programmed C25K playlists from http://runningintoshape.com/ ... Both were extremely helpful to me.


Interval Run is great 'cause it has C25K, Bridge to 10K, the One Hour Runner, and Tabata already programmed in *and* it lets you set up your own workouts. It'll play over whatever you're playing on your iPod (or alone, if you just want silence).


Carli (Running Into Shape) picks music I would mostly *never* listen to in my normal life (and some of it is not kid-friendly), but she does a really great job of picking music with a good running beat, that feels fun at some points, inspiring at others. And it's fun 'cause she's no slim, she's not an athlete -- she's just a regular woman who was fat and out of shape, and she has worked to become strong and fit (and, in the process, much slimmer), and now tries to inspire others. :o)

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One of the happiest days of my life was when an orthopedist told me I should NEVER run, not even for a bus. :D I was 16yo. Something about how it would put too much stress on my joints because my calf bones have a little too much twist in them.


I'd say your knees are telling you something (and pgc is a bit rash to avoid a running program, isn't it? :lol: <jk>). I'd go ahead and use the bike instead. Do you have a bike computer? I find them very motivational. I love cycling gently rolling hills -- goal is to get into anaerobic by the crest of each hill, but not so much that you can't free spin on the way down and be ready to hit the next hill. That challenge (along with bettering my pace) did wonders.


Unfortunately, I have to settle with using the elliptical trainer -- after 3 pgcies my bosom is now in the way of cycling. :glare:

I stopped running the 2nd time while pg because I kept almost passing out when I ran and I had just begun the program before I got the bfp. So I continued to exercise and bike, but not run. :)


The docs told me I could run, but that I need to be careful and wear my brace. It's mostly my right knee from an old work injury. The CP doesn't affect my left one so that I can't run, only my right from the injury. :( I think it's partly my shoes, too. I bought new shoes and within 2 runs, my knee hurt. My last Adidas running shoes caused no problems. I don't have money for new ones right now, though. I have thought about the elliptical. Have you tried a more upright bike like a cruiser? They are easier on you if you have amble bosoms or pg bellies. :)

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