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Admin: Question

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that someone gave me a bad rep for my thread, not the content, and not anything bad I said, or mean or rude that I did. They gave me a warning not to hold the spanking teenager people up as mentors.


The rep was red, which I have no idea what that means.


It was kinda weird. If they wanted to give me a warning, why no PM me? Why give me a bad rep point? They weren't upset with what I said, at all. The message was a kind, gentle warning to be careful with myself.




Luckily I don't take my online self too seriously!! LOL.

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But I think all these threads that have no purpose but to challenge and call out the admins, or maybe SWB herself, are childish. They provided us with a message board, not a new democracy.


I also appreciate having this board, but it's the members that make it helpful/special/informative, etc. And maybe I shouldn't say it, but I'm inclined to be more sensitive to the members' feelings rather than the administrators'. I look at it this way: I've spent a lot of money over the years on The Story of the World series in books/audio cds/activity guides , a first and then second edition of The Well Trained Mind, etc. And as such, I don't choose to think like you do in governmental terms like "democracy". I think in economic terms where I'm profit, not overhead.

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This forum is not as fun or as friendly as it was years ago.



Oh, I disagree...


I think that the boards are more fun. We can see each other's avatars, check out profile pictures (if people have uploaded them) and get a sense of personality from signature lines. If you need to get in touch with someone, you can send and receive a PM without letting your email out for all to see.


It is easier to keep track of threads and discussion can continue over weeks since a new post brings the thread up again. We have the ability to go much more in depth on the new boards since they don't "move so quickly".


The same people who were antagonistic on the old board remain so on the new ones, but not we at least know without massive rigmarole that they are just them and no one else!


I took a few weeks to get into the new system, but now that I have, I would not want to go back. It seems to me that most of the posts that others view as offensive have come across as being dogmatic or rude. Maybe I am wrong. I have only ever given one negative, which I signed, to someone I felt was being unnecessarily and sweepingly judgmental. The person replied and it was all gravy. I cannot comprehend anyone being "hurt" by someone's disagreement with them over a post on a message board.


Anyway... my somewhat incoherent thoughts.

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I cannot comprehend anyone being "hurt" by someone's disagreement with them over a post on a message board.




I agree with most of what you said. I like this format, the avatars, the signature lines. I like that people who like to discuss politics can do that here. But I'm guessing you haven't really heard much about the types of negative rep that people are talking about here. It's far more than simple disagreement over a post. Like Joanne said, some of it has been toxic, plain and simple.

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I have to agree with this. This board is owned by Peace Hill Press/SWB. It is a courtesy to provide this virtual space for us at their expense. This constant whining about the rules they have established has got to, at minimum, irritate them.


If you (Karen) had a message board and you let me come to it, I would not feel at liberty to complain about your setup. I would assume that as a guest in your virtual space I should respect your setup.


I think, though, if Karen had a board that I had been a member of for five years, and you had tried and tried to email Karen for an answer when other members of the board were randomly and arbitrarily being hurtful to you, and Karen didn't actually answer you -- anyway, rambling here, but I think before you left all those people behind that you really did care (virtually) about, you would make some attempts to post on the board and try to see if Karen couldn't see her way clear to make a change. To see if others felt as you do.


You know? Anyway, that's how I see the posts. And if the posts do irritate them, they will continue to delete them, and if they do more than irritate them, they know how to contact the posters who are crossing the line.


I understand why individual emails don't get answers, probably, and I get it if the PTB don't want to engage. Eventually, those that just can't take anymore will move on, though I can't say that's a good thing. People have different comfort levels of what seems "snarly" to them. For example, my post to the poor "just visiting" poster this afternoon who innocently said that the rep system feels like a popularity contest seemed way overly snarly IMO, but I kept trying to make it more gentle and I just couldn't do it any better, so I left it. By posting it publicly, I left myself open to someone saying, "Hey, you might want to say xyz instead" and I could then correct more or clarify. Others prefer PM.


Anyway, rambling again, but in my opinion, to state publicly that one is hurt by what happens privately isn't necessarily whining, particularly when other avenues of redress just aren't open. I know you prefer that if someone disagrees with you to the point of snarling, you'd like it to be private, possibly anonymous. But for me, that just raises up hackles of paranoia and shame. And it doesn't make for good community, though I understand the intention behind the original idea. (The two times I've bought something I've gotten no feedback, though I've given it to rate the transaction.)


I hope this post won't make you feel snarled at, Kelli. You know nothing could be further from my mind.

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I took a few weeks to get into the new system, but now that I have, I would not want to go back. It seems to me that most of the posts that others view as offensive have come across as being dogmatic or rude. Maybe I am wrong. I have only ever given one negative, which I signed, to someone I felt was being unnecessarily and sweepingly judgmental. The person replied and it was all gravy. I cannot comprehend anyone being "hurt" by someone's disagreement with them over a post on a message board.




The post from yesterday that was deleted involved someone receiving an anon. negative rep because she wrote "curriculums" instead of "curricula"! I think it's important to be aware that this kind of thing is also going on "behind the scenes" with this rep system. My feelings would've been hurt if I had been on the receiving end of negative rep like that. And it seems like we should be able to discuss this aspect of the rep system, especially when it's okay for others to post (and not be deleted) about their excitement when they get a new square.

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Oh, I disagree...


I think that the boards are more fun. We can see each other's avatars, check out profile pictures (if people have uploaded them) and get a sense of personality from signature lines. If you need to get in touch with someone, you can send and receive a PM without letting your email out for all to see.


It is easier to keep track of threads and discussion can continue over weeks since a new post brings the thread up again. We have the ability to go much more in depth on the new boards since they don't "move so quickly".






I agree. It is more fun! I feel like I am really getting to see people's personalities through the avatars and the fun PM-ing!:001_smile:

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But it is different because before, everyone knew what nasty comments were said, and it could be made clear that not everyone felt that way. Nowadays, if someone gets the nasty comment, no one is there to back them up because you can't talk about it or it gets deleted. So it is really a much more personal attack, with the potential to be far more hurtful.



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True, but would you like it if she questioned your rule in front of a big group of people or talk to you privately? I guess I would prefer to see problems routed straight to the admin first.


Speaking for myself, I"ve tried repeatedly to contact The Powers That Be when my login wasn't working. Despite MANY emails, I never, ever recieved any kind of a reply. I know that Colleen had the same experience.

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