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awesome present ideas for 6 yo boys?

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I've seen threads before where people asked for gift suggestions for their own children, and I was (blushing here) judgmental and thought, "Don't you know your own child??? How could you not know what to get them???"






Well, I have not one, but TWO, boys who are turning 6 within the week and so far I have only a book for each of them and a stuffed penguin for one of them. This is lame! I need several more presents for each of them. It's early enough that I can order with Amazon prime. My option of last resort is to go to the toy store Friday night and buy whatever seems good.


They like Star Wars, action figures, crafts, coloring, dress-up, Playmobil, all typical boy stuff. Any suggestions?


(apologies to anyone I unfairly judged in the past!!!!)

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My seven year olds got Star Wars Legos last week for their birthday. Last year, they went fly-fishing with their Pepe and caught their dinner... I guess you can't get them that (though my dad would be happy to have another crew to teach).


They're hard to shop for. They play with sticks. (mine love perler beads.... Hours and hours of crafty fun)

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The movie The Indian In The Cupboard


army/camo face paint


camo clothing (if it's a hit, when they get older go to an army store and get REAL clothing. My boys LOVED this!)



go to a hunting store and get a real camo tent


camping gear


the little head lights you wear on your head


a little bubble gum and candy


a new game









I miss having young boys. :sad:

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Our boys always liked things that bounce and things that roll: basketballs, tennis balls, whiffle balls, small bouncy balls, nerf balls, rubber foursquare balls, roller skates/blades, scooters, ... my go-to for kids that age is a skateboard. You can get basic ones at Target or Toys R Us for them to start with. It's always a big hit, and has gotten several of my son's, neice's and nephews' friends hooked on boarding :) I always include basic protective gear, too, minus a helmet (which I figure they already own, or should buy to size on their own).


Craft-wise, our boys started getting into those wood construction/puzzle kits - the kind where you punch out the shape and reconstruct a tank, truck, dinosaur, etc. No nails or tools, just punchouts and pre-cut joints. I find them at Hobby Lobby and similar stores.


Action Figure-wise they always liked the historical plastic figured, also found at Hobby Lobby (et al). At that age I bought them a basic diorama kit or supplies and then gave them the historical figurines to place around it.


Do they own the original Star Wars DVDs? That'd make a great gift, complete with a big bag of popcorn and some themed blankets or snuggies or something LOL.


Dress-up, our boys were still dressing up like soldiers. We have some in the family, so it was something they enjoyed dressing up as. Three were US soldiers and one was always the Ninja (black sweats, black ski hoodie and wind sleeve), all were equipped with basic supplies from an Army/Navy store or thrift store and all carried nerf guns.


Nerf guns are always a huge hit :)

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My Ds7 and Ds5 just bought themselves a Star Wars sticker book with birthday money. They have and use their light sabers all the time. They love the Star Wars Legos that they have.


Lincoln Logs are good, too. If you do Sam's Club, mine usually has a new set of Lincoln Logs each Christmas. They might have them out now. It is still not cheap but it is better than buying a little box for $25.


The boys have the Playmobil Pyramid and Coliseum. They have played with them almost every day for the past 2/1 (presents for different Christmases) years.


Other presents that might appeal were a real but childsize fishing pole and shorthandled shovel.

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When my nephews turned 6 yo and I bought them each a Dinosaur Exploration Dig kit. It was a block of plaster-like substance and within the block were some dinosaur skeletons. It came with a couple tools to use to excavate the block and discover the skeletons. They loved it and carefully excavated their dinosaur skeletons. Lots of fun.


They love walkie-talkies, books, and any science experiment kits. I have given them a couple of beginning solar car models to build and use (made for ages 6-8) and they loved building and experimenting with the solar aspect.

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I am thinking of one of those things you can put on the kitchen table to play table tennis, or an indoor putting green - something like that. My twin boys would always get hours and hours of entertainment out of that kind of thing. They mike like a driveway tennis set .... or a small ping pong table.... or a badmitton set...... If it involved keeping score, my twins loved it.

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