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The Teachers Lodge (sometime in September)

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Good morning! My coffee has yet to kick in (I think because I'm only getting a sip now and then instead of just drinking it) so I have no idea what the date is. Or, if I do, I think I have made that the date for Teachers Lodge yesterday. Thus the "sometime in September" part of the title. :tongue_smilie:


We're opening early today because I might not remember later!


What was for breakfast? Currently, I'm working on coffee. when that finally hits my brain, I may then know what else is for breakfast!


What's for lunch? Yeah, about that. No clue. Again. :confused:


What do you hope to get done besides the obvious (schooling) today?

I'd like to see myself actually decluttering a good portion of the house today. We'll see how that goes!


What's your favorite kind/brand of coffee? I'm not sure I have a favorite but some brands I do like are: Eight O'Clock, 9 to 5, and Starbucks.


Talk to me!:bigear:

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Good morning, Scrap! I'm so glad that I'm not the only one who should have calendar time in our homeschool:tongue_smilie:


Breakfast will be 2 eggs and a cinnamon raisin bagel thin.


Lunch will be a salad with protein. (See how easy it is when you have the same thing every day?!) Of course I have no idea what veggies or protein I'll use today. . . What I have on hand, I guess.


Get done: some things that have been on my to-do list since last week - mainly having to do with filing and reorganizing my files.


Favorite coffee? That's easy. NONE! (I hate coffee. I hate the smell, the flavor, coffee ice cream, coffee candy, anything with a touch of coffee.)

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We're opening early today because I might not remember later! I love when you open the lodge early! For those of us on the east coast, I sometimes need a lodge moment by about 8:30am! LOL!


What was for breakfast? Breakfast was eggo waffles...the kids had a choice between chocolate chip waffles or mini cinnamon waffles.


What's for lunch? Leftover pizza. Last night we celebrated dd1's birthday at my grandparent's house and they sent us home with the leftover pizza.


What do you hope to get done besides the obvious (schooling) today?

I *must* go to the grocery store today. We are now out of milk and bread, along with some other basics and fresh fruit. I also need to take dd2 shopping for a present for her sister's birthday (which is tomorrow). I'd also like to get a chance to bake something (cake or cupcakes for tomorrow), but I'm not sure if that will happen.


What's your favorite kind/brand of coffee? Coffee??? Ick!

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Good Morning. Cup #5 of coffee here this morning. I make myself get up early to drink the first cup in peace before the kids get up. It makes my day go much better.


Breakfast was greek yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, and cranberries plus some flax meal (I'm out of my homemade granola today).


Lunch will be leftover pot roast and roasted beets.


Besides the obvious, I'd like to make more granola and finish putting away the books on the new shelves and move the old, empty shelves to the basement. There is something very sad about empty bookshelves.


My favorite coffee is Yuban dark roast. It is rain forest alliance certified and affordable which I need because I drink a lot of coffee. If I'm at the office, my friends and I get coffee beans from a local roaster then grind them and make it in a French press. It is the best, and my favorite, but not something I'm willing to do everyday and in large quantities.

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What was for breakfast? I'm back on low-carb/low sugar (did I mention that yesterday?) so eggs and a slice of Ezekiel bread toast for me.

What's for lunch? Salad with protein. Um - tuna? Or cheese? Not sure what protein.


What do you hope to get done besides the obvious (schooling) today?

I hope to do a couple loads of laundry, make dinner and get dd to Girl Scouts on time. I have already accomplished some school, Bible time (for me) and a workout - that's major!


What's your favorite kind/brand of coffee? I have mostly kicked my coffee habit - mostly to get rid of the sugar - but I like an occasional Starbucks or - even better - from a local bakery/coffee house called "Delicous." Because it is. :D

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What was for breakfast? Haven't had it yet. Nausea has kicked back in, lucky me. Whatever I end up with, it'll be gf (BLECH!)

What's for lunch? Whatever the kids decide they want.

What do you hope to get done besides the obvious (schooling) today? Naptime.

What's your favorite kind/brand of coffee? Tim Hortons. Esp the French Vanilla Capp. I'm not handling the Folger's crud that Wolf picked up recently at all well. *gack*

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Good morning :)


What was for breakfast? Nothing, my stomach is too in knots over my tooth extraction later this afternoon. So currently it is Ginger Ale, and maybe crackers to help alleviate that. Right now I'd really love some coffee though and I am not really a coffee drinker, but I don't think my tummy could handle the caffeine.


What's for lunch? Have no clue, probably not much.


What do you hope to get done besides the obvious (schooling) today?

Actually, maybe get to that DDS appt to get my tooth pulled (I don't wanna). Depending on how I am feeling after that, get school done, since no one was interested before. Also depending on that, *finish* my desk... it's been on my "list" for a week now :whistling: And going along with that reorganize the homeschooling shelf.


What's your favorite kind/brand of coffee? I don't have much experience in that, but I *love* Carmel Frappe's!!!

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Pike Place. Since drinking that, Folgers tastes like...well, not even mud.


Lunch: :lol:


B'fast: instant oatmeal, cereal, fend-for-yourself, yogurt.


Accomplish: :lol:


School: ds is behind, but he's got a penciled-in moustache on his face, so there's that consolation. :glare:


Did reading w/ the littles. Math w/ the big little. Need to go do grammar w/ the bigs, but after a pencil went flying across the table, I decided to hide over here until I started breathing again. Need to go pour the 2nd cup of coffee before it (inevitably) burns.


Ok, accomplish: dh needs to build the bunk bed whose parts are strewn across the living room. Does a honey-do list count? :lol:


Theoretically might excavate my desk. Like I might run a marathon. ;)

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What was for breakfast? Coffee and ibuprofen. Stupid sinus headache.


What's for lunch? Mac and cheese for the kids and chicken soft tacos for me.


What do you hope to get done besides the obvious (schooling) today?

Laundry and getting some more stuff ready for our garage sale this weekend.


What's your favorite kind/brand of coffee? Tim Horton's - no question. I also love a local coffee maker/shop called Boston Stoker that has a flavored coffee called Highlander Grogg. It is so good.

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Good Morning!


Breakfast for me was coffee...I'm not a breakfast person.


Lunch? I have no clue...I usually eat cereal and the kids have leftovers.


After the schoolwork is finished I have to enter my son's room of doom and clean/de-clutter in there. It's a scary endeavor to be sure.


I don't really have a favorite brand of coffee as long as I have coffee! Caffeine is an absolute must in my house! <G>

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I had leftover soup for breakfast, with two cups of tea. I'm not so much a morning eater.


Lunch today is easy. A friend gave me some homemade corn tortillas -beyond delicious- and we have a bunch of leftovers to get through so we're going to have some veggie tacos, fajitas, whatever each kid wants to make for him- or herself from the bar o' stuffin' goodness on the countertop. We have leftover veggies, beans, and rice, and I'll grill some tempeh. Easy, peasy, and a clean fridge to boot. It just requires me to get up at some point .... and make my way to the kitchen ....


We have two birthdays this week, so today we're hoping to get around to baking their cakes. I'm a mean mother who makes my kids bake and decorate their own cakes; fortunately they love this :) Unfortunately I'm out of a few pantry basics so we're going to have to run to the grocery store. This may not happen until tomorrow because I'm in slow motion today.


I don't drink coffee, but I drink lots of tea. My favorite is green tea but I also like chai and vanilla flavored teas. I'll drink herbals, but I don't buy them or seek them out. I always turn down the black teas - no amount of sugar or honey can make those palatable to me!

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Hi everybody! My first time to stop by the Lodge. Sure smells good in here, though the coffee corner appears a little small at the moment. :D


Breakfast was brown rice, chicken picadillo, and a couple of fried plantains leftover from yesterday's Spanish class. Lunch will be my favorite chicken curry which I am hoping at least one person other than me will eat. Working on expanding boundaries here, and it's painful for all of us.


Favorite coffee is currently decaf Senseo pods, because that's what arrives for free every month as last year's Christmas present--and very little tastes better than "free."


What to accomplish--am actually hoping to do some laundry at a friend's house. Our washer died a couple weeks ago and we (anyone in breathing distance of us would agree) desperately need to get on that.

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What do you hope to get done besides the obvious (schooling) today?

I *must* go to the grocery store today. We are now out of milk and bread, along with some other basics and fresh fruit. I also need to take dd2 shopping for a present for her sister's birthday (which is tomorrow). I'd also like to get a chance to bake something (cake or cupcakes for tomorrow), but I'm not sure if that will happen.


Happy Birthday to your daughter!



Another Mom With An Empty Pantry, Long List of Errands, Birthday Tomorrow & Zero Motivation


Breakfast was brown rice, chicken picadillo, and a couple of fried plantains leftover from yesterday's Spanish class. Lunch will be my favorite chicken curry which I am hoping at least one person other than me will eat. Working on expanding boundaries here, and it's painful for all of us.


Goodness, I think I could be a morning eater at YOUR house - the brown rice and plaintains sound heavenly!


The kids here have generally been good about trying to new foods and having a somewhat broad palate; enter my youngest, who was raised the same way with the same foods but is so monotone in her food preferences. I don't know how she can eat such boring food and she doesn't know why I'd want to eat such different flavors and unpredictable textures. Guess that's what makes the world go 'round. Hope your lunch is a success all around, or at leasst not overly painful. I completely relate.

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To the non-coffee drinkers, guess I'll be drinking tea when I come to visit you! :D

Eternalknot, you will have no fighting from me over your tea as I prefer the blacks to the tisanes (aka herbals). I also prefer loose leaf to bagged and have been affectionately dubbed a "tea snob" by a couple of close acquaintances! BD


To the coffee drinkers, I'm up for coffee almost any time of day. Bring it on!


We wound up having chili dogs with a side of fruit for lunch. Now to figure out dinner. Hmmm. Probably going to have to pull out one of my recipes from LeAnne Ely at savingdinnerdotcom.

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Breakfast - coffee for me, bacon and fruit for kids.


Lunch - French toast, fruit, yogurt, - I'll just have a v-8 juice and some celery sticks...stupid "monthly fairy" and I'm feeling uncomfortable, hence the not eating much.


Supper - chicken and rice with green beans, fresh carrots, cottage cheese, and in an attempt to fill the boys and keep them that way for the remainder of the evening, they'll be given both a boiled egg, and another apple.


Favorite brand of coffee - hands down Tim Horton's.


Something to accomplish - mopping the kitchen floor



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Like Jean, I keep coffee on hand for guests - quite a variety, even! I'm in hotels for work pretty often, so I just snag 'em from there LOL. I even snag the icky black tea for guests who don't like green :D


I'm also partial to loose leaf, so make room for me at the Tea Snob table! It looks like I'll be in good company. (I'm also a music snob, movie snob, and sheet snob according to people who claim to love me but definitely accept me.) One of our layover hotels is walking distance to this awesome tea shop, and it's always one of my favorite work trips. I spend all day sampling, then spend my entire per diem on teas!

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Breakfast: Scrambled egg and a veggie/fruit smoothie.


Lunch: Few bites of chicken breast, crackers with cream cheese, apple crisp.


Accomplished: Shredded and bagged up 5 lbs. of cooked chicken breast for the freezer. Took a nap. :001_smile:


Coffee: I only take mine in ice-cream form! Love the smell of it brewing, though.

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Happy Birthday to your daughter!



Another Mom With An Empty Pantry, Long List of Errands, Birthday Tomorrow & Zero Motivation




:lol: So, my daughter usually sets her alarm and gets up at 7am. Tomorrow is her birthday. She has a literature co-op from 10:45 until 12:30, and dance classes from 5-8 tomorrow evening. I wanted to have a special breakfast for her, but I'm too lazy to get up any earlier than I already do...so I told her she can sleep until 8am tomorrow....that way I can get up at my regular time and still get the muffins and other breakfast yummies made before she gets up! Lame, I know...

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:lol: So, my daughter usually sets her alarm and gets up at 7am. Tomorrow is her birthday. She has a literature co-op from 10:45 until 12:30, and dance classes from 5-8 tomorrow evening. I wanted to have a special breakfast for her, but I'm too lazy to get up any earlier than I already do...so I told her she can sleep until 8am tomorrow....that way I can get up at my regular time and still get the muffins and other breakfast yummies made before she gets up! Lame, I know...


Not lame, brilliantly marketed :D


I made the shameful 11pm run to the 24-hour drugstore to get birthday balloons and a few cheesy gifts for my 9/28 birthday kid. I kept procrastinating until .... there was no more time left, ack!


I had a great breakfast planned, too, but ... well ... most mornings the kids fend for themselves because they all wake up an hour or two before I do and I don't see tomorrow being any different, despite my original good intentions. (They somehow missed the memo about homeschooling being awesome for sleeping in.) At the drug store I broke down and bought the individual serving cups of sugary, gross cereals. I set the table for them, put a vase of cheap drugstore flowers in the center, and throw up some decorations and my balloons. It looks incredibly lame, but maybe they'll give me an A for effort :tongue_smilie:!


So from where I sit, you're doing pretty good, Mama ::thumbs up::

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