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Our dear little dss are finding piggish behavior amusing;the rest of us, not so much.

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DS 5 - burping, pooting, pinching, licking, spitting

DS 2 - copying brother PLUS digging in his nose all the way to China


This is a recent, surprising set of behaviors in our household. Us parents and the dds DO NOT exhibit, participate in, encourage, or support any of it. And yet, there it is.


Perhaps one of you can shed some light on the matter and help me with a plan of action. Before DS 2 strikes gray matter. UGH!!!

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I always "allowed" children who were behaving like animals to go to their rooms (or outside, or any other appropriate location) where they were free to make these disgusting noises to their hearts content - without me having to listen!!


The key is not to overreact, because that will just encourage them! Many little children do this, particularly boys. It's normal and all that, but I refused to listen to it!! :D



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DS 5 - burping, pooting, pinching, licking, spitting

DS 2 - copying brother PLUS digging in his nose all the way to China


This is common of the age and (at the risk of being called by the PC gender police), expected of boys.


Here, those behaviors would be deemed "potty behavior" and therefore the child chooses to go to the bathroom if they participate. They can burp, fart, pick all they want. Alone in the bathroom. And they can return to family when they are through.

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Here, those behaviors would be deemed "potty behavior" and therefore the child chooses to go to the bathroom if they participate. They can burp, fart, pick all they want. Alone in the bathroom. And they can return to family when they are through.


We have similar expectations here. Those behaviors were never acceptable anywhere else.

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DS 5 - burping, pooting, pinching, licking, spitting

DS 2 - copying brother PLUS digging in his nose all the way to China


This is a recent, surprising set of behaviors in our household. Us parents and the dds DO NOT exhibit, participate in, encourage, or support any of it. And yet, there it is.


Perhaps one of you can shed some light on the matter and help me with a plan of action. Before DS 2 strikes gray matter. UGH!!!



Your sons will find all body functions hysterically funny for perhaps 10-15 more years. Sons make noises, daughters tend to converse (at least that has been the case here with my 3 sons and 2 daughters). Any sound that remotely resembles some sort of body function is met with peals of laughter by my sons.


I've done my best to let them know where it might be acceptable to express themselves like that, and where it's not. The dinner table is a prime example of where it's not acceptable. Or in public.


We've taught the guys that spitting and hurting are never acceptable, regardless of the situation. There is still something about spitting from the top of a ledge that I've seen even grown men appreciate. Ugh. And occasionally things slip out, even from adults who should know better. Not mentioning any names here. :glare:


Cut 'em some slack if they're in their own room doing their things, but use instances of outbursts as opportunities to try to teach them if, when, and where it is appropriate and not appropriate. One thing I had to learn was that my sons would never view things the same way as my daughters, or me. This has helped me extend grace to the menfolk.

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LOL..the key part of your post is the part that they are little boys and the rest of the family are grown ups or girls. Welcome to the cute little world of boys!! (nip it's in the bud now before Dad decides it cute and decides to join them or they turn 13 still doing it).

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Your sons will find all body functions hysterically funny for perhaps 10-15 more years. Sons make noises, daughters tend to converse (at least that has been the case here with my 3 sons and 2 daughters). Any sound that remotely resembles some sort of body function is met with peals of laughter by my sons.


Yeah, my sons are 10 and 7 and still find this stuff hysterical. I just don't get it. :confused:

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Yeah, my sons are 10 and 7 and still find this stuff hysterical. I just don't get it. :confused:



My brothers-in-law range between 49 and 53, and they still laugh like little boys over fart jokes.

I don't think they ever get past it.

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Well, you can feel sorry for me, because dh54 and ds12 both think farting and belching are hilarious.

I have no hope.

Actually, in the family I grew up in, and in my present family, these things are no big deal, and are not punishable offences :001_smile:

I wish ignoring it would make it go away, but it doesn't :001_smile: so I just give my most withering, superior look (at dh of course) and he just laughs more.

At least we have a good sense of humour around here. :lol:

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I can only try to give you some glimmer of hope, in that my now 15 yr. old son finds this behavior "stupid." Yeah! One of the best things I did when he was in third grade, was to stop letting him read "Captain Underpants." (He was in ps at the time where they didn't care what they read, as long as they read!) I found when he was exposed to that type of material, it greatly increased his time spent on that kind of behavior. I know your boys are younger, but just a head's up! :-) Also, you might want to catch some of it on video, as it will make great fodder for a graduation party, or a wedding rehearsal dinner...tee hee.


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I only have one ds (8) and he is right there with the noises. But he also LOVES to talk about the noises too. And make up songs. Constantly. Ugh!


Just telling him to stop made not an ounce of difference but it got so bad that I finally started charging him .25 for each rude word that came out of his mouth. Oh my - you should see the difference now. He is most certainly able to exercise self control with the proper motivation.


He's so cute - now he'll come up to me and say "Mom, I'm so tempted to say XXXX right now" And I'll commend him for his self control. :001_smile:

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What a timely thread! I just said to my husband last night that I feel like I am living in someone's gross out story.:lol:


This one's room reeks from gas. That one's room has dried snot on the wall. Ewwwww!!! :ack2: Are you people trying to kill me??:willy_nilly:


The worst was last night. My eleven year old was sick, he vomited and then felt better. He decided too take a shower and proceeded to vomit again. In the shower. I felt badly for him but questioned why to chose to not get out of the shower. He said he didn't want to clean up the water from all over the bathroom floor. Uh, OK.:001_huh:


My husband had to clean out the tub because I just can't do the barf thing.



This too shall pass??;)



ETA: I painted a pretty unsavory picture of my family there, didn't I? I did not mean to.

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DS 5 - burping, pooting, pinching, licking, spitting

DS 2 - copying brother PLUS digging in his nose all the way to China


This is a recent, surprising set of behaviors in our household. Us parents and the dds DO NOT exhibit, participate in, encourage, or support any of it. And yet, there it is.


Perhaps one of you can shed some light on the matter and help me with a plan of action. Before DS 2 strikes gray matter. UGH!!!


:lol: I have 3 loud and sitnky boys. We let them be boys but there is a time and place. Find the humor in it, let them be boys but reinforce there is a time and place for such behavior. The dinner table and out is public are not the time nor place.

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