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Facebook Gurus- How Do I Get My Feed Back in Chronological Order?

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Anybody know how to un-do the changes FB has made to the news feed to get it back in chronological order? I logged on this morning, and my feed was a big mess. A post a friend made an hour ago was underneath a post another friend made 18 hours ago. I tried searching the FB help center but couldn't find the answer.


Please help!

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A dilemma it seems we're all trying to figure out. My feed is a mess, everyone on my list is a mess, and it's a big whine-fest going on! LOL


No one I know has figured out a way to undo the change - so who knows? One thing you may want to check is your privacy settings....some of my friends realized this morning their FB was fully public again, despite their setting it to friends only! When I checked mine, it was okay, but at least three I know had to go in and redo their privacy settings this morning.

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If your main news feed is out of order, just check at the top. There are two selections to choose from:


"Top Posts" (which I guess means most visited, or most popular)




"Most Recent" (which is what I have to keep selecting because it goes to the other setting on its own sometimes).


Not sure if this is the problem you're having but that's how it works for mine.


Hope it helps.

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You can't "change it back" (I don't know why people always say that…if this website was redesigned, would people ask for a way to "change it back"?) …those top ones that are not in order - if you scroll down a bit, you'll be past them and into the chronological feed. Those tops are your "top news".


Facebook can change whatever they want…they know that hardly anyone will ever leave. :p


After a short bit, everyone will be used to the new setup and feeds will go along without all the fits. [it's all over mine too]

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Agreed--the new way is being forced. You can't sort by "top feed" or "recent" anymore; you are compelled to see at the top whatever the facebook people think ought to be your top news.


Last straw for me, on top of the day I'm already having! (taquitos are going into the oven in the next 2 minutes; I might skip the cupcakes and just eat frosting right out of the can). Moving to Google+ and Twitter.

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you can click the arrow on every top story and choose "not a top story"


i am going to try to do this for a few days and see if eventually it stops trying to choose top stories for me -- then i will only see most recent stuff


I thought about trying that, but I'm guessing it's a losing battle.:glare:

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Things to try:


Changing your language to UK English. This is being reported by several people as a "fix," but it may be only temporary.


Look in the left margin and click on "Close Friends." Add everyone whose posts you would like to see. (I added over 90 people, haha.) Then, after you are done, click on Home (top bar on the right hand side). Click back on the "Close Friends" tab in that left margin. For ME, all of the "top news" disappear, and only my 90+ closest friends' posts show.


I'm also adding people like crazy to Google+. Stupid Facebook.:confused:

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Agreed--the new way is being forced. You can't sort by "top feed" or "recent" anymore; you are compelled to see at the top whatever the facebook people think ought to be your top news...


Ugh, I can't believe that everything they do to "improve" it just makes it more invasive...AND harder to use.


A suggestion to folks who are sick of it: tweetdeck


I don't use it on the computer, although it's an option - but on the smartphone, it's how I view all my social media (for me that's twitter and facebook).


I can reply and comment to facebook posts, and everything comes in IN THE ORDER IT'S POSTED. Everything scrolls in reverse chronological order and I love it.


I guess I hadn't noticed the "improvements" on facebook because I don't do much with them on the computer anymore.


Trying to edit photographs in my albums lately is...utter torture. There's some script that they run now and it's hanging up my computer something wicked.

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I must be weird. I actually like the new set up. I wish my computer would still run Google chrome, but it has decided it doesn't like it and that makes accessing Google+ difficult. :glare:


I'm on Firefox and have no problems with Google+. It took me 6 weeks, however, to figure out that I had to click the little "house/home" icon to get feeds from anyone. Haha. I thought no one was using it, but it was just that I couldn't see it.

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Things to try:


Changing your language to UK English. This is being reported by several people as a "fix," but it may be only temporary.


Stupid Facebook.:confused:



I tried this this morning. It didn't work. Tried it in Pirate too, but that didn't work either. Guessing this isn't a fix anymore.

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If your main news feed is out of order, just check at the top. There are two selections to choose from:


"Top Posts" (which I guess means most visited, or most popular)




"Most Recent" (which is what I have to keep selecting because it goes to the other setting on its own sometimes).


Not sure if this is the problem you're having but that's how it works for mine.


Hope it helps.


This used to work but today I can't find an option for "most recent".


I don't want FB to decide the order in which I see posts. I want to see the most recent one first, then the next most recent, and so on in a reverse chronological order.

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