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what to do? think my dd has a slight tear in her cornea

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or lens (whatever that body part is). Should I just let it heal and watch it to make sure it doesn't get infected or take her in?


TAKE HER IN. Vision is nothing to mess around with. If it is a cornea scratch/tear they will likely give her eye drops and possibly a patch. If it is more than that, it might require surgery.


I had cornea injuries when in college and lost my vision for 3 weeks, had to wear pressure patches, have corneal surgery to reattach the new growth, etc. NOT FUN but certainly nothing to mess around with. Very painful too.

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My daughter had a scratch in the white part of her eye last week and we took her to our eye doctor (which was where the pediatrician said to take her immediately). Everything turned out fine, but the doctor told me that when the cornea of an eye is scratched and the child closes their eyes for more than a few minutes (such as sleeping), there is a chance the eye can actually peel when they open their eyelid. It has something to do with the lid catching on a jagged part of the eye. It completely freaked me out just hearing about it.


So, my advice is to take her in to see an eye doctor. When you call, tell them it's an eye injury to that part of the eye. Good luck :)

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Corneas heal quickly and well....and usually the doctor won't do anything except give some numbing eyedrops. Which can provide blessed relief if you have a nasty scratch.


However, if there is a puncture or the scratch was caused by a cat...you'll need some antibiotics.


I'd take your child in. The ped I worked for always gave the kids a mirror to see the cool way their eye glowed in the dark after he put the solution in it. The solution will stick to the scratch and show up under the ultra-violet light he will examine the eye under. They all LOVED that and usually quickly forgot about the eye pain. Because seriously, how cool is a glowing yellow eye? :D

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Corneas heal quickly and well....and usually the doctor won't do anything except give some numbing eyedrops. Which can provide blessed relief if you have a nasty scratch.


However, if there is a puncture or the scratch was caused by a cat...you'll need some antibiotics.


I'd take your child in. The ped I worked for always gave the kids a mirror to see the cool way their eye glowed in the dark after he put the solution in it. The solution will stick to the scratch and show up under the ultra-violet light he will examine the eye under. They all LOVED that and usually quickly forgot about the eye pain. Because seriously, how cool is a glowing yellow eye? :D



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My dd actually gouged a lice o f my cornea out. It was awful. The worst pain I have ever felt. The eye doctor gave me antibiotic drops and another drop to keep it moist. Mine healed on its own, but needed monitoring. I could not touch my eye as I could have opened it back up quite easily.


Anyway, I vote you go to the eye doctor!


Eta. I forgot. Te doc also had me wear a contact thing to protect my eye.

Edited by Jennifer in MI
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I scratched my cornea in college and it hurt a lot!


I was given antibiotic drops. I don't enjoy using antibiotics if I can help it, but I think it would be good to have her get checked and see what they recommend.


We don't mess around w/ eyes. My DH experienced a severe sports-related eye injury in high school and still deals with the repercussions.

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Ditto to what everyone else says - take her in.

Scratched cornea = excruciating pain. Mine was infected (this was just about 4.5 weeks ago) and I got antibiotic drops and steroid drops. I still haven't been able to wear my contacts again, but hopefully after my last follow up this Friday I'll be able to again. It also left a scar on my cornea.

Vision is something not to be messed with :)

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