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Anyone NOT get the Flu vac for themselves and kids?

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We don't get the flu shots around here but I wonder if we should have a couple of years ago.


At DH's hospital this year, they debated making the vaccine mandatory but the staff argued against it and the pro-vaccine side lost the debate.


So for us, no. We don't vaccinate for the flu. But we also don't have any health conditions like allergies or asthma that would make us more susceptible to complications from the flu. And we're not "run around" homeschoolers. We stick closer to home and to a closer pack of fellow homeschoolers, and all of us are very conscious of passing something on to our family friends who DO deal with severe asthma.


And I carry a gallon jug of hand sanitizer from now until May. :lol:

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We have received the flu shot on occasion. Our first year in Indiana we all got the shot, and still got the flu ('03). Then I had us all get both the flu and swine flu shots the year that was a menace. That's it. I don't like getting the shots. I heard somewhere it can contribute to getting Alsheimers (sic).

Last year was our first year in Mass. and I decided not to get the shots.

We haven't had the flu since '03.

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My kids have never had one (10, 8, and 5).


I got them once or twice when I was a teacher because I had asthma. The last one was when I was 7 months pregnant - I got the flu right after that and was the sickest that I have ever been. I know they say you can't get the flu from the shot - I guess the vaccine just weakened my immune system in such a way that I was able to conveniently get the flu. Maybe it was a strain the shot didn't cover. :thumbdown:


I'm sure others find the shot very helpful - to each their own. :)

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No, because we don't need it. I weigh the odds for any medical decision we make, and we do most vaccines, but not the flu. Over the years, only one of us (me!) has had the flu once. I was pretty sick (hospital visit for IV fluids, etc.,) so we know what the flu looks like. But my dc are very healthy: they eat well, sleep well, and they don't get sick much. It's been years since one of them has had a cold.


If I had a child (or if I was) compromised in some way that made it likely that we would die from influenza, I would choose otherwise.

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We got the vaccine once --well okay technically youngest and I got the vaccine bec we're asthmatic and others the mist. Youngest was highly allergic to it so he quickly ended up in respiratory distress. After several thousands of dollars later we were advised NEVER - EVER, EVER - to get the flu vaccine or mist for any family members. I had already made that decision and so wished that I had gone w/ my gut reaction to not get it the first time --but when you have a toddler that has had RSV and asthma and the medical community makes you feel like a horrible mother for not agreeing you do things against your better judgement bec you're tired.

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I don't pay that much attention to "the press" (news/etc) so I've never really seen any debates… I'll go look at those links again after I have my coffee because their "plain language" isn't very plain. :laugh:


[i'll check 'em out though yes. and the website.]


From my link on the use of influenza vaccine in healthy adults



-Vaccination had a modest effect on time off work and had no effect on hospital admissions or complication rates. (emphasis mine)

-The combined results of these trials showed that under ideal conditions (vaccine completely matching circulating viral configuration) 33 healthy adults need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms. In average conditions (partially matching vaccine) 100 people need to be vaccinated to avoid one set of influenza symptoms.


emphasis mine in the underlined portion of the statement below:

- Fifteen of the 36 trials were funded by vaccine companies and four had no funding declaration. Our results may be an optimistic estimate because company-sponsored influenza vaccines trials tend to produce results favorable to their products and some of the evidence comes from trials carried out in ideal viral circulation and matching conditions and because the harms evidence base is limited.


From http://www.cochranejournalclub.com/vaccines-for-preventing-influenza-clinical/

Authors' conclusions: Influenza vaccines have a modest effect in reducing influenza symptoms and working days lost. There is no evidence that they affect complications, such as pneumonia, or transmission.

Edited by Momof3littles
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We don't get them. 1. It never fails that the strain of flu going around our area is not the one being vaccinated for. 2. DD, my brother, my oldest ds, and my brother's youngest son, my sister, and my eldest maternal cousin all have documented severe, life-threatening vaccine reactions in addition to dd is very sensitive to egg white which is the medium (albumin) that many vaccines are grown in. 3. Guione Barre (sp?) is a rare side effect of the flu vaccine (very rare for most people) but we have a familial hereditary propensity towards it. My brother is just now fully recovered from his bout after the flu vaccine...one of three cases in our county.


So, none for us. But, my mil gets the vaccine every year, not a hint of a reaction, and she doesn't get the flu...just a mild cold each January. It seems to work for her and on dh's side of the family, all of the kids have been able to fully vaccinate without a hint of trouble. It's unfortunate that ds and dd didn't inherit that portion of the genetics from dh.



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We got the vaccine once --well okay technically youngest and I got the vaccine bec we're asthmatic and others the mist. Youngest was highly allergic to it so he quickly ended up in respiratory distress. After several thousands of dollars later we were advised NEVER - EVER, EVER - to get the flu vaccine or mist for any family members. I had already made that decision and so wished that I had gone w/ my gut reaction to not get it the first time --but when you have a toddler that has had RSV and asthma and the medical community makes you feel like a horrible mother for not agreeing you do things against your better judgement bec you're tired.



:grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry. BTDT! Despite the overwhelming medical documentation on our maternal, familial heritage of immune systems that go into hyper-active kill you overdrive from vaccines and a dd in the medical profession who gets her Hep B updated IN THE ER so they can work on her immediately because her EMS refuses to employ her without it and she is willing to assume the risk - makes me just about go out of my mind - we ended up firing a pediatrician because he was adamant that she was faking shock and a fever verified at 106.5. Idiot!



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I've never been vaccinated for anything, including the flu. I don't think I've ever had the actual flu. If I did, it was before the age of 10. I never caught the flu in high school or college. The only sicknesses I have gotten which made me sick enough to stay home happened in the summer and definitely weren't the flu. DH doesn't get the flu shot either, and I don't think he's ever been truly sick in the years we've known each other.

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