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Anyone heard of the People To People Student Ambassador Program?

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We received a letter today addressed to the parents of our dd13. My only guess is that some sweet dear soul who knows her sent in her name to be considered. It is offering her a place in their 2012 trip to Europe, for an 'educational exploration program' for junior high students to be ambassadors for their community. I can't imagine the costs involved, but just out of curiosity, I wondered if anyone here has heard of their program. Of course, she is berserk with excitement at the very thought. :)

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Thank you, ladies. Apparently these letters are received every year, and are talked about here. :D I wasn't even going to mention the letter to dd because I am so suspicious of these types of things, but she saw it on the counter with her name on it and thought she was a celebrity or something! Well, if somebody did nominate her, that was very thoughtful. Thanks for the help.

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Thank you, ladies. Apparently these letters are received every year, and are talked about here. :D I wasn't even going to mention the letter to dd because I am so suspicious of these types of things, but she saw it on the counter with her name on it and thought she was a celebrity or something! Well, if somebody did nominate her, that was very thoughtful. Thanks for the help.


The kids aren't really nominated. The company receives mailing lists from soccer, boy scouts and other such organizations.

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We just got a letter about this re: my dd as well. She's only 9! I thought there must be some mistake. I also figured it couldn't really have been a personal nomination since they didn't even spell her name correctly. :tongue_smilie:


From looking at the website, it seemed that you don't really need a letter to go to one of the informational meetings - it seems anyone can sign up, but I wasn't looking thoroughly, so I might be wrong about that.


(Fwiw, I threw the letter away without telling dd about it - even if it's on the up and up, it's not something my 9yo is going to participate in.)



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My son has gotten several letters over the years....starting when he was about age 10. There's no way that he was nominated. I wouldn't even dream of letting him go off on a trip to another country with total strangers. I'm surprised some people have done this or even considered it. Those letters get thrown in the trash. But....this is just my opinion. :001_smile:

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My first experience hearing about them was on another message board - in the context of the lawsuit mentioned in the Wikipedia article - the child who died in that case was a type 1 diabetic and was not properly treated or monitored and left in a hotel room for more than 24 hours by himself, and he died.


I was shocked when my neighbor across the street sent her daughter to Europe with them last year, and then Australia this year. I never voiced my concerns with her but was surprised, nonetheless, that she did. They did a TON of fundraising and I don't know how much they had to outlay themselves.

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Two of my highschoolers were "nominated" by a publich school teacher neighbor of ours.


I use quotes around nominated because part of P2P's marketing strategy is to attempt to persuade that a great honor has been bestowed upon their child.


In reality, it is nothing more than a travel agency. They do have a few meetings prior to trip where students make presentations on countries they will be visiting.


The price was high, but my students enjoyed the trip. However, it probably would cost less if you made the arrangements yourself.

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My first experience hearing about them was on another message board - in the context of the lawsuit mentioned in the Wikipedia article - the child who died in that case was a type 1 diabetic and was not properly treated or monitored and left in a hotel room for more than 24 hours by himself, and he died.


I was shocked when my neighbor across the street sent her daughter to Europe with them last year, and then Australia this year. I never voiced my concerns with her but was surprised, nonetheless, that she did. They did a TON of fundraising and I don't know how much they had to outlay themselves.



Oh yeah, the fundraising raises my hackles! Why do people think it is ok to ask other people to help finance a pleasure trip for their children?

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Well, it was a nice thought, while it lasted...the letter is now hanging on dd's bulletin board as a memento. :D We are hoping that we all can participate in a missions trip that our church is considering for next summer. That would be a much better goal than a fancy trip to Europe.

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I have received the adult invites several times because they target market to various professional categories, more than one of which I have fit into over the years. There is no more "honor" to it than there was to the multiple sales pitches that I have received to pay for my name in the "Who's Who Among..." series.


That noted, however, one of my friends has taken two trips with the P2P program, and had very enjoyable experiences both times.

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