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Gluten free evening comfort foods?


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I have been doing fairly well being gluten free expect for the evening. I just need a little something in my stomach to be able to sleep. I have a hard time with rice gluten free crackers and all the gluten free breads, etc. So far I have been resorting to potato chips but don't really think I should eat those every evening. I have been resorting to graham crackers and milk, which are not gluten free, of course. Any ideas for a little something that feels carby but isn't a store bought gluten free concoction of some sort?

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A little popcorn with butter is very comfort-food-y to me. I also just made some GF banana bread that was excellent--might be good to make into little muffins or slices that you can freeze. Just pop one out an hour before bedtime to thaw, then toast a bit and add a bit of butter (or not, it was excellent without!).

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The homemade granola is a great suggestion. Homemade trail mix is an option too - throw together some nuts and raisins and it makes a great snack.


Whoever mentioned the fried apples made me super hungry. :glare:


My favorite night time snack is a couple pickles and a slice of cheddar cheese. I know it's not carby, but it tends to meet whatever cravings I have. It's a little salty, and crunchy, and filling. A nice cup of decaf chai tea with a splash of almond milk can usually do the trick too.

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I like a little popcorn with Parmesan & black pepper, good chocolate with nuts, tortilla chips & whatever is in the fridge for dipping (hummus, salsa).


As far as baking: I just made chewy walnut squares (with pecans. I don't care for walnuts) and substituted Pamelas for the flour with no difference in texture or flavor. I've also substituted Bob's GF AP flour for the flour in Outrageous Brownies with no difference in the finished product. Ahearn's all-purpose blend (gluten-free girl & the chef blog) made an excellent shortbread crust for my favorite lemon bars (who wants seconds blog), that even my non-GF friends (who love those lemon bars) voted no-difference.

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egg custard

minute muffin in the microwave using almond flour

full fat yogurt w/ a drizzle of honey or a handful of berries

coconut milk-whisk a tiny bit in a mug with cocoa powder (I'm assuming straight cocoa powder is GF) and your sweetener of choice. A teensy tiny bit of salt is good in there too. Whisk til it becomes a smooth paste and then top off with the rest of your coconut or almond milk (or regular milk).


whipped ricotta (nice w/ a tiny bit of sweetener)

homemade gluten free muffins/quick breads frozen and ready to pull out when you need a snack. Or homemade GF waffles or pancakes?

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mashed potatoes

nuts and fruit

lara bar

corn chips and salsa or hummus

lettuce wrap

celery is salty with nut butter or cream cheese

good chocolate

warmed dark chocolate almond milk



Oh my gosh! All of these are sounding good.


When I'm pms-y and want a sweet snack, I have an organic brown rice cake with natural peanut butter and organic strawberry fruit spread on it. Mmmm.


Date/nut balls or rolls are delicious and feel like a guilty pleasure. Or MelanieM's frozen "snickers" which are pitted Medjool dates filled with a mix of raw almond butter and cocoa powder. You can add a little honey to the almond butter if you want it sweeter. Soooooo good!

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