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Prayer request for our family, please.

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Dh's cousin, Claire, passed away yesterday morning. This is the sister of his cousin that died on Valentine's day. Poor Aunt Mary, having to bury two children in one year. Dh was very close to Claire. She has been a mentor to him throughout his career and has been a source of support since dh is the executor of his other cousin's estate (which is a total mess.) Our children adored her. She had no children of her own and always took time to connect with our children whenever she was in town.


This is so sudden. She had MS, but was doing very well. She organized her brother's memorial service 6 weeks ago and was in town a couple weeks ago for a conference. Her husband is very shaken. Dh is very shaken.


I am so worried about Aunt Mary, who has been in a rehab center for 5 weeks due to a broken ankle. She has been declining since her son died. Her other son is driving in from out of town to tell his mother in person that she lost another child. I am afraid that this will take away whatever will to live she has left.


Please up in prayer, her husband, Dick, her mother Mary, her brother Rich, my dh and children.

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Dh's cousin, Claire, passed away yesterday morning. This is the sister of his cousin that died on Valentine's day. Poor Aunt Mary, having to bury two children in one year. Dh was very close to Claire. She has been a mentor to him throughout his career and has been a source of support since dh is the executor of his other cousin's estate (which is a total mess.) Our children adored her. She had no children of her own and always took time to connect with our children whenever she was in town.


This is so sudden. She had MS, but was doing very well. She organized her brother's memorial service 6 weeks ago and was in town a couple weeks ago for a conference. Her husband is very shaken. Dh is very shaken.


I am so worried about Aunt Mary, who has been in a rehab center for 5 weeks due to a broken ankle. She has been declining since her son died. Her other son is driving in from out of town to tell his mother in person that she lost another child. I am afraid that this will take away whatever will to live she has left.


Please up in prayer, her husband, Dick, her mother Mary, her brother Rich, my dh and children.

I'm so sorry! I'll pray for your family! :grouphug:

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