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How far ahead do you buy textbooks?

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Depends on the price really.


If it's free, I take it home. :D


If it's almost free (garage sale, library sale, etc,) I take it home. :001_smile:


If I have to pay shipping, I think about it for awhile (up to years.)


Full price, with shipping, I don't buy til I need it and have given up on all other sources.

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I've been known to buy resources years in advance. You can never have too many books (textbooks included).




However, I think it's easier to do, at least for me, in the upper grades. I know what might appeal to ds, which direction we'll be going. In the earlier grades that wasn't always so clear.


I also buy if I'm looking for self-education. I might use a text to brush up on a subject myself.


Price is also an issue. I've found a lot of wonderful texts at thrift stores. I've paid around 10.00 for a few items, just to preview. We aren't near a lot of homeschoolers or a good library, so the investment is worth it to me.


I usually pull multiple resources into our classes anyway. So I may have them around for reference material too.

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If I get a good deal. I have R&S English for next year. I bought this year and next year, together, used. It was less than buying this year new. I did the same thing with Singapore math.


I found the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade "What your......needs to know" books at Borders going out of business sale. I got all three for less than the price of one normally.


So, I have some stuff, but did not spend excessively.

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I've purchased a few things well in advance. Things I know we'll definitely use because they're working well and I see no future issues cropping up with the materials.


My advance purchases include:


Singapore Math through 6B.

This was only due to happening upon a teacher store in our travels that was having a clearance sale and they had most of the text and workbooks on sale for $2 each; they also had the HIG's for $8. Why? They were no longer going to carry SM. I've been filling in the holes with the IP's and CWP's since and should have everything in the next year or so, I'm in no rush since we won't need/use most for a while.


Story of the World

Once we started with SOTW Ancients, I knew we'd continue through with the four year cycle, so I've purchased the complete set and have it ready to go as we wrap up each set.


All About Spelling

At this point, I'm confident enough we'll be doing AAS for a while, so I've purchased everything through Level 4. As we continue along, if I'm still convinced we'll go through to the final levels, I'll get those too.


Not curriculum, but I also love having the entire set of What Your ___ Grader Needs to Know on hand.


I think this needs to be tempered with my "fails" though. There were some things I was quite enthusiastic about and purchased in advance that just did not work out for us and I've got just sitting there, wondering if I should keep just in case they'll work out for our little one in years to come, or if I should sell/donate them and just start again with the little one in a few years.


Things I picked up thinking they'd be perfect include: RSO, RS4K, Saxon Phonics, Bob Books, ETC and SWO. Those were all epic fails with DS, so now I am much more cautious and picky about buying too far in advance (hence my reluctance to go all out and buy all the AAS levels at this point).

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I bought a book for 2012-2013 today to fill out an Amazon order, and I'll probably get another if I get payment today for a book I have listed on Homeschool Classifieds.


I have a few other books that go further, but they're classics or books from authors/publishers that we're very likely to continue with.


We've been at this for over a decade though, and the end is in sight. So I pretty much know what I like and what the youngest will use.

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