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Saw a post by Volty...

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Can you tell him we were concerned for him?


He was not here much, but I thought he was awfully funny and charming in a sort of rough and tumble way.



Rough and tumble meaning a guy sort of way? ;) Anyway, I agree.


So glad to know he and his are unharmed.

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Rough and tumble meaning a guy sort of way? ;) Anyway, I agree.





Yes, exactly. Not always the best manners, but he seemed like a geniunely nice guy.


Sheesh, we are talking about him like he is the dearly departed!!!


I do wish he would come back around here though. You don't suppose he has a life outside the internet , do you? :001_unsure:

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I'm so relieved. When he went missing, I read through some of his old posts. He talked about his wonderful wife and beautiful little baby daughter, and how they planned to homeschool her one day. He was reading here and thinking about her (future) homeschooling journey. It has been heartbreaking to read the stories coming out of the earthquake areas and to think about Volty being one of the victims. I hope he appears back on our board soon and lets us know in person that he's OK.

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Can you tell him we were concerned for him? QUOTE]


Well, I'm not exactly a participant where I saw his posts - it's not a homeschool board. I was just up late one night, wondering about him and his family, and I decided to follow a link he once gave to another place he frequents (it's a football forum) to see if anyone there had heard from him. He was there posting and made mention of little damage in his area, etc. He even said something to the effect that he's not posting on his other sites anymore... has some other interests he's pursuing for now. I was just glad to hear that they're safe.

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Can you tell him we were concerned for him? QUOTE]


Well, I'm not exactly a participant where I saw his posts ...I decided to follow a link he once gave to another place he frequents (it's a football forum)...



Can't get your jock voice on? Feel sqeamish about slapping someone on the butt? I'm sure you'd fit RIGHT in over there. :D

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Can't get your jock voice on? Feel sqeamish about slapping someone on the butt? I'm sure you'd fit RIGHT in over there. :D

I'm reading a little fast today. I was thinking, "Why would you have to wear a jock to visit a forum?" Missed the word voice. Is that considered a mental typo? Kinda like a brain fart? And, we need a smilie that slaps butts.

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