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tips on painting with kids??

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So I was trying to paint with a 4 yo and 3 2yo's. Yeah, kinda messy. How do you guys usually paint. Indoors, outdoors? Do you give them each their own paint or share? Do you use paint cups full of paint, or limit it with small amounts on a paper plate, etc. Same paintbrush or one paintbrush for each color?

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We paint a lot, and we've done it a number of ways.


I used to have an easel set up in a bathroom. The bathroom has a tile floor and tile halfway up the walls, so cleanup, no matter how messy it got, was easy.


Now there are two, and it's too crowded to have all of us in the bathroom. We paint on the kitchen floor, or I put down a cheap vinyl tablecloth in another room and put an easel or a lightweight play table on top of it.


Sometimes we do a brush for each color, sometimes not. If not, I give each of them a short mug of water. We've used paint cups in the past, but the paint always ended up getting mixed between the cups. We stick to paper plates or plastic pallets these days.


The kids used to use smocks, now I just have them do their painting shirtless.


The cleanup for all of this is pretty painless. Let the tablecloth dry, fold it up, and put it away. Rinse the pallets or throw away the paper plates. Rinse the brushes. Washcloth off the kids and the table. All done.

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I have a 4,3, and all most 2 year old. As a former art major we do arts and craftd daily. For painting I use one brush per kid. Everyone gets a small cup with a little water and a napkin/towel. We use washable paint! I have plastic palates I got at micheals. You could use plastic plates too. Then I give them paper and off they go. Be ready to remove paper as they are done with it. Have sink or big bowl to dump supplies as they finish. Clean kids then table then send them away while you clean supplies. I love art and don't usually care about the mess, until the kids make handprints on the walls. Then watch out mama goes nutty. The under 3 set usually turn all paint projects into finger/self painting. If you don't want that be ready to remove paint quickly. We are doing a Picasso study this week so I'm pretty jazzed about painting right now. Also water color is usually less mess and kids love it. Have fun!

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We cover the kitchen table in newspaper, and then I squirt a few dabs of each color on a paper plate (i.e., kiddie palette). They get multiple brushes and stamps to use, but it's no big deal since they set them down on the newspaper. They definitely wear a painting shirt and are not allowed to move from the table without permission (so I can make sure they aren't running fingers along the wall on the way to the bathroom to wash up). We've never had an issue (even with 18 month old boys) doing it this way, but then I kind of lucked out to get two boys who are total neat-nicks from birth.

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Lots of good ideas. LOVE the bath idea. Funny, but brilliant!


This didn't seem to be that big of a deal w/ just my 4 yo, but now that the twins are finally not eating the paint... it seems a bit more complicated! As soon as I would turn my back I would find one of them grabbing for the paint and squirting more on, another painted a beard on himself, etc. :) I'll get this down.

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Well, if you can hold them still long enough, dipping them in the paint head first works best...all that hair makes great bristles.. :lol:







Sorry, I'm feeling my oats tonight...


When my kids were that age, I just stripped them down, squirted finger paint onto a paper plate, covered the table with paper and let them at it. I have some great photos of them covered in paint.


ETA: Shaving cream tinted with food coloring makes great "paint" for the bathtub as well.

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I finallly bought an easel - which is inside on an old shower curtain. I started out only allowing one color (they were all going to get mixed and make black anyway - might as well start there.). Love tempura - comes out with water. I've also gotten the little spill-proof paint cups. paint can't be left in them for long, as it will dry out.

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