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We saw Bill Nye! In person!

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Aaaaaaaaah! Bill freaking NYE came to dh's university. We got there 2 hours early, got in the 4th row (first two were reserved), watched him set up and crack jokes, then waited alone until it started. The Sponge and I were TOTALLY geeking out. (To quote her, "He looked at me twice!!!!!") He was going to speak for 50 minutes, but it went closer to an hour and a half. It was fabulous & funny & science-filled, just what you'd expect from Bill Nye based on his stuff. Then he took questions from the audience, and took a much longer time on that than his helpers wanted him to, lol. And then he did a meet & greet that was very quick--no autographs or real questions, just a hi and a picture--and he got to meet over 250 people that way before he had to leave. (My favorite part was when we left, someone outside the big auditorium was talking with his friends, looked up, saw Bill Nye, pointed, said, "Wait, is that? Really? No WAY!" and he took off at a run straight into the auditorium, leaving his friends all behind, LOL.)


The Sponge was so, SO excited. She told Bill Nye she's seen all of his videos :lol:. You can see her practically bursting with happiness in the pic, lol.


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He is really nice. I know that because I ran into him one day on the street (he's from around here.) It was one of those moments where I thought "I know him" but couldn't remember if it was from church, the neighborhood etc. so I launched into my "how's it going" spiel. After 5 minutes of small talk, I all of a sudden blushed deep red because I realized where I did know him from - t.v. and not in person! He just laughed and said that it was nice talking to me. :blushing:

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