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Hypothyroid: How much does it effect you when you miss a dose?

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I am worried about DS-15. If he misses just one synthroid pill, he gets exhausted by the middle of the afternoon. Once he missed it and towards the end of practice he thought he was going to get sick from being so tired.


Should he be this sensitive to it?


Of course we/he do(es) everything to make sure he doesn't forget but it seems like once a week or so, he does forget.


ETA: He usually takes it as soon as he remembers, sometimes it is late afternoon instead of morning.

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If he's already running on the low end of normal (by missing a dose a week), I can see how each dose has more of an impact.


My body is slower to react, like a bucket that requires time to fill and then gives some buffer. It took 10 weeks for my body to even out after my last dose increase (it was swinging high and low as a result of my body trying to produce more.). Doctor upped dosage and it was gradually getting better, so I kept waiting.


I rarely, rarely, rarely miss a dose. When I do, I don't notice it. But, I think it's because I'm staying in the middle of where I need to be and one dose doesn't swing it so far off.



I'm no doctor, so maybe I have the physiology all wrong. I can only tell you my experience.



I would look at what you need to change in his routine to help him remember. I keep my medicine by my coffee maker. First thing, I get up and start my machine and take my medicine. I never skip my coffee, so I never skip my medicine. Yes, I take it soon before coffee w/ milk and sugar, but well before eating. Since it's always with the same drink, I figure daily absorption is the same and accounted for.

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By about 2, I am no longer making sense. I can't get anything done. I can't even follow threads here. I am accustomed to the physical fatigue as I have never fully gotten rid of that, but the mental fogginess is scary. I am on NatureThyroid. None of the local pharmacies stock it. So, if I don't call in my refill at least 4 business days before I run out, I am out of luck. Not pretty.

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I'm wondering if the variety of reactions to a missed dose isn't dependent on whether the thyroid is completely kaput or still limping along?


Mine is sputtering (Hashimotos.) When my medicine dose is too low, it sputters and makes me cycle through being hyper, then hypo, then hyper, than hypo, etc., etc., So it can help out with a missed dose here and there, but can't keep up long term?


I'm just speculating. I think the wide variety of answers in interesting.

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One missed dose and I am cranky and tired.


Two missed doses and I can count on a migraine.


Asked my doc about this ... Her feeling is that we are all different, but she was not surprised that I am affected by a single missed dose. Some patients are lucky that way. :tongue_smilie: Maybe your son is one of the (un)lucky ones, too?


I do think that lessening the overall number of missed doses would help him weather a single missed dose here and there.

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To answer your question, "I have no idea."


UNSOLICITED ADVICE FOLLOWS (delete if you want to!)


My daughter is the most scatterbrained kid in the world. She's 17. The other day we were just getting in the car and she said (cheerfully, I might add), "Oh, maybe I should grab some shoes." Here she is, in the car, barefoot. We were heading to co-op classes. So she waltzes back in the house, gets the closest pair of flip flops and we're on the road. Very typical for her.


Anyway, that said, she's not missed a dose since being diagnosed 20 mos. ago. The first month or so, I brought it in to her while she was still in bed to get her in the habit (a little overboard, I know, but if you knew this girl). And she's got one of those plastic dosing boxes with the seven little boxes for the days of the week. To my knowledge (and I do spot check now and then to see what doors are up), she's not missed a dose. I also ask her "You ready for breakfast yet?" to remind her to wait before she eats. Every now and then I ask if she's running low on pills so I can figure out when to pick the new batch up. (Wish our plan gave us 90 day refills but it only gives 30 day). It's a constant conversation subject.


Would something as simple as that seven-compartment dosing box help him remember? Or a sign in the bathroom that he'd see in the AM?

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How long has he been on synthroid and what is his dose?


The reason I ask is...I've had a thyroid disorder since I was 10 (I'm 32 now). I was on 75 mcg of T4 between the ages of 10-20. I used to frequently miss my doses at that age...for the same reasons your son does..the routine of school and everything that goes with it.


I recall that my memory was poor until I hit my late teens..maybe hitting puberty coupled with thyroid medication confused my brain...I would also get really sick if I missed my dose for 2 consecutive days.. for eg- blacking out (from low BP due to hypo)

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