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Okay, so my nipples are killing me! My baby is 8 months old and I haven't had any problems, but within the past 2 weeks they have been sore, especially when he nurses. He got is upper teeth about a month ago and has had bottoms for awhile. Took a pregnancy test last week, just a cheap one from the dollar store, and said negative. Should I wait it out or call the doc? (I hate going to the doctors)

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I nursed all of mine for at least 18 months, so experienced mom. has the baby's latch changed? due to teeth, gums, whatever? you might not have noticed, and if the baby is getting adequate milk, baby won't complain. 1ds had a bad latch. I thought he was fine. I was experienced, he was my third. but my nipples were killing me. turned out, he was sucking on the ends. I started shoving my nipple down his throat (well, not really, but I forced him to take more in his mouth than he had been.) and they felt LOTS better.


is there a reason beside sore nipples that would make you think you might be pregnant?


I'd wait. make sure baby was nursing properly, etc.

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Thought pregnancy just b/c I haven't gotten my period back yet (it's pretty late for me) and breast tenderness can be a sign, so I figured I'd rule it out.


I checked baby's mouth for white patches, and there's none but on his tongue which it seems is always there. Didn't think of thrush though, I'll research it some more.


I'll also try adjusting his latch, I'll try anything at this point :)

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I would think one of these: ovulation or pms (temporary pain), change in latch due to tooth eruption (correctable), or thrush. If it is the latch, re-read how to latch in The Womanly Art, I had to do this after eldest got teeth. Just pop baby off (breaking the latch with your finger) and make sure baby is opening wide. If it is thrush, go to the pharmacy and ask for gentian violet. Paint your nipples and baby's mouth with it. Wear old clothes, it stains everything, but it works!

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Thought pregnancy just b/c I haven't gotten my period back yet (it's pretty late for me) and breast tenderness can be a sign, so I figured I'd rule it out.


I checked baby's mouth for white patches, and there's none but on his tongue which it seems is always there. Didn't think of thrush though, I'll research it some more.


I'll also try adjusting his latch, I'll try anything at this point :)


My child did not have the white patches in her mouth just so you know it may still be a possibility. :) Gentian violet worked wonders, but is VERY messy. People asked me if dd had bitten a pen open because it stained around her mouth.

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Thrush is a possibility...depending on how the pain feels. Kellymom.com is a great resource for breastfeeding issues.


Around 8 weeks, my baby got a lazy latch because she felt like she was a pro at that point. The next few days while you are nursing, check the latch and make sure that's not the problem. If his latch looks bad, just fix it and he should get the point pretty quickly.

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I would think one of these: ovulation or pms (temporary pain), change in latch due to tooth eruption (correctable), or thrush. If it is the latch, re-read how to latch in The Womanly Art, I had to do this after eldest got teeth. Just pop baby off (breaking the latch with your finger) and make sure baby is opening wide. If it is thrush, go to the pharmacy and ask for gentian violet. Paint your nipples and baby's mouth with it. Wear old clothes, it stains everything, but it works!


:iagree: I had soreness related to latch changes after teeth came in, and I definitely had soreness when my period started getting ready to come back, so it could very well be any of these factors.

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Or, they can be very distractable at that age, and the tugging from them turning to look around while nursing can take a toll and eventually cause sore nipples.


Yep. I've had soreness issues and it's because my baby tries to nurse upside down, turn his head while still latched, etc. He also gets sloppy with his latch. So I'm working on telling him to open wide and pushing on his chin to get his mouth open big, then relatching him. Also, telling him he has to sit down to nurse and be gentle and repositioning him, if he keeps trying to stand or go upside down while latched, I put him down. They catch on quick.

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Some things to look for in your nipples' appearance re: thrush--redness, shiny appearance on your skin. The Kelly Mom site has a longer list. You definitely don't have to see it in your baby's mouth to have it. Oh--does baby have a diaper rash? Sometimes mom will have thrush and the only sign in baby is a diaper rash.


I also agree with the latch issues. 8 month old babies can definitely develop bad nursing habits. That was probably about the time when I had to start nursing in a quiet room because someone would walk in and distract the baby who would then turn around to see who it was without breaking the latch. It stretches your tissue and causes soreness. Check to be sure that baby is nursing with head, shoulders and hips mostly in alignment. If he is turning his head to nurse, then that puts pressure/stretches tissue as well. I think we had better luck going to lie down for a few minutes to nurse whenever possible because I could get her to lay on her side and positioning was better. Plus, when you have a baby crawling/walking around everywhere, it's good to just have a little rest periodically enhanced by those great relaxing hormones!

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