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So, I have the spine of a 70 year old; Neurologist or Orthopedic?


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I fell off a horse when I was 16 and was given some aspirin and an ice pack for a few days. Of course, this WAS 30 years ago. But I am in constnat pain, especially now that I cannot take NSAIDS. Upon further investigation, it has been discovered that my spine (and neck) are in REALLY crappy shape.


I went to a neurologist who told me, flat out, that he wouldn't touch my back as long as I was obese. Well, gee thanks, but I really canNOT exercise much; if I do, I can't get out of bed the next morning. And oh btw, I have 2 kids. So now, we're lining up an appt with Dr. number 2, and trying to figure out if it really matters which one to see. The one thing that IS certain is this: DH says it IS getting fixed. Period. My spine is about 25 years ahead of me; I still have a life that I (and we) want to live. Fix the pain. Now. (He really is a great advocate for me! I LOVE him for that, among other things! :001_wub:)

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My spine is much older than I am as well. I first consulted a spine surgeon for surgery, and now have a fantastic physical therapist. In my state PT requires a prescription; in most states it does not. Find a recommended physical therapist and get evaluated and start a program. It will help!

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I had a similar accident, and a back doctor totally blew me off when I saw him a few years later. He said I wasn't really in pain and needed to lose weight and exercise. So the pain got worse for a couple of decades until my husband forced me to see a chiropractor. It was the first time I'd ever had a back x-ray and my neck was horribly messed up.


I improved greatly with chiropractic care. I've since had another injury to my lower back and hip that did better with physical therapy. Massage can also be very helpful with tight back muscles, though it will not do anything for the spine itself.


I've known lots of people who've had back surgery. Only one of them was happy with the results. My neighbor is now totally disabled from the back surgery she had last year. I've known more people with experiences like hers instead of the person who was happy. So please try some other options before resorting to surgery. In my experience, it really should be the absolute last resort.


Good luck. And always be picky with any medical professional you choose, be it an M.D., chiropractor, or physical therapist.

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I think that a physical therapist might be able to help you--both with your back and allowing you to be more comfortable so that you can exercise more---I too am overweight and have come off a horse too many times. Water aerobics followed by time in the hot tub was very helpful for me. The regular physical therapist was great as well. As weird as it sounds, you might also want to see about having your walking evaluated and get some different shoes and/or orthodics to help with that. That too has helped my back pain as I was shifting my walking to protect my hips.

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I fell off a horse when I was 16 and was given some aspirin and an ice pack for a few days. Of course, this WAS 30 years ago. But I am in constnat pain, especially now that I cannot take NSAIDS. Upon further investigation, it has been discovered that my spine (and neck) are in REALLY crappy shape.




I'd go nowhere before seeing my chiropractor. we've had miracles with a GOOD chiro. I prefer chiro's who also are certified to do extremeties. all the way from dh's back that western med would have treated with surgery, ds major abdominal symptoms (due to an unrecognized spinal injury), and to dd's wrist not being able to move..

Edited by gardenmom5
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You don't need to exercise to lose weight. Definitely seek out your pain management ideas but weight loss would help as much as anything else, whatever you can manage.


ETA I'm in about the same boat, or headed that way. I have a bad back and need to lose weight also; I know from times in the past when I have lost that my back pain, along with a lot of other aches and pains, were greatly diminished.


and I also understand that it's hard to make positive measures when you feel horrible. Hang in there!

Edited by livingnlearning
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I blew two disks in my back a couple years ago. I did not have the sugeries suggested. In order of what I did


Chiro--great guy, but it made me worse. We didn't know the time I had blow the disks and his manipulations were irritating it more.


Physiatrist-- a medical dr who specializes in the way the whole body works together.


--Finally got films that showed the bulging disks. Saw an orthopoedist that referred me to sports med.


PT #1--made me worse


MD#1 (at a major sports medicine center)--specializes in physical medicine and rehab. Started steroid injections in my spine (Procedure #1). Suggests surgery #1


PT#2--useless therapy, then told me he couldn't help me with my condition.


New films show the disks blew. My pain of out of control and I am not able to walk across the room pain free. I go off of work again at this time and decide to let drs intervene surgically.


MD#2--pain management- he did a good job with oral meds and continued steroid injections. He also recommends surgery #2 (Spinal Cord Implant) at a later time in my treatment--not at the beginning


MD#2--neurosurgeon at sports medicine center...recommend surgery#3


MD#3--neurosurgeon at major university...recommend surgery #4. He also apologizes as he leave the room and shakes his head at my condition/age. You can tell he is genuinely sad at my prognosis.


MD#2--neurosurgeon changes his mind and wants to switch from surgery #3 to surgery #5.


MD#4--head of neurosurgery at university agrees that Surgery #2 is a good idea and is adamantly against any other surgeries/procedures.


PT#3--wonderful pt but I am too far gone for her to help me. Suggests I consider surgery.


EACH one the drs disagreed with the others, and said that their procedure/surgery was the only way to go. I even had one MD#2 who changed his own mind within a few month. This is why I did not have any of the surgeries. Each time I went for a second opinion..I would get a different suggestion. None of my drs wanted to agree with the other. Finally, I had two drs agree that the spinal cord implant was the best idea for me, so I scheduled it. Then I tried one last PT before the surgery.


PT#4--saved me from surgery. She worked differently from the other PTs and was less concerned about the symptoms of my back currently, and more focused on changing my core muscles, posture, sitting/laying style and how all of that played into my pain. She was the most valuable dr I saw. If you can find a PT like this, that focuses on the core....This is where I would start!



I tried many, many medications and found a few that helped.


After my pain was under control, I switched to an herbal med Zyflamend. It is one the best pain meds I have found for my lower level pain.

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PT#4--saved me from surgery. She worked differently from the other PTs and was less concerned about the symptoms of my back currently, and more focused on changing my core muscles, posture, sitting/laying style and how all of that played into my pain. She was the most valuable dr I saw. If you can find a PT like this, that focuses on the core....This is where I would start!



I tried many, many medications and found a few that helped.


After my pain was under control, I switched to an herbal med Zyflamend. It is one the best pain meds I have found for my lower level pain.


:iagree: with all of the above! I had no idea how much guarding and adjusting I had been doing over the years to reduce pain. Gentle, correct strengthening has changed my life. Zyflamend works wonders, too.

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I have just started water aerobics. I'm having problems getting it into our schedule though, as the classes are 9-10AM. PRIME schooling time. But I am able to get there 2-3X wk.


HeartofSunshine; I'd LOVE to find something like that. I've also heard about having an electrostim thing put into the back also; at this pint, I'd eat dirt if they told me it would take the pain away.


I've been to 2 chiropractors and neither one really helped. Also had several PTs and while it helped while I was going (ultrasound, electrostim, BIG heat and ice packs, massage etc.) as soon as my script ran out, the pain came back.


I'm am about at the end of my rope. DH is doing most of the luandry and cooking. And the girls are doing most of the housekeeping. I take a nap every afternoon because I can't get a good night's sleep, because of the pain. It Sucks.

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DH had six back surgeries and nearly died after #6 (surgical infection). All were done by top-notch surgeons who "knew what the problem was." In each case, there were unexpected issues once they got in there. And back surgeries are notoriously dicey when it comes to whether they work or not. There are many variables of course, but spinal fusion has a success rate of 75-80%. Spinal fusion was NOT a success for my DH, and the rare complications nearly killed him.


If we had could do it again, he would have not done #6, and asked for a lower-level job at work that would allow him to get in shape and put him under less stress. His disability forced that anyway.


The only thing that has helped him is a spinal stimulator, and even that is incomplete relief and of course it was an expensive, long process to get it. Even with that, he suffers a lot.

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Cin, while you wait for surgery or other therapy, you could try taking Turmeric as a supplement. It is an anti-inflammatory and i was thinking of it since you mentioned you cannot take NSAIDs anymore.


I have some zyflamed that I bought a while back. I had forgotten about it. I think it has tumeric in it. If not, I will grab some tumeric too. I think I said earlier; I have reached the desperate stage...

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