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Who said, "Snake!"

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OH MY LANDS can the adrenalin stop for a day?!




DS 6 screams, "SNAKE!"


I grabbed the shovel.


The grass was too thick to cut off it's head. So I had my dd call my mother at the end of the road to come and rescue us.


She declares it, "Beneficial." And lets it go. It's in the bush at the end of the driveway. Oh yeah, she tells me that there are sometimes rattle snakes but this was just a bull snake.




The good news today is that the phone company was able to increase our bandwith to a gig. So Netflix IS available. :auto:

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Around here we have lots and lots of spiders. I hate spiders. No, I LOATHE spiders. But, I have one other fear that tops them all and that is fire. So, my children will be playing downstairs and one of them will call out "SPIDER" at the top of their lungs, which from upstairs where I am, sounds suspiciously like FIRE! So, I freak. And I mean freak. Like, panic attack, hyperventilate, the works. The kids look at me like I am CRAZY and say, "Mom, spider. Not fire. SPIDer". :glare:

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OH MY LANDS can the adrenalin stop for a day?!




DS 6 screams, "SNAKE!"


I grabbed the shovel.


The grass was too thick to cut off it's head. So I had my dd call my mother at the end of the road to come and rescue us.


She declares it, "Beneficial." And lets it go. It's in the bush at the end of the driveway. Oh yeah, she tells me that there are sometimes rattle snakes but this was just a bull snake.




The good news today is that the phone company was able to increase our bandwith to a gig. So Netflix IS available. :auto:





You at least attempted to attack with a shovel. I, on the other hand, would have run screaming to the sheriff's office, whereupon I would have demanded a nuclear bomb be dropped on my yard, thereby getting me labeled as a nut or an enemy of state, and really disrupting dh's workday


I wish I had a mongoose!



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Bull snakes compete with rattlesnakes-we always brought them close to the house and chicken coops/barns when we found them. They are a nice peaceful snake and keep away the rattlers. They can however learn to imitate the sound of a rattler so check for buttons before you whack a snake!


Keep the bull snake. If you're going to live in the country you're going to have to deal with some things that are going to be challenging.

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I was picking zucchinis today when my 13 year old freaked out and screamed "Rattlesnake!" Lo and Behold, there was a small (12-in or so) rattlesnake about 3 inches from my hand! It is still in the same exact spot...I think it's dead. But, I will not be checking on that. My "grew-up-in-the-West-has-dealt-with-rattlesnakes-many-times" husband will have to do that dirty deed when he gets home.



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are mongeeses? legal? iI want one!



You at least attempted to attack with a shovel. I, on the other hand, would have run screaming to the sheriff's office, whereupon I would have demanded a nuclear bomb be dropped on my yard, thereby getting me labeled as a nut or an enemy of state, and really disrupting dh's workday


I wish I had a mongoose!



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Around here we have lots and lots of spiders. I hate spiders. No, I LOATHE spiders. But, I have one other fear that tops them all and that is fire. So, my children will be playing downstairs and one of them will call out "SPIDER" at the top of their lungs, which from upstairs where I am, sounds suspiciously like FIRE! So, I freak. And I mean freak. Like, panic attack, hyperventilate, the works. The kids look at me like I am CRAZY and say, "Mom, spider. Not fire. SPIDer". :glare:


Ha! When my brother was about 12 he took the trash to the burn barrell and came back screaming 'Fire!!!' and my mom thought he was screaming 'spider!!!' and being dramatic about having to take the trash out....she said, 'oh good grief! Get that trash out like I told you to do!' It took several more 'FIRE!' before she understood that the pasture was on fire. 5 acres and 2 out buildings burned down that day.


You are right the two words do sound alike when someone is in panic as they say it.

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The last time one of my kids yelled, "Snake!" we were hiking down a mountain. I cut my ankle so bad tearing back up the mountain that I could hardly stop the bleeding - and I pushed my dil and son down, out of my way.


I have a totally irrational fear of snakes.


After it was all over, my 12yo who had yelled told me he was kidding. :confused: My kids should know better than to tease about snakes.


I'm impressed that you got the shovel. I would have made my dh come home from work or sent my son out to kill it.

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OH MY LANDS can the adrenalin stop for a day?!




DS 6 screams, "SNAKE!"


I grabbed the shovel.


The grass was too thick to cut off it's head. So I had my dd call my mother at the end of the road to come and rescue us.


She declares it, "Beneficial." And lets it go. It's in the bush at the end of the driveway. Oh yeah, she tells me that there are sometimes rattle snakes but this was just a bull snake.




The good news today is that the phone company was able to increase our bandwith to a gig. So Netflix IS available. :auto:


Good for your mom! Definitely keep the beneficial snakes! They compete with the ones with fangs.

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Around here we have lots and lots of spiders. I hate spiders. No, I LOATHE spiders. But, I have one other fear that tops them all and that is fire. So, my children will be playing downstairs and one of them will call out "SPIDER" at the top of their lungs, which from upstairs where I am, sounds suspiciously like FIRE! So, I freak. And I mean freak. Like, panic attack, hyperventilate, the works. The kids look at me like I am CRAZY and say, "Mom, spider. Not fire. SPIDer". :glare:


Make them scream "Arachnid!" instead :D

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