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What's with all the fake pregnancy announcements?

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I can't imagine joking about a pregnancy, especially knowing how many women are struggling with infertility. It's so insensitive and just bizarre!




I can't imagine ME bragging about it either. Sheesh, my son turns 14 soon. I'm not willing to even joke about something like that. Side effects from my cancer tx (not breast cancer) was one of the reasons the doctors suggested I try not to get pregnant again.


dh's grandmother was in her 80s when she got breast cancer. What does that have to do with pregnancy. Another reason to teach your children proper critical thinking skills!!

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Maybe we should come up with a hater status that we can post and then forward to everyone telling them they should post it too. Oh wait...there is probably one of these already floating around out there. :lol:


Count me as a hater too!


I think that is a hilarious idea! I'm thinking of actually doing one! It would say something like:


"Don't you just hate those status updates that tell you to re-post something? Re-post this if you agree. By the way, something bad will happen to you, or you will show yourself heartless, or you don't really love God and America if you don't re-post. Just sayin'"


What do you all think? Would I alienate too many of my friends?

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I did get the message from a friend and I think it's ridiculous. I think they've all been ridiculous. On so many levels. Thanks for the link, I shared that instead.


My favorite re-posts have been the first two on this page (know someone who knows someone and eaten by dragons). Those are the best. Otherwise I'm in favor of the re-post hater post!:D

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I think that is a hilarious idea! I'm thinking of actually doing one! It would say something like:


"Don't you just hate those status updates that tell you to re-post something? Re-post this if you agree. By the way, something bad will happen to you, or you will show yourself heartless, or you don't really love God and America if you don't re-post. Just sayin'"


What do you all think? Would I alienate too many of my friends?


Ahhh.... The irony. I love it!!!

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I think that is a hilarious idea! I'm thinking of actually doing one! It would say something like:


"Don't you just hate those status updates that tell you to re-post something? Re-post this if you agree. By the way, something bad will happen to you, or you will show yourself heartless, or you don't really love God and America if you don't re-post. Just sayin'"


What do you all think? Would I alienate too many of my friends?


Ahhh.... The irony. I love it!!!


Yah, I chickened out. I posted something much more tame. I put: "I don't ever want to be one of those people who posts a status update and then tells you to re-post it. If you agree with me, re-post this."


Then I got even more paranoid that some of my friends might take it too seriously. One of my friends just posted something recently about the Special Olympics. Her daughter is challenged in that way. So, I put another post to be sure to clarify that I was just joking. That I have re-posted before. I think I took all the punch and funny out of it. :glare: *sigh*

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