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Help! My dd 14 never ever stops talking!

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I love this girl so much!! She is a really great kid and we are very close. My problem is also a blessing, but I am going crazy!! She tells me everything!! Every single little teeny tiny detail of everything! On the one hand, I feel so blessed that as a teenager she will talk to me about anything and I do not want to lose that. On the other hand her stories make me dizzy and I sometimes just want to scream "please stop, for 5 min please stop!". Now, she has many many friends and she is going to public high school now, so she is not lonely. I need some advice on how to deal with this. Any ideas??

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My 18yo son is that way and always has been. I spent years pretending interest in the ridiculous things he was constantly talking to me about, while inside my head I was screaming, "please, please shut up!"


Now that he is 18, I am glad I let him talk even when I didn't want to listen. He is not home all that much between two part-time jobs and a girfriend. He still talks a lot, but I am thankful that he wants to talk to ME.

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On the one hand, I feel so blessed that as a teenager she will talk to me about anything and I do not want to lose that.


Now that he is 18, I am glad I let him talk even when I didn't want to listen. He is not home all that much between two part-time jobs and a girfriend. He still talks a lot, but I am thankful that he wants to talk to ME.


Treasure this. It's worth the effort and will end soon enough.


Then you will miss it.

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On the other hand her stories make me dizzy and I sometimes just want to scream "please stop, for 5 min please stop!".


No ideas. I literallydo scream that, though. It doesn't help much, but makes me feel better. Dd10 is getting a little better, but only because she has to compete with ds4...

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DD12 has always been this way. I have had to tell her to stop talking before, because I was so far past the point of bored-intolerant-irritated and was quickly moving to mad-irritated.


She is better than she used to be, but I still have a "no asking questions after 9pm rule". LOL She likes to ask a lot of questions and by that time at night, I am D.O.N.E talking. (I work in customer service during the day so I talk a lot starting at 8am.) After 12 hours, I am not too chatty and honestly start tuning out her chatter to the point that I am rude. It isn't voluntary, my brain just shuts off.

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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I think it is fine to say "honey, I love you, and I really want to hear this story, but I'm feeling like I need some quiet time for a bit before I can really give it the attention it deserves. Can you give me some quiet time to get my head in order, and we can chat later?"

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My dd still remembers when I told her that she didn't need to vocalize every thought that passed through her head. Some of them could just stay in her head! She thinks it's really funny and is much more selective with her words than she used to be.


I would worry that my dd was bothering her friends if she chatted non-stop with them. It's hard to have a conversation if you can't get a word in edgewise, you know? If you think she's dominating the conversations then I would address it. At 14, she needs to make sure she's a good listener.

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Wow! I feel your pain! ALL of my kids love to talk! DD12 and DS9 talk without taking a breath! Then, when they are gone, and my youngest finally gets her turn......here it goes again. Seriously! My ears start bleeding after awhile.


The bad part is, I've started only half listening. I really try to stay focused, but it gets hard sometimes. I worry that they will notice this and misread it. I want them to know that they are valued and interesting. I want them to always feel like they can talk to me.

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