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Moms and young teen DDs


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OK - oldest ds is off to college; youngest most friday nights into Saturday is at his dad's. So dd (age 13) and I are here alone. Really for just 1/2 of Saturday as my ex usually brings ds back home sometime Saturday afternoon. Now: friday nights we hang out and watch a movie. . . but saturdays: give me some ideas of things to do with dd on Saturdays just me and her. I am embarrassed to ask. But, I thought I should! Anyway, this is a good time to do something for her and I alone. BUt what? Shopping - we both hate because the clothes are so aweful. I just offered that we go to IHOP; but she said - at 9:00 am on a Saturday they are really crowded and she wasn't too hungry. OK. I am out of ideas.


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Our local movie theater shows movies before noon that are really cheap! Also, shopping doesn't have to be for clothes- you could go look around a bookstore or craft store. Go for a walk? Bike ride? Play a board game? Make a special breakfast together? Bake cookies? Go out for lunch? You could get one of those Top Secret Cookbooks and go out to eat and try the restaraunt version, then make it at home and see which you like better!

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Hiking? Bookstore? Cook something exotic (to be eaten later when she's hungry again)? Thrift sore shopping (it's its own artform)? Library? Visit local natural attraction?


:iagree: all of that except the hiking is what my 14-year-old daughter likes to do. (She's happy to hike a city all day, just not the woods.) Also, watch the paper for local things that happen on Saturdays. Small, local theatre productions, festivals, or symphonies in the park. Is there a park nearby where you can do one-night cabin camping? Not as much gear or fuss as 'real' camping, but doable in a night. Or a lake with kayak or canoe rental? Can you two take a class together? Sewing? Zumba?

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Play board games, card games or video games.


Cook a new recipe together.


Give each other manicures or pedicures.


Goon nature walks.


Go on field trips.


Read aloud together or listen to audiobooks together.


Volunteer together somewhere.


Do some sort of craft or learn a handicraft together.


Go to a teaching school and get cheap haircuts or massages.


Take a class of some sort together.


Clean up litter in your neighborhood.


Go to yard sales or a flea market.


Write a book, a story, or poetry together.


Have a fun ABC photo contest where you each take pictures of things that start with or remind you of things that start with each letter of the alphabet. Compare and see what creative interesting pictures or ideas you both came up with.


Redecorate, paint, or move things around in a room of your house.


ETA: Go fishing, make a campfire and cook over it, deliver for Meals on Wheels, visit a nursing home, spend time at the library, go geocaching, do some outdoor activities, take an exercise class or rent exercise DVD's, scrapbook, etc.

Edited by NanceXToo
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None of my 3 dd's have ever liked to leave the house early on Saturdays--especially if we had to be home at a specific time (like when your son gets home). I would make Friday evening the time to go out--more fun options. Make Saturday morning a time to hang, fix a fun breakfast, and watch the movie.

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Same challenge here!


Add to the "what to do" question, what to do without blowing the budget. My dd and I can have fun together, but wow, I really have to plan for the expense of it. I think she requires a significantly larger cash investment than my teen guys, who are really quite good with an occasional hamburger and new pair of athletic shoes.


I love what others have suggested so far, thanks for the question, OP!

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Well, today we watched half of ds's college's football game (technical problem with station 1st half!) - kind of enjoyed watching it just the girls as we can both be stupid about football without guys around rolling their eyes. Then we played 3 games of pool (we sort of forget we have that thing). now planning dinner and waiting for youngest ds to come back from my ex's.



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